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Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Science

Ideation Research Procedure Paperwork Fair!

By: Emma Jackson

1. What was your research question or engineering goal this year?

My research question for this year was, which model phone produces the most blue light
and what color would block out the most blue light from that produced?

2. Explain how you tried to identify your research question or
When I started this project, I didn’t know what I was going to do, so
I went to Ms.Allard for help to see if she could give me any ideas or
if one of her ideas got me thinking about something. When I talked
to her she gave me an idea that really interested me s I took it up
as my science fair project that I am now presenting to you.

3. What sources did you used to come up with your idea(s)?
The sources that I used for my project were Ms.Allard, because she
helped me get the idea for this project and she let me use some of the
equipment. Also, my dad is a source for this project, because he helped
me gather some of the phones together for me to test.

What will you do differently next year to expedite the process of
deciding what to do?
Next year I will start the whole idea processes sooner, so that I
will be able to start collecting data as soon as possible. This
year, because I waited so long to get started on the project I was
not able to collect as much data as I would have liked to if I had
started sooner.

You should address the following questions on their own slide(s) for this
1. Completely summarize the information from an article that you referenced
on your tri-fold.

2. Explain how the lit review helped you – if you feel it did not help, explain

The lit review was very helpful for me. When I was completing the lit review it
seemed irrelevant, but looking back at it now the lit review helped me organize
my thoughts. Most importantly the lit review helped me narrow down my
research topic instead of it being very broad.

3. What will you do differently next year to incorporate the information you
gather in your lit review into your planning and product?

Next year I plan to take a deeper look into the information I gather from my
lit view, so that I can have a better idea of how I need to plan out my
research to get a more effective data collection from my product.

1. Briefly describe what you did (your procedure)

First, I set up the Venier Logger Pro Light Sensor to collect the data. Then, I collected the
phones I had brought in, in total I had 28 phones and I was needing 30 for the research
to have good quality. These subjects were given to me to use for the project. With the 2
phones, I did not have I collected the light off a computer and a flashlight just as a base to
See how far the blue light ranges. Once I had all the phones lined up on the table in the
chemistry lab, I turned the brightness up on all of them, then went and scanned them
with the probe. As I went down, I wrote down the type of phone in my lab journal and
then how much blue light was emitted from the screen. The base type of phone I used
was the iPhone 6s. After I put all the phones back away, I took the base iPhone 6s with
a screen protector that I put red, orange, blue, purple, and black on different parts of the
screen and placed it onto the screen of the iPhone 6s. From there, I took the data
from those different colors to see if it made the amount of blue light rise, fall, or stay
the same.

2. What challenges did you have when developing your procedure?

The main challenges I had when I was developing my procedure was where would I
get all these phones from for me to test. Other than that there were no issue in
developing it.

3. What would you do different to make this part of the project easier for you to

To make developing my procedure easier I could have done more research on other
projects like this to see what they did for there procedure and get some ideas. I also
could have asked some science teachers on their opinion to see what I needed to fix
or do differently.

1. What challenge did you have with your lit review?

The most troubling issue that I had was finding the correct information to put into my lit review.
Another issue I had was putting all the pieces together to make a well organized paper
That would be used for science fair and up to par with everyone else’s.

2. What challenge did you have with GSEF paperwork?

I didn’t have any issues with my GSEF paperwork I made sure that I had
everything I needed to and that it was all correct and put together by the
time I needed it to be.

3. What challenge did you have with your research journal?

I did not have any issues with my research journal. I just needed to make sure
that I stayed up to date with my entries and then along with that signing and
dating pages and then putting that into the table of contense. This year we were
required to have 3-4 entries per week and although it was strenuous it really
makes my project look good and it helped with planning things out as well.

4. What challenge did you have with your tri-fold poster?

I had no challenge with my tri-fold poster everything was laid out for us and it was
very straight forward on what we needed to include on it. The printing process was
also very flawless this year, because I was one of he first people to print, so the
teacher was not flustered with multiple kids trying to get there project printed.

5. What suggestion(s) would you give next year’s freshmen for managing the

I would tell the up coming freshman that they need to get the paper work done as
soon as they can so that they can start collecting the best data that they can. Also, if
you have an issue with your procedure then you can still get a god amount of data if
you turned it in early, whereas if you turned it in late your probably wouldn’t be able
to get that much date.

1. Briefly discuss the conclusion of your project.

The color that blocked out the most blue light was purple. With purple it
ranged from 98-140 blockage, blue was 72-114, red was 61-103,
orange was 53-95, black was 52-94. This means that my hypothesis is
wrong, because the purple and blue blocked out more blue light than
red and orange. Overall the phone that produced the most blue light
was the iPhone 8 plus at 260Lux and the lowest was the iPhone 6 at
117.5Lux. One of the major correlations I found in the data is the older
iPhones have a higher lux production, whereas, the new iPhone have a
lower average lux production overall . Overall the data was the
opposite of what I was expecting to find


1. Describe your overall science fair experience
1. What did you enjoy?
2. What do you need to work on?

I enjoyed science fair a lot. I think that it was very well organized and
put together. The thing that I enjoyed the most was the experience
and joy of pushing my self to do something better than I did the year
before. I need work on how I present my project to people.


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