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Developing Project

What goes into making a quality
project status presentation
suitable for management
When to Give a Presentation
• Project status meetings
• At the request of any of the following:
– Management
– Project steering committee
– Board of directors
– Stakeholders
– Clients
Evaluate the Audience First
• Evaluate the audience for your
– The more diverse the background of your
audience, the more general your presentation
will be.
– Make your presentation entertaining as well
as informative to capture and keep their
Design a Standard Background
• To make your presentation consistent,
design a standard background.
– Avoid the backgrounds that come with your
presentation software. Everyone’s seen them
at least three times.
– Develop a tasteful custom background that
will emphasize your project and keep your
audience’s attention. (Just be sure to adhere
to corporate presentation standards while
doing so!)
Design Your Slide Layouts
• What you’ll need to design your slide layouts:
– Title slide layout
– Billet list slide layout
– Typeface color and size
– Special formats
– Logos
• Make your changes within the master slide
function to keep the look consistent throughout
the entire presentation.
How Many Slides?
• Before creating actual slides with content,
think about how many slides you’ll need.
– Keep in mind, it takes two to five minutes to
present each slide. (For an hour-long
presentation, that means 12-30 slides,
depending on how fast you talk.)
– Knowing how many slides you’ll need and
how long it will take to present them will allow
you to focus on the detail of content.
Practice the Presentation
• After you have fleshed out the slides with
content, you need to practice your delivery
of the presentation.
– You need to make sure that your presentation
will not exceed the time allotted to it.
– You need to practice a polished delivery.
– You need to become intimately familiar with
the content and order of your slides.
• Rearrange and reorder your presentation until your
delivery is smooth and perfect.
General Tips
• If you have a corporate logo, put this on your
slide background.
• If you have a project logo or slogan, this could
also be placed on the slide background.
• If you have corporate standards to follow for
presentations, follow them.
– Many companies insist upon standard backgrounds,
fonts, colors, logo sizes, screen layouts, etc.

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