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For hsk we need to learn 9

words with this radical and
further these 9 words will form
62 hsk words.
青 qīng means green
or blue. It is a phonetic
radical, when it comes
in a word it gives that
word the sound of qing
or jing.
For hsk we need to learn 9
words with this radical and
further these 9 words will
help us to practice 62 hsk
These 9 words are

qīng qǐng qíng qīng qíng jīng jīng jìng cāi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

青 讠 日 氵 忄 目 米 争 犭
green speech sun water heart eye rice dispute dog

🍀 💬 🌞 💦 💜 👀 🍚 😤 🐶

qing Jing cai
1. 青 qīng
• Blue; green; greenish black
• Green grass or young crops
• Youth; young people
1. 青 qīng

Blue; green; greenish

It also use for young
people and young crops
青 is also short name for
Chinese province Qinghai
HSK words with 青 qīng
1. Qīng 青 blue, green, young people or crops ~~~

2. Qīngchūn 青春 youth~~~ HSK5

3. Qīngshàonián 青少年 youngsters or teenagers

HSK words with 晴 qíng
1. Qíng 晴 clear/ fine weather ~~~HSK2

2. Qínglǎng 晴朗 sunny and cloudless ~~~ HSK6

HSK words with 睛 jìng
1. Yǎnjìng 眼睛 eye ~~~HSK2
HSK words with 猜 cāi
1. Cāi 猜 to guess ~~~HSK4
HSK words with 静 jìng
1. dòngjìng 动静 movement; activity ~~~HSK6

2. píngjìng 平静 undisturbed~~~ HSK5

HSK words with 静 jìng
3. ānjìng 安静 quiet/ peaceful ~~~HSK3

4. jìjìng 寂静 quiet~~~ HSK6

5. lěngjìng 冷静 calm/ cool-headed ~~~HSK4

6. zhènjìng 镇静 calm/ cool ~~~HSK6

HSK words with 请 qǐng
1. Qǐng 请 to ask/ to invite or make a request ~~~H

2. Qǐngtiě 请帖 invitation card/ written invitation ~

~~ HSK6

3. Qǐngjiǎn 请柬 invitation card/ written invitation

~~~ HSK6
HSK words with 请 qǐng
4. Qǐngkè 请客 to give a dinner party ~~~HSK4

5. Yāoqǐng 邀请 to invite ~~~ HSK4

6. Qǐngqiú 请求 request ~~~ HSK5

HSK words with 请 qǐng
7. Qǐngjiào 请教 to consult/ to ask for
guidance ~~~HSK6

8. Qǐngshì 请示 to ask for instructions ~~~ HSK6

9. Shēnqǐng 申请 to apply for something~~ HSK4

HSK words with 清 qīng
1. Qīngchu 清楚 clear~~~HSK3

2. Qīngchè 清澈 clear~~~ HSK6

3. Qīngchén 清晨 early morning ~~~HSK6

HSK words with 清 qīng
4. Qīngchú 清除 to get rid of~~~HSK6

5. Qīngdàn 清淡 insipid~~~ HSK5

6. Qīngjié 清洁 clean/purity ~~~HSK6

7. Qinglǐ 清理 to clean up/to tidy up ~~~HSK6

HSK words with 清 qīng
8. Qīngxī 清晰 clear/distinct~~~HSK6
9. Qīngxǐng 清醒 clear-headed/awake/
sober~~~ HSK6
10. Qīngzhēn 清真 halal(of food)/clean/
pure ~~~HSK6
11. dèngqīng 澄清 clear(of liquid) ~~~HSK6
HSK words with 精 jīng
1. jīngmǐ 精密 accurate/exact/precise~~~HSK6

2. jīngquè 精确 accurate/precise~~~ HSK6

3. jīngxīn 精心 spiritual/mental ~~~HSK6

4. jīngzhì 精致 delicate/refined ~~~HSK6

HSK words with 精 jīng
5. jiǔjīng 酒精 alcohol ~~~HSK6

6. jīngli 精力 energy ~~~ HSK5

7. jīngcǎi 精彩 brilliant/splendid ~~~HSK4

8. jīngshen 精神 detailed/with utmost care ~~HSK6

HSK words with 精 jīng
9. jīnghuá 精华 best feature ~~~HSK6

10. jīngtōng 精通 proficient ~~~ HSK6

11. jīngjiǎn 精简 to simplify/to reduce ~~~HSK6

HSK words with 情 qíng
1. qíngbào 情报 (spy) intelligence~~~HSK6

2. qíngjie 情节 circumstances/plot~~~ HSK6

3. qíngjǐng 情景 scene/sight ~~~HSK5

4. qíngkuàng 情况 situation ~~~HSK4

HSK words with 情 qíng
5. qínglǐ 情理 reason/sense~~~HSK6

6. qíngxìng 情形 situation~~~ HSK6

7. qíngxù 情绪 mood/state of mind ~~~HSK5

8. rèqíng 热情 passionate ~~~HSK3

HSK words with 情 qíng
9. gǎnqíng 感情 feeling/emotion~~~HSK4

10. tóngqíng 同情 sympathy~~~ HSK4

11. xīnqíng 心情 mood/frame of mind ~~~HSK4

12. aìqíng 爱情 romance ~~~HSK4

HSK words with 情 qíng
13. jīqíng 激情 passion~~~HSK6

14. shèngqíng 盛情 great kindness~~~ HSK6

15. shenqíng 神情 look/expression ~~~HSK6

16. xìngqíng 性情 romance ~~~HSK6

HSK words with 情 qíng
17. shìqíng 事情 affair/matter~~~HSK2

18. biǎoqíng 表情 facial expression~~~ HSK5

ě ǎ ǒ ǐ ǔ

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