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Introduction to :-

Shell Structures.
A concrete shell, also commonly called thin shell concrete structure, is a structure of thin
shell of concrete, usually with no interior columns .

Shell structures are light-weight structures.

Generally curved, assembled to form large structures.
Shell structures has curvatures, while plate structures are flat.

Kresge Auditorium – Massachusetts, USA

Architecture by Eero Saarinen

L’Oceanogràfic – Valencia, Spain


Concrete Shell Structures :-

Casted as single monolithic structure, dome .
The thin shell structures are light-weight structures.
Without the use of internal supports, with an un obstructed plan form.
Ex.:- Domes .
No need of internal supports
Concrete shell structures are mostly for commercial and sports buildings or
storage facilities.

Factors for the development of thin Concrete shell Structures :-

Some concrete shell structures are resistant and can be erected easily.
Moreover , the designing & construction of structures did not stop and
new shapes of shell structures started developing.
Concrete shell structures thickness is less than 10 cms.

Shell: Shell structures are also called plate structures. They are lightweight
constructions using shell elements. These elements, typically curved, are assembled
to make large structures. Typical applications include aircraft fuselages, boat hulls,
and the roofs of large buildings. A thin shell is defined as a shell with a thickness
which is small compared to its other dimensions and in which deformations are not
large compared to thickness.

A primary difference between a shell structure and a plate structure is that, in the
unstressed state, the shell structure has curvature as opposed to the plates
structure which is flat. Membrane action in a shell is primarily caused by in-plane
forces (plane stress), but there may be secondary forces resulting from flexural
deformations. Where a flat plate acts similar to a beam with bending and shear
stresses, shells are analogous to a cable which resists loads through tensile stresses.
The ideal thin shell must be capable of developing both tension and compression.
Types of Shell structures :-

Concrete shell structures made out of monolithic dome .

 The thin concrete shell structures are a light in weight and construction of shell of a
thin shell made of reinforced concrete, use of internal supports giving an open
unobstructed interior.
The shells are most commonly domes .
They may take the form of ellipsoids or cylindrical sections, or some combination.
 Ex:- Commercial buildings, sports buildings, Warehouses , storage facilities.

A shell is a large curved surface with a very slight thickness as compared to its
length and width.
The shell can be used as a roof for light structures or it can envelop the structure
entirely. The shell touches the ground at one or more points, transferring the loads
on its surface to the ground through these points.
Forms of Curvature :- Shell Structures
Forms of Curvature :-
Surface of Revolution are generated by the revolution of a plane curve, called
the Meridional curve.
Revolution are axis, called the axis of revolution.
In cases of Cylindrical and Conical surfaces, the Meridional curve surfaces
consists of a line segment.
Ex. :- Cylinders, Cones , Spherical or Elliptical Domes, Hyperboloids.
Forms of Curvature :- Shell Structures
Forms of Curvature :-
Surfaces of Revolution are generated by the revolution of a plane curve, called
the Meridional curve.
About an axis, called the axis of revolution.
In cases of Cylindrical and Conical surfaces, the Meridional curve surfaces
consists of a line segment.
Ex. :- Cylinders, Cones , Spherical or Elliptical Domes, Hyperboloids.
What are the probable ways of Development ?

Formed by bending a flat plane, the most typical developable shape is a Barrel, and the
barrel shell curve is only in 1 direction.

Barrel :- The Ribbed arch and the Stiffening Beam action together make a Barrel.
There are mainly 2 types of Barrel :-
Long Span Barrel
Short Span Barrel.

Top part of shell is

in compression

Bottom part of shell

is in tension

Structural System of Long Span Barrel vault :-

These are supported at the corners and structurally behave as longer beams.

Structural System of Short Span Barrel vault :-

These are supported at the corners and structurally behave as longer or shorter
Single Curvature Shells are curved on 1 linear axis and are a part of a cylinder or
cone in the form of Barrel vaults and conoid shells

Double Curvature Shells are a part of Sphere, or a Hyperboloid in curvature.

The two curvature shells are differentiated by the rigidity of the two forms and the
complexity of centering necessary to construct the shell form.

Conoid Barrel

Paraboloid Dome
Short span Barrel Vaults :-
Short span Barrel Vaults are those in which Span is shorter than its width.
It is used for the width of the arch ribs between the barrel vault span.

Short span Barrel Vaults


Long Span Barrel Vault :-

Long Span Barrel Vault are those in which span is larger than its width.
Strength of the structure lies at the right angles to the curvature to the span is longitudinal to the

Long span of the longitudinal barrel

vault is from 12-30 mtr. with its
width ½ the span and the Rise is
1/5th of the width.

Long Span Barrel Vault

Different ways to classify Shell structures :-
1. Material :- The material in which the Shell is made of –
a) RCC
b) Steel
Each material will have different properties and will determine the shape of the

2. Thickness of Shell :-
Depending upon Span and width Ratio Shell can be thin or thick.


•Thin Concrete Shells are light in weight
•Thin Shell made up of RCC
Ex. :-Domes, Ellipse shaped and Cylindrical Shaped Structures

Application :- Sports Buildings, Warehouses, Factories.


Advantages of Concrete Shell Structures :-

The curved Shapes often used for concrete shells are rigid in structures.
Shell allows wide areas to be spanned with no internal supports, giving an open,
unobstructed interior.
The use of concrete as a building material reduces both materials and the cost of
As concrete is relatively inexpensive and easily casted into curvatures.

Disadvantages of Concrete Shell Structures :-

As concrete is porous material, concrete shell and dome structures usually have
issues with sealing.
If not treated and handled properly, the rainwater can seep through the roof and
leak into the interior of the building. The seamless construction of concrete domes
prevents air from escaping and can lead to buildup of condensation on the inside of
the shell.
Shingling or sealants are common solutions to the problems of exterior moisture.

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