Quiz Bee Competition

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Quiz Bee

1. The class is divided into four groups.
2. Each group will choose their leader.
3. Then, there are questions flashed on the screen. (10 questions
for easy round, 10 for average and 6 for difficult).
4. The students will listen to the questions carefully and they will be
given 10 seconds to choose their answer and after the given time
each group should raise their answer. If the time is already up and
some group haven't raised their answer yet, automatic wrong.
5. The group who will earn the higest score will receive plus 3 points
and be added to their score of the result of monthly exam.
Easy Round
(2 points)
1. Ethics is about______.

a. judgement
b. moral principles
c. reasoning
d. beauty
2. It  is athe branch of philosophy concerned
with the nature and appreciation
of art, beauty and good taste.

a. Logic
b. Epistemology
c. Aesthetics
d. Metaphysics
3. Which one does not belong to the group?

a. Metaphysics
b. Epistemology
c. Theology
d. Aesthetics
4. It is about reasoning.

a. logic
b. aesthetics
c. ontology
d. Theology
5. How many ethical “isms” are there?

a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6
6. Judgments of aesthetic value rely on our ability to
discriminate at a sensory level, but they usually go
beyond that.
a. Aesthetic
b. Aesthetic judgements
c. judgement
d. none of the choices
7. Ethics comes from the greek term___?

a. Etha
b. Ethikos
c. Ethos
d. Ethnos
8. Epistemology comes from the Greek term episteme which means_____.

a. wisdom
b. love
c. care
d. knowledge
9. It is a branch of philosophy that has something to do with the “ beauty of something”.

a. Ethics
b. Epistemology
c. Aesthetics
d. Logic
10. It incorporates the analysis of the methods of deduction and induction

a. Reasoning
b. Abstract
d. Science
Average round
(3 points)
1. It is under ethical isms which is said to be objective and real.

a. emotivism
b. subjectivism
c. Moral realism
d. prescriptivism
2. It is an “ism” which is about the expressions.

a. emotovism
b. prescriptivism
c. recommendadism
d. criticism
3. It is the branch of philosophy
concerned with the nature
of existence, being and the world
4. It is the study of first principles of logic
and reasoning.
a. Universe
b. Science
c. Universal Science
d. all of the above
5. S believes P is under what kind of condition?

a. truth condition
b. belief condition
c. justification condition
d. none of the choices
6. This branch of philosophy deals
with various problems concerning
7. Denis Dutton (1944 - ) has identified
______universal signatures in human
a. 6
b. 7
c. 8
8. People make a point of judging, appreciating and interpreting works of art

a. Impression
b. Imagination
c. Expertise
d. criticism
9. Prescriptivists think that ethical statements are instructions or recommendations.

a. Prescriptivism
b. perscriptivism
c. Pertivism
d. perspirativism
10. It teaches that moral judgments are nothing more than statements of a person's feelings or attitudes, and that ethical statements

a. objectivism
b. subjectivism
c. emotivism
d. Moral realism
Average round
(3 points)
1. He attributed the three
concepts of philosophy.
2. He /she said that
philosophy is the
successfullove of thinking.
3. He attributed the three
classes of people.
4. It is the best class of
people during the ancient
5. People, though
unconcious have a _____ in
6. She said that
philosophy is thinking
really hard.

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