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EE 301 : Electronic Circuit


DC Power Supply
- A source of electric power (voltage and current) to operate electronic circuits.
- The most common source of energy for electronic circuits is obtained by
converting the electrical energy available in the conventional alternating
current (AC) electric power mains to an appropriate voltage or current.
- Examples: batteries, mechanically driven generators, photovoltaic (solar) cells, and
fuel cells.

DC Power Supply Block Diagram

Transformer Rectifier Filter Regulator Voltage

AC input Divider


• used to step the input AC voltage level up or down

• consists of two winding called the primary and secondary.
• the input to the transformer is applied to the primary
and the output is taken from the secondary.
• operates based on the transformer ratio also known as Transformer
the turns ratio of the component. AC input
• the turns ratio of a transformer is equal to the voltage ratio
of the component
• Example:
A transformer with a turns ratio of 10 to 1, convert the 120V
60Hz sine wave input into a 12V sine wave.
• three types of transformer:
i. step up transformer
ii. step down transformer
iii. isolation transformer

Rectifier :

• Used to convert alternating current (AC) to direct

current (DC).
• The components that are commonly used as a rectifier
are diodes. Rectifier
• There are 3 types of rectifiers:
i. Half wave rectifier
ii. Full wave rectifier
iii. Bridge rectifier


Vi Vo

Filter :

• pulsating DC signal from the rectifier circuit is not a pure DC signal,

a filter or smoothing circuit is used to obtain a smoother DC signal.
• filter is used to remove the pulsations and create a constant output.
• smoothing is performed by a large value electrolytic capacitor
connected across the DC supply to act as a reservoir, supplying
current to the output when the varying DC voltage from the rectifier is falling.
• Example:
the diagram shows the unsmoothed varying DC Filter
(dotted line) and the smoothed DC (solid line).
The capacitor charges quickly near the peak of the
varying DC, and then discharges as it supplies
current to the output.

• regulator circuit is a circuit that helps maintain a fixed
or constant output voltage.
• most electronic circuits cannot withstand the variations
because they are designed to work properly with a fixed voltage.
• the regulator fixes the output voltage to the desired level, Regulator
and maintains that value despite any output or input

Voltage Divider:

80V 80V Divider
R1 R1
Voltage R2 Voltage
Regulator 20V Regulator VR1
0 - 40V
R3 circuit

Constant Voltage Divider Circuit Variable Voltage Divider Circuit

Application of diode as:

Half-wave rectifier
• a rectifier is a circuit which converts the Alternating Current (AC) input power into a
Direct Current (DC) output power.
• the input power supply may be either a single-phase or a multi-phase supply with
the simplest of all the rectifier circuits being that of the Half Wave Rectifier.
• the power diode in a half wave rectifier circuit passes just one half of each complete
sine wave of the AC supply in order to convert it into a DC supply.
• then this type of circuit is called a "half-wave" rectifier because it passes only half of
the incoming AC power supply as shown below.


Forward biased:

• during "positive" half cycle of the AC sine wave, the diode is forward biased as the
anode is positive with respect to the cathode resulting in current flowing through the
• since the DC load is resistive (resistor, R), the current flowing in the load resistor is
proportional to the voltage (Ohm´s Law), and the voltage across the load resistor
will be the same as the supply voltage, Vs (minus Vf), that is the "DC" voltage
across the load is sinusoidal for the first half cycle only so Vout = Vs.

Reverse biased:

• during "negative" half cycle of the AC sine wave, the diode is reverse biased as the
anode is negative with respect to the cathode therefore, NO current flows through
the diode or circuit.
• then in the negative half cycle of the supply, no current flows in the load resistor as
no voltage appears across it so Vout = 0.

• Output voltage for half-wave rectifier circuit current produced only positive cycle. Since
the current through the diode and the diode voltage drop is 0.7V (assuming silicon diode),
the output voltage is: -
Vout = Vin – 0.7V

• the frequency output signal is equal to the input frequency

• the value of the DC voltage VDC across the load resistor is calculated as follows:

VDC = Vpeak = 0.318Vpeak

Where Vpeak is the maximum voltage value of the AC supply

• two basic conditions to be considered, for diode to be in the ON state are:

i. A diode must be in forward bias condition or the arrow of the diode must be in the same

direction of the current flowing in a network

ii. The voltage supply, V, must be greater than the diode voltage (Vd)
• a rectifying circuit converts AC voltage which is an alternating current into pulsating
DC voltage which is a unidirectional current. A rectifier circuit allows current to flow
only in one way direction.
Full-wave Rectifier:

• a full-wave rectifier circuit produces an output voltage or current which is purely DC.
• full-wave rectifiers have some fundamental advantages over their half wave rectifier
i.The average (DC) output voltage is higher than for half wave
ii.The output of the full-wave rectifier has much less ripple than the half-wave
rectifier producing a smoother output waveform.

• full-wave rectifier circuit using two diodes are now used, one for each half of the cycle.
• a transformer is used whose secondary winding is split equally into two halves with a
common centre tapped connection, (C). This configuration results in each diode conducting
in turn when its anode terminal is positive with respect to the transformer centre point C
producing an output during both half-cycles, twice that for the half wave rectifier so it is
100% efficient as shown below.

Full-wave rectifier (with centre tap transformer):

• two diodes are used in Full-wave Rectifier circuit(one for each half of the cycle).
• a transformer is used whose secondary winding is split equally into two halves with a
common centre tapped connection, (C).
• this configuration results in each diode conducting in turn when its anode terminal is
positive with respect to the transformer centre point C producing an output during
both half-cycles, twice that for the half wave rectifier so it is 100% efficient as shown

Full-wave rectifier operations:

• the full wave rectifier circuit consists of two power diodes connected to a single load
resistance (RL) with each diode taking it in turn to supply current to the load.

• during positive cycle of Vi, D1 is

forward-biased and D2 is reverse-biased.

• during negative cycle of the input,

it reversing the role of the diodes, D2
is forward-biased and D1 is reverse-biased.

• the current flowing through resistor R is in the same direction for both half-cycles. As the
output voltage across the resistor R is the phasor sum of the two waveforms combined, this

type of full wave rectifier circuit is also known as a "bi-phase" circuit.

• Output voltage of full wave rectifier circuit resulting in two cycles. Since in a cycle of
through a diode and the voltage drop on the diode is 0.7V (assuming silicon diode), the
output voltage is: -
Vout = VM - G - 0.7V

• the output frequency is twice the input frequency

• the average DC output voltage across the load resistor is now double that of the single
wave rectifier circuit and is about  0.637Vm  of the peak voltage, assuming no losses:

VDC =2Vpeak = 2(0.318Vpeak) = 0.637Vpeak

Where: Vpeak is the maximum peak value in one half of the secondary winding


Input & Output Waveform OF Full-Wave Rectifier

Full-Wave rectifier circuit and waveform

Bridge Rectifier:
• produces the same output waveform as the full wave rectifier circuit.
• this type of single phase rectifier uses four individual rectifying diodes connected in a
closed loop "bridge" configuration to produce the desired output.
• main advantage: it does not require a special centre tapped transformer, thereby reducing

its size and cost.

• diodes labelled D1 to D4 are arranged in "series pairs" with only two diodes conducting
current during each half cycle.
Bridge Rectifier circuit operation:

Positive half-cycle
• During positive half-cycle of the input, D1 and D2 are forward-biased and conduct current
• D3 and D4 are reverse-biased
Bridge Rectifier circuit operation:

Negative half-cycle
• During negative half-cycle of the input, D3 and D4 are forward-biased and conduct current
• D1 and D2 are reverse-biased

• Output voltage of full wave bridge rectifier circuit resulting in two cycles. Since in a cycle of
current through the two diodes and the voltage drop on the diode is 1.4V (assuming silicon
diode), the output voltage is: -
Vout = V M - G - 1.4V

• The output signal frequency is twice the input frequency


Input & Output Waveform OF Full-Wave Rectifier

AC input

Positive half

Negative half

There are 4 types of general filter used:
1) Capacitor filter
2) RC filter
3) LC filter
4) π filter

1. Capacitor Filter

• Referring to the figure, the ID is the current from rectifier circuit and produces voltage
drop across RL.
• ID will charge the capacitor C1 because it is parallel to the RL.

* Remember that the voltage across RL is the pulse voltage output from the half-wave
rectifier and wave shape as figure below.
* Broken line arrows is the current flow during the C1 removing charge (discharge)
Operation and filtering process of RC filter circuits using O/P wave (half-wave)

• 20V across RL - first half cycle, C1 - charge (from A to B). The capacitor charges to the
peak value of the rectified signal through the forward bias diode.
• When VRL start decrease to get 0V, C1 - start discharge.
• Now it slowly discharge the load from B to C but it not fully discharge at P point, there

are one pulse of Vin for second half cycle across RL & again C1 will charge when the
diode becomes forward biased again. Discharge due to load
Ripple Voltage:

• Definition:
A small variation occurs in the DC because the capacitor discharges a small amount
between the positive and negative pulses. Then it recharges. This variation is called ripple.
• The ripple can be reduced further by making the capacitor larger.
• The ripple appears to be a sawtooth shaped AC variation riding on the DC output.
• A small amount of ripple can be tolerated in some circuits but the lower the better overall.
2. RC Filter

• RC filters : a resistor in series with the load (RL) and a capacitor in parallel with (RL).
• Resistor (R) will reduces ripple voltage to a smaller value. Capacitor C2 helps filtering
process the remaining ripple voltage.

3. LC Filter

• LC filters : combination inductor in series and capacitor in parallel.

• This filter also acts as a low pass filter (A low-pass filter is a filter that passes low frequency
signals but attenuates (reduces the amplitude of) signals.)
4. π filter

 π filter acts to overcome the problems generated by the RC filter.

 Resistor in the RC filter is replaced with the inductor (L).
 The O/P of the DC voltage is not decrease when across the inductor,L but the AC voltage
(ripple voltage) will be reduced

Voltage Regulation

• Voltage regulator circuit is a circuit that helps maintain a fixed or constant output
• For many applications it is desirable and often essential that the voltage remain
constant with wide variations in load current.
• There are three types of voltage regulator circuit : -
1. Zener diode
2. Transistor series/Serial Transistor
3. Integrated circuit (78XX series)
1. Zener Diode

• A circuit for basic Zener diode regulator circuit is shown in figure below.
• Zener diodes will operate as a voltage regulator in reverse bias
• To operate in the zener, the input voltage must be greater than the zener voltage
and load resistance does not cause the zener current become zero.

Rectifier Filter

Zener Diode Voltage Regulator

2. Transistor Series
• The series regulator is a much more efficient regulator than the Zener diode.
• Transistors connected in series with the load will control the input voltage to output.
• Output voltage sampled by a circuit which supplies a feedback voltage and compared
to the reference voltage

* Referring to figure below, if the output voltage decreases, the increase in the V BE
will cause the transistor to produce more than the current flow will increase the
output voltage and maintain the output voltage. The zener diode will act as a
reference voltage. The same process occurs if the output voltage increases. The
transistor will reduce the current value, causing the output voltage and maintaining
the output voltage decreases

Rectifier Filter R


Transistor Series Voltage Regulator

3. Integrated Circuit

• LM Series 78XX (where XX = 05, 06, 08, 10, 12, 15, 18 or 24) is a three-
terminal voltage regulator. IC LM7805 will produce output voltage +5 V, the
LM7806 will produce +6 V output voltage and thus LM7824 will produce output
voltage +24 V.
• Figure shows the integrated circuit voltage regulator circuit.
Voltage Divider Circuits
• In some systems of electronic equipment, especially equipment large or complex,
it consists of several stages, each circuit is sometimes used voltages at different
• For example TV system, there are more than ten different levels of circuit functions
and some that require voltage 100V, 48V, 12V and ect.
• By using DC power supply, it can be accomplished by having the voltage divider
network after a high voltage value has been obtained.
Schematic Diagrams of a Simple Power Supply

Rectifier Cct

• Figure shows schematic diagrams of a simple power supply.

• From left to right, we find the center tap transformer will reduce the ac supply
voltage. The full-wave rectifier converts ac voltage to DC.
•  filters are used to ensure the DC voltage are pulsed and then the DC will be
stabilize by zener diode.

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