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Here’s why we’re stressed

By Rajit Gulhati
• In my last presentation, I discussed the methods that
could be used to combat anxiety amongst high school
• Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

• Physical Exercise
Anxiety amongst high schoolers has been rising due to increasing academic
pressure, a dangerous and changing world, and identity pressures
Academic Pressure An Unsafe World Identity Pressures
Academic pressure has Due to a variety of Familial and Societal
taken a toll on the changes, from the advent pressures have proven to
student body as one of of social media to the be the largest reason for
the largest reasons for increase in violent events anxiety amongst
anxiety in the United in schools in America, LGBTQIA+ students in
States and around the more teenagers feel the US and likely in the
world. unsafe and uncertain in world.
today’s world.
Academic Pressure

Teens today feel academic

pressure more intensely
than in the past.

A more competitive college

Due to “standardized This pressure may come
admissions process due to
testing and a culture of from friends and society, as
increasing rates of
achievement”, teens feel others begin to do stress,
students attending college
the need to perform well in you may feel similar
increased pressure to
school (McCarthy). pressure.
distinguish yourself.
An Uncertain World
Due to changes in the world, more students are
beginning to feel unsafe in schools
Mass shootings in schools
Threats on Social Media
While these issues might not cause anxiety for many
teenagers, for some, especially those who deal with
heightened anxiety, this issue can cause severe stress
since many teens may feel as though they are in
constant danger
Identity Pressures

Transgender teenagers
feel immense pressure
in particular because of
a lack of understanding
and support from the

Conversely, even in
“accepting places”,
LGBTQIA+ students
may be expected to act
or behave a certain way
For many
attitudes and
homophobia cause
intense anxiety
Interconnectivity of Stressors
Increased identity

Academic pressure
Bullying/threats at
sets in due to falling
school or pressure
grades; overall
to conform
anxiety rises

Loss of focus and Feeling of danger or

attention to uncertainty at
classwork school
Works Cited
Daniels, Natasha. Anxiety Sucks!: a Teen Survival Guide. CreateSpace,
Jenco, Melissa. “Studies: LGBTQ Youths Have Higher Rates of Mental
Health Issues, Abuse.” AAP Gateway, 21 Aug. 2019, .  
María Guadalupe Acosta-Gómez, José María De la Roca-Chiapas, Alicia
Zavala-Bervena, Antonio Eugenio Rivera Cisneros, Verónica Reyes Pérez et
al. (2018) Stress in High School Students: A Descriptive Study. Journal of
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - 1(1):1-10. 
McCarthy, Claire. “Anxiety in Teens Is Rising: What's Going
On?”, American Academy of Pediatrics, 30 Apr. 2019,

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