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Simulation for Assessing the Impact of

Coordinating Trucks Arrivals.

Juan David Suarez Moreno, GCLOG 2015
Advisor: Wilson Adarme Jaimes
Sponsor: Secretaria Distrital de Movilidad y Tranporte
(Transport and Mobility Bureau.) January 2015 Poster Session

Motivation / Background Initial Results

• In Bogota's largest stores freight Figure 1. System performance KPIs
vehicles queues can be large, impacting • Scenario 1, allows
mobility due to public space occupancy. a reduction of the
mean vehicles in
• These large queues are presumed to be queue for about
caused by the lack of coordination in 68%, and about
the arrivals, as well as a lack of store's 63% in queue
capacity to serve the vehicles. mean time.

• Improved coordination in arrivals would • Coordination has

end up in positive impacts for owners of positive impacts in
stores, as well for the truckers and the the queue size,
community. without disturbing
the capacity of the
• Is important to model the arrival of store.
freight vehicles as well as determining
how diminishing the variance of the Figure 2. Incurred costs in unloading activity.
• Coordination
arrivals impact stakeholders. reduces costs in
Methodology both proposed
alternatives in
Key Question / Hypothesis about 42%.

• Simulations were
Simulate Simulate
Collect Analyse
real proposed
Analyse conducted without
data data results modifying the
scenario scenarios
Coordination of freight vehicles arrivals to large stores can diminish the ability and pace to
number of parked trucks and its permanence time having a positive impact in develop the
costs for enterprises and mobility. unloading
• Data from 5 stores were collected between processes
7:00 am and 12:00 pm.

• Data analysis was performed by means of Expected Contribution

Relevant Literature simulation software.
• Trucks arrival management allows to decrease the amount of vehicles
parked on the streets, and it represent economic benefits for the system.
1. Banks, J., Carson II, J., & Nelson, B. (2010). Discrete-Event System • Arrivals simulator was built using discrete
• Cities could boost public mobility forcing large stores to manage the flow
Simulation. Prentice-Hall,. events paradigm.
of arriving vehicles.
2. Azarang Esfandiari, M., & García Dunna, E. (1996). Simulación y análisis
de modelos estocásticos. McGraw-Hill. • Two distributions for modelling coordination
3. Law, & Kelton. (1991). Simulation Modeling & Analysis. McGRAW-HILL. were proposed and KPIs were calculated.
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