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I hope all of you in a good state

my presentation today about anemia disease I chose
this disease cause it is so common between people
and in the world.

so I will speak about: 1- the definition of anemia

2- symptoms
3-Diagnosis and Treatment
Anemia is defined as a low number of red blood cells. In a
routine blood test, anemia is reported as a low hemoglobin
or hematocrit. Hemoglobin is the main protein in your red
blood cells. It carries oxygen and delivers it throughout your
body. If you have anemia, your hemoglobin level will be low
too. If it is low enough, your tissues or organs may not get
enough oxygen.
• Symptoms of anemia -- like fatigue or pain -- happen because your
organs aren't getting what they need to work the way they should.

• The symptoms of anemia vary according to the type of anemia,

the underlying cause, the severity, and any underlying health
problems, such as hemorrhaging, ulcers, or cancer. Specific
symptoms of those problems may be noticed first.

• The body also has a remarkable ability to compensate for early

anemia. If your anemia is mild or has developed over a long period
of time, you may not notice any symptoms.
Symptoms common to many types of anemia include
the following:.

• - Easy fatigue and loss of energy

• - Unusually rapid heartbeat, particularly with exercise
• - Shortness of breath and headache, particularly with exercise
• - Difficulty concentrating
• - Dizziness
• - Pale skin
• - Leg cramps
• - Insomnia
• Other symptoms are associated with specific forms of anemia
• To diagnose anemia, your doctor will likely ask you about
your medical history, perform a physical exam, and order
blood tests.

• You can help by providing detailed answers about your

symptoms, family medical history, diet, medications you
take, and ethnic background. Your doctor will look for
symptoms of anemia and other physical clues that might
point to a cause.
• What Are the Treatments for Anemia?

• Your doctor may not treat your anemia until the underlying
cause has been established. The treatment for one type of
anemia may be both inappropriate and dangerous for
another type of anemia.
• the anemia disease is wider and a lot of information
about it but I don't want to expand in it more than.
• now I will say for you please preserve in your healthy
and take care in it

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