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Sondang Deri Maulina Padaribu S.Kep,. M.HKes


Nurse and patients are

essentially individuals
who have a very
intimate relationship in
medical relations and
have their respective
rights and obligations.
Nursing is a human oriented art, feeling of respect for
each other.

Nursing practice is defined as independent self care of

profesional nurses, collaborating with medical teams
and patients in providing nursing care.
• Nursing profession  noble profession
(Profesi mulia) : The main motivation is the
dedication to the community rather than
seeking profit.

• The job intended for the benefit of society.

• Has a code of ethics  norms believed the

profession and become a reference in the
 Relationship terapeutic
between nurse and patient
is a cooperative relations
characterized by an
exchange of behavior, idea,
experience in fostering
intimate relationship.
Rights of the patient (UU No. 49 Tahun
2004, Pasal 32 “about The Hospital”)
• One of the patient’s rights :
 Get health care
 Get information about the rights and
obligation of the patient
 Get privacy and confidentiality
Moral demands
• Development of science and technology
• Demands of society
• The goverment policy towards profesional
• The professional demands of the rules of
principle and responsibility.
Ethic in the word of nursing is
needed because nursing
have an ethical crisis and
patient dissatisfaction with
health service.

There is gap between hope and

• The Science of what is good and bad, rights and
• Ethic is The Science that studies the morality of one’s
actions in social life

The importance of ethics

 Every day, Nurse and patient to build terapeutic
communication in improving health status

 What is a good and right for the patient?

 How the truth is done?
Moral Priciples….
1. Beneficence (doing good, loving, or caring)
Helping Other
2. No maleficence  No Harm
3. Otonomy(freedom) principle of giving patient
the freedom to make decisions
4. Justice The right of the patient to be
treated equally
5. Nurse must be faithful to the promise

6. VeracityNurse must be
honest and build trusting
relationship with patient
7. Confidentially (rahasia)
respek for other.
Give Love
2. Use Knowledge
3. Priority the patient interests
4. Clarification of order when in doubt
5. Never take actions that have not been mastered
7. Take action based on science and technology
8. Documentation any action
9. Colaboration with other medical team
10. Delegation of duties wisely
Thank you

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