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Advanced Data Structures

• Binary search trees
• B-trees
• Heaps and priority queues
• Skip list

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 2

Binary Search Trees
Binary Search Trees: Nodes

left key parent right

internal node

left key parent right left key parent right

root node leaf node

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 4

Property of Binary Search Trees
For any node n in a binary search tree T,
• if p is a node in the left subtree of n, then p.key
≤ n.key;
• if q is a node in the right subtree of n, then
n.key ≤ q.key.

p q

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 5

Example of Binary Search Trees

8 17
6 19
4 9
4 9 12 20

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 6

Inorder Traversal of Binary Search Trees
inorder(T: node)
if T is not null, 8 17
then inorder(T.left)
print(T.key) 4 9
} 10

6 19

4 9 12 20

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 7

Search in Binary Search Trees
search(n: node, k: key)
if n is null or n.key = k, 8 17
then return(n)
if k < n.key, 4 9
then search(n.left, k)
else search(n.right, k) 5
return. 10

6 19

4 9 12 20

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 8

Insertion in Binary Search Trees
insert(T: node, z: node) insert(T: node, z: node)
y = null if T is null
x=T The tree T is empty.
then T.root = z
while x is not null return
y=x if key[z] < key[T]
if z.key < x.key then if T.left is null
then x = x.left Found the place, and then T.left = z
else x = x.right insert as the right
left child.
child. z.p = T
z.parent= y else insert(x.left, z)
if y = NIL else if T.right is null
then T.root= z then x.right = z
else if z.key < y.key z.p = T
then y.left= z else insert(x.right, z)
else y.right = z return
Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 9
Deletion in Binary Search Trees
• See textbook

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 10

• Index structures for large amount of data.
• All data cannot be resided in the main
• Data is stored in a disk.

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 12

Disk Operations
• In a disk, data is
organized in disk
• To read data in a
• The disk rotates, and
the R/W head moves
to the page
containing the data.
• Then, the whole disk
page is read.
From: Cormen, T., C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, and C. Stein, Introduction to Algorithms, MIT Press, 2001.
Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 13
B-trees: Nodes
Internal node
number false
of keys key1 key2 key3 keyn
Pointers to other nodes

leaf node
number true
of keys key1 key2 key3 keyn

Pointers to data pages

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 14

Properties of B-trees
For any node n in a B-tree T
n p key1 … keyi keyi+1 … false

c q key1 … keyi keyi+1 … false

• n.keyi ≤ c.key1 ≤ c.key2 ≤ … ≤ c.keyq ≤ n.keyi+1

• If n is a leaf node, the depth of n is h, where h
is the tree’s height.
Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 15
Properties of B-trees
• The minimum degree, t, of the B-tree is the lower bound o
n the number of keys a node can contain. (t ≥ 2)
• Every node other than the root must have at least t − 1 keys
• Every internal node other than the root thus has at least t ch
• If the tree is nonempty, the root must have at least one key.
• Every node can contain at most 2t − 1 keys. Therefore, an i
nternal node can have at most 2t children.
• We say that a node is full if it contains exactly 2t − 1 keys.

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 16

Search in B-trees

11 17 68 71

6 8

12 16
75 88

26 60 69 70

66 67
Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 17
Search in B-trees
► find a proper child
while i ≤ x.n and k > x.keyi do i =i + 1
if i ≤ x.n and k = x.keyi
then return (x, i )
if x.leaf
then return NIL
► recursively search in the proper subtree
else DISK-READ (
return B-TREE-SEARCH (, k)

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 18

Creating B-trees
x.leaf = TRUE
x.n = 0
T.root = x

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 19

Insertion in B-trees
17 11

17 26 65

26 65


Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 20

Insertion in B-trees


8 11 12 16

12 16

26 65

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 21

Insertion in B-trees

11 17 65

6 8

12 16

26 65 65 71

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 22
Insertion in B-trees

11 17 65 71

6 8

12 16
75 88

26 60

67 71 75 88
Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 23
Insertion in B-trees

11 17 65 71

6 8

12 16
75 88

26 60 69

66 67 68 69
Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 24
Insertion in B-trees
65 70

11 17 11 17 65 7171 71
6 8

12 16
75 88

26 60 69

66 67
Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 25
Insertion in B-trees

11 17 68 71

6 8

12 16
75 88

26 60 69 70

66 67
Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 26
Insertion in B-trees
r = T.root
if r.n = 2t − 1
► The root node r is full, then create a new root node
then s = ALLOCATE-NODE()
T.root = s; s.leaf = FALSE
s.n = 0; s.c1 = r
► Split old root into two, and put under the new root
Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 27
Splitting Nodes in B-trees
B-TREE-SPLIT-CHILD(x, i, y) ►Move up other 1/2 of old node
►Create a new node for j = x.n + 1 downto i + 1
z = ALLOCATE-NODE() do x.cj+1 = x.cj
z.leaf = y.leaf = z
z.n = t − 1 for j = x.n downto i
►Move 1/2 of old node to new
for j = 1 to t − 1 do x.keyj+1 = x.keyj
do z.keyj = y.keyj+t x.keyi = y.keyt
if not y.leaf x.n = x.n + 1
then for j = 1 to t DISK-WRITE(y)
do z.cj = y.cj+t DISK-WRITE(z)
y.n = t − 1 DISK-WRITE(x)
Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 28
Binary Heaps
Binary Heaps
• Binary heap is an array
• can be viewed as a nearly
complete binary tree
• each node of the tree
corresponds to an element left 2 right 3
of the array that stores the
value in the node. 4 5 6 7

• The tree is completely 8 9 10 11 12 13

filled on all levels except

possibly the lowest, which
is filled from the left up to
a point. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 30
Representation of Biinary Heaps
• An array A that represents a heap is an object
with two attributes:
• length[A], which is the number of elements in
the array
• heap-size[A], the number of elements in the
heap stored within array A.
heap-size length

1 2 3 … … n x … x

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 31

Properties of Binary Heaps
• If a heap contains n elements, its height is lg2
• In a max-heaps
For every non-root node i, A[PARENT(i)] ≥ A[i]
• In a min-heaps
For every non-root node i, A[PARENT(i)] ≤ A[i]

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 32

Max heap

12 8

9 4 6 5 5
3 6 2 1
9 7

Min heap 11 19 20 18

15 12
Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 33

12 8

9 4 6 5

3 6 2 1

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 34



7 8

9 4 6 5

3 6 2 1

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 35



9 8

9 4 6 5

3 6 2 1

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 36

l = LEFT(i )
r = RIGHT(i )
► Find node containing the largest value among i and its valid children.
if l ≤ heap-size[A] and A[l] > A[i ]
then largest = l
else largest = i
if r ≤ heap-size[A] and A[r] > A[largest]
then largest = r
► Swap the largest node and node i if the node i is not the largest
if largest  i
then exchange A[i ] and A[largest]
MAX-HEAPIFY(A, largest)
Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 37
Time Complexity for Heapify
• worst-case
• The left subtree is one-level taller than the right
subtree, and both are complete binary trees
• The left subtree contains (2n-1)/3 nodes and the right
subtree contains (n-2)/3.
Let T(n) be time spent to heapify an n-node heap.
T(n) = T((2n-1)/3) + k
T(n)  Ο(lg n)
T(n)  Ο(h)
• since the height h of a heap is in Ο(lg n)
Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 38
Building Max-heaps: BUILD-MAX-HEAP(A)

11 3

9 11
52 6 7

8 9
4 10
2 11

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 39

Building Max-heaps: BUILD-MAX-HEAP(A)


1 7

9 10
1 6 3

8 4 2 5

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 40

Building Max-heaps: BUILD-MAX-HEAP(A)
heap-size[A] = length[A]
► Start from the rightmost node in the level above leaves
for i = length[A]/2 downto 1

2 3

4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11
Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 41
Time to Build Max-heaps
Let n be the heap size,
T(n) be the time spent in BUILD-MAX-HEAP for heap of size n,
t(h) be the time spent in MAX-HEAPIFY for the heap of height h,
k(h, n) be the number of subtrees of height h in the heap of size n.
lg n lg n lg n
T(n)   t(h) k(h, n) =  c h n/2h+1 = c n  (h/2h)
h=0 h=0 2 h=0

lg n
T(n) = O(n  (h/2h))

Since  (h/2h)) = 2, T(n) = O(n).

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 42

for i = length[A] downto 2
► Swap the max node with last in heap, and
► heapify heap, excluding the last (old max)
do exchange A[1] and A[i ]
heap-size[A] = heap-size[A] − 1

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 43

Time for Heapsort
• The call to BUILD-MAX-HEAP takes O(n)
• Each of the n − 1 calls to MAX-HEAPIFY
takes O(lg n)
• HEAPSORT takes O(n lg n).

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 44

Priority Queues
Priority Queues
• A priority queue is a max-heap with
operations for queues.
• Insert
• Extract-max
• Increase-key

return A[1]
Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 46
Extract-Max In Priority Queues
if heap-size[A] < 1
then error “heap underflow”
► Take the maximum element from the root
max = A[1]
► Move the last element in the heap to the root
A[1] = A[heap-size[A]]
heap-size[A] = heap-size[A] − 1
► Heapify
return max
Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 47
Increase Key
if key < A[i ]
then error “new key < current key”
A[i ] = key
► Swap the increased element with its parent up toward
► the root until it is not greater than its parent
while i > 1 and A[PARENT(i)] < A[i ]
do exchange A[i] and A[PARENT(i)]
i = PARENT(i)
Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 48
► Insert the minimum element
heap-size[A] = heap-size[A] + 1
► Increase the minimum element
HEAP-INCREASE-KEY(A, heap-size[A], key)

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 49

Binomial Heaps
Why Binomial Heaps
• Union two binary heaps takes (n).
• Can it be reduced?
• Use binomial heaps
• A binomial heap is a binomial tree that has
the property of heaps.

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 51

Binomial Trees
• The binomial tree Bk is an ordered tree
which consists of two binomial trees Bk−1
that are linked together.
• the root of one is the leftmost child of the root
of the other.
• The binomial tree B0 consists of a single

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 52

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana

Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures

From: Cormen, T., C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, and C. Stein,


Introduction to Algorithms, MIT Press, 2001.



From: Cormen, T., C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, and C. Stein, Introduction to Algorithms, MIT Press, 2001.

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 54

Properties of Binomial Trees
For the binomial tree Bk,
• the number of nodes = 2k
• the height of the tree = k
• the number of nodes at depth i = kCi
• the degree of root = k (maximum degree)
• if the children of the root are numbered from
left to right by k − 1, k − 2, . . . , 0, child i is
the root of a subtree Bi.
See the proof in the textbook.
Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 55
Binomial Heaps
• A binomial heap is a set of binomial trees
with heap properties.

head[H] 10 1 6

B0 12 25 8 14 29

18 11 17 38

B2 27
Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 56
Nodes in Binomial Heaps




child sibling

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 57

Examples of Nodes in Binomial Heaps
10 1 6 6
8 14 29 \
12 25

18 11 17 38 8 14
2 1

11 17 38
1 0 0
\ \ \ \

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 58

Find Minimum in Binomial Heaps
y = NIL

x = H.head 10 1 6
min = ∞
while x  NIL 12 25 8 14 29
do if x.key < min
then min = x.key 18 11 17 38
x = x.sibling 27
return y
Maximum number of trees = lg n + 1,
the running time of BINOMIAL-HEAP-MINIMUM = O(lg n)
Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 59
Link Binomial Heaps
• Make node y the new B2 8 B2 6
head of the linked list of
11 17 14 29
node z’s children in O(1)
BINOMIAL-LINK(y, z) 27 y 38 z
y.p = z
y.sibling = z.child B3
z.child = y = + 1

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 60

Union Binomial Heaps
• Link the roots of all trees in both heaps, in a
non-decreasing order of the degree.

• Go through each tree in the heap, and

combine two trees of equal degree in the
heaps, according to one of the following four

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 61

Union Binomial Heaps: case 1
• <
• move up to the next tree.

From: Cormen, T., C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, and C. Stein, Introduction to Algorithms, MIT Press, 2001.
Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 62
Union Binomial Heaps: case 2
• = =
• move up to the next tree (and they will be linked in
next step)

From: Cormen, T., C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, and C. Stein, Introduction to Algorithms, MIT Press, 2001.
Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 63
Union Binomial Heaps: case 3

R. Rivest, and C. Stein, Introduction

From: Cormen, T., C. Leiserson,

to Algorithms, MIT Press, 2001.

• =
• Link x and next-x.
• Use the node with smaller key as the root.

x.key  next-x.key

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 64
BINOMIAL-HEAP-UNION(H1, H2) ► Cases 1 and 2
H = MAKE-BINOMIAL-HEAP() then prev-x = x
H.head = x = next-x
BINOMIAL-HEAP-MERGE(H1, H2) else if x.key ≤ next-x.key
► Case 3
Free the objects H1 and H2 but not then x.sibling = next-x.sibling
the lists they point to BINOMIAL-LINK(next-x, x)
► Case 4
if H.head = NIL else if prev-x = NIL
then return H then H.head = next-x
prev-x = NIL else prev-x.sibling = next-x
x = H.head BINOMIAL-LINK(x,next-x)
next-x = x.sibling x = next-x
while next-x  NIL next-x = sibling[x]
do if (  or return H
(next-x.sibling  NIL and

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 65

Binomial Heaps: Insert a Node
x.p = NIL
x.child = NIL
x.sibling = NIL = 0
H’.head = x

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 66

Fibonacci Heaps
Why Fibonacci Heaps
• Every insertion in a binomial heap requires
the structure adjustment.
• Take long time (O(lg n)) for that.
• Do we need to adjust it that often?
• No, if you use Fibonacci heaps instead!

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 68

Fibonacci Heaps
• A Fibonacci heap is a collection of min-
heap-ordered trees.
• The trees in a Fibonacci heap are not
constrained to be binomial trees.
• Trees within Fibonacci heaps are rooted but
unordered. (unlike trees within binomial
heaps, which are ordered)
• Circular, doubly linked lists are used in
Fibonacci heaps.
Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 69
Fibonacci Heaps:Example

From: Cormen, T., C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, and C. Stein, Introduction to Algorithms, MIT Press, 2001.

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 70

Properties of unordered binomial tree Uk
• Number of nodes = 2k
• Height of the tree = k
• Number of nodes at depth i = kCi
• The degree of root = k, which is greater than
that of any other node
• The children of the root are roots of subtrees
U0,U1, . . . ,Uk−1 in some order.

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 71

Nodes in Fibonacci Heaps





left right


Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 72

Links in Fibonacci Heaps

From: Cormen, T., C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, and C. Stein, Introduction to Algorithms, MIT Press, 2001.

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 73

Fibonacci Heaps: Insert a node
• Link the node in the root list of H
• Update min[H] if necessary

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 74

Consolidate Heaps
• Find two roots x and y in the root list with th
e same degree, where key[x] ≤ key[y].
• Link y to x, using FIB-HEAP-LINK, i.e. rem
ove y from the root list, and make y a child o
f x.
• The field degree[x] is incremented, and the
mark on y, if any, is cleared.

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 75

Time Complexity
Procedure Binary Heap Binomial Heap Fibonacci Heap
(worst-case) (worst-case) (amortized)
Make-heap (1) (1) (1)

Insert (lg n) Ο(lg n) (1)

Minimum (1) Ο(lg n) (1)

Extract-min (lg n) (lg n) Ο(lg n)

Union (n) Ο(lg n) (1)

Decrease-key (lg n) (lg n) (1)

delete (lg n) (lg n) Ο(lg n)

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 76
Skip Lists
Skip Lists
• Alternative to binary search trees
• Probabilistic data structure
• Easy to implement
• Good performance in average-case

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 78

Structure of Skip Lists
• Max. level H of the skip list
• An array H of header pointers
• A set of nodes such that a node N contains
• a key k and a set of values v,
• the height of h node N, where h<=H, and
H • an array of h pointers.

4 7 nil
2 6 11
9 12
Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 79
Skip List v.s. Binary search tree

4 7 nil
2 6 11
9 12

4 11

2 6 9 12
Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 80
Search in a Skip List
Search(list, searchkey)
cn = list.head ►Start at the list head
►Start skip from top level to bottom
for i=list.level downto 1
do ► Forward until key of node exceeds search key
while ((cn.fwd[i]).key < searchkey)
do cn = cn.fwd[i]
cn = cn.fwd[1]
if cn.key = searchkey
then return(cn)
else return(null)
Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 81
Search in a Skip List

4 7 nil
2 6 11
9 12
Search for 11

4 11

2 6 9 12
Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 82
Search in a Skip List

4 7 nil
2 6 11
9 12

Search for 12

4 11

2 6 9 12
Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 83
Insert in a Skip List

Insert 5
cn update[1]

4 7 nil
2 6 11
9 12

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 84

Insert in a Skip List
cn = list.head update[i].fwd[i] = node
►Search for a place to insert ► Insert the node from level 2 up
for i=list.maxlevel downto 1 ► Toss a coin
do while ((cn.fwd[i]).key < while (rand() >.5)
node.key) do addLevel(node)
do cn = cn.fwd[i] i++
update[i]=cn ► Update link in level i
► The key is already in the list if (i <= list.level)
if cn.fwd[1].key = node.key then node.fwd[i] =
then return(false) update[i].fwd[i]
► Insert the node in level 1 update[i].fwd[i] = node
i=1 else addLevel(list.head)
node.fwd[i] = update[i].fwd[i] (list.head).fwd[i] = node

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 85

Delete a node
• Only remove the node, and connect the lost
• The list can become uneven.
• But it is more efficient than deletion in
binary search trees.

Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Chapter 2: Advanced Data Structures 86

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