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Francesca Woodman

• Francesca Woodman was an American photographer who was best known for
her black and white photographs featuring either herself or other female
• Many of her photographs contain women naked, or clothed, blurred, merging
with their surroundings, or whose faces were obscured.
• Her work was influenced by Gothic Fiction and Surrealism.
• Her style for photography was contemporary art.
• Francesca Woodman used her long shutter speed and double exposure when
photographing so that she could actively feature in her own work. It meant
that she could capture stages of movement, in a way that would trace the
pattern of time.
Francesca Woodman Work
Why I chose Francesca Woodman
• Francesca Woodman inspired me when I first looked at her work, this
is due to her movement being captured and with Covid-19 it was
something I could do alone at home without risk of infection.
• I have always particularly had a very strong feeling towards black and
white photographs, since I was 13 I would usually only photograph in
• Some of her work is very dark and gothic which I love and I would
love to try to recreate these photographs in my own way.
Ideas Brainstorm
Equipment/props needed
• Sony a7iii
• Canon 700D
• Tripod
• Spare batteries
• Lights
• Cigarettes
• Flowers
• Clothing that suits style of photography
Mood board
Risk Assessment
• Potential hazards include;
• Light box, if hot do not move before leaving it to cool, turn off between use.
• If on road, be careful of traffic and stay close to edge of the road.
• When photographing movement be aware of footing and wear sensible
• Weather, if thunder and lightning occurs turn off camera.
• If outside filming and it thunders/rains be sure to turn off camera and keep it
dry to ensure no damage occurs to camera.
Specific shots for recreation

For this shot I would like For this shot I would like to This shot is very elegant
to recreate it in a way be in a forest surrounded by and is something I would
which I would be turning flowers wearing a long dress like to experiment with as
to look at the camera to recreate the same look I haven’t done anything
through the mirror using however with a different like this before so I feel
the same long shutter background to perhaps that it would be fun to do
speed and exposure. change the mood of the with someone holding
piece to be my own. the mirror as I stand in
the reflection.
How I would create these
• I will have a long shutter speed to create the capturing of the
• I would have a higher exposure than normal to create the same look
to the photographs as Francesca has.
• I will be featuring in the photographs myself so I will be using either
the self-timer on the camera or the remote control which I previously
• I will create a very elegant style in dressing , with hair and make-up
done, this will create a feeling to the art that I am going to create as it
will be creepy and beautiful.

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