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While holding
down shift
Click each
picture for Ads
Advertising: Structured and composed
nonpersonal communication of
information, persuasive in nature, about
products, goods, services, and ideas,
paid for by identified sponsors through
various media. Skype is sponsored by

Digital Advertising: Marketing that uses the

internet to reach consumers, which has claimed
market shares from traditional channels of mass
communication like newspapers and television.
This whole project is based on digital advertising
and the Ads I pulled of YouTube, a social media
platform to reach multitudes of people quickly
AIDA Approach: An advertising strategy that stands for attract
Attention, create Interest, stimulate Desire, and promote
Action; sometimes referred to as the motivated sequence of
persuasion. Each video has its own unique interpretations on
how it uses this pyramid for sales promotion.
Analogy: A comparison to
support or clarify a point or
an idea.
Demographics: The general characteristics of the audience
such as age, income, ethnicity, politics,and education; data
used to target consumers, voters, audience members for
persuasive messages.

The ad expresses the value and

need for international
communication for business
needs in a cute and charming

On a Microsoft surface pro people can create a blog. Blog are

web logs, a new form of media that goes directly to the public
and bypasses conventional media outlets; an influential form
of new media that extends access more directly to everyone
Communications Process
Decode: To interpret or
decipher a message to derive
meaning from it. Microsoft
Translator uses this technique
to help people communicate

Encode: To create a message

from words to symbols that
have shared meaning.

If you have questions, comments, or issues with

any of our Microsoft Translator consumer
products such as Translator for Bing, Translator
Microsoft uses multiple channels, or for Windows, or any of the Microsoft Translator
mediums to send messages from a apps, please go to our consumer feedback page.
source, the person sending the
message, to the receiver via computers, Feedback Loop: Means simply that the message
cell phones, and internet. message went from speaker to the receiver, an
essential part of communication.
Entertainment Function: One of the functions
of Mass Media; the entertainment industry has
increasingly become part of the public
discourse influencing attitudes, values, and
beliefs in serious ways. Microsoft chose
Common, the rapper, to advertise for A.I
intelligence for their new A.I program.
Product Promotion: All
communication means used to Identification:
reach consumers with information Communication
about the goods or services wherein the receiver's “I propose to consider the
being offered. Common rapped ideas are in alignment question, ‘can machines think?’
about A.I innovations for with those of the This should begin with definitions
Microsoft. source; the ability to of the meaning of the word
fully understand the ‘machine’ and ‘think’.”-Microsoft
position, beliefs, and Reporter
attitudes of another.
“We are trying to teach machines to learn so
Ideology: A system of beliefs that
that they can do things that humans currently
do, but in turn they should help people by express a worldview according to
augmenting their experiences,” says Microsoft doctrines, ideas, or practices of an
CEO Satya Nadella. individual group.

For Nadella, the way AI is used is simply akin to regular

software engineering: “We are creating AI for use in our
products and we do so using a set of design guidelines.

“So, our first guideline is to build artificial intelligence that

augments human capability, creating AI that generates trust in
the technology, because it is designed to preserve security
and privacy,” he says.
Inductive: Statements that
Common’s viral video of Microsoft’s A.I commercial inspires
can be proven by collecting or
innovation and modernization of Artificial Intelligence. Common’s
analysing data. Reasoning
Branding strategy is rhyming; a unique selling tactic to identify this
that goes from a claim or
product for Microsoft to the public.
assertion to evidence that
supports claim.

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