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ra i io i g o

o  l i  e learig
LEar i g
Emie C. aylon,
REX Publishing
DLSZ – Vermosa Campus
Emie . B a y l o , MA
JHS/SHS Faculty
De La Salle Santiago Zobel
School (Vermosa Campus)

G o a l f o r M o d u l e 1:
• Review of the 12 Step Roadmap
on conducting online classes
• Enumerate benefits of Flipping the
• Explain loom's Taxonomy to
r a t i o n a l i z e Individual vs
Spaces and Synchronous and
Asynchronous Flipped l e a r n i n g
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a “pedagogical approach i n which direct

instruction moves from the group
learning space to the individual
learning space, and the resulting group
space is transformed into a dynamic,
interactive learning environment
where the educator guides students as
they apply concepts and engage
creatively i n the subject matter”
(The Flipped Learning Network, 2014).

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Flipped Lear i g i Fl i pp ed Lea r i g i o
• planned within your • your typical homework
typical instructional time • The same with Flipped Classroom
• can be accomplished i n a • always individualized, i t can
lesser possible time also be done i n groups
• develops a continuing learning
process between teacher and

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• PAE
• Mo ori g
i y of
• Va r i e i g ery
l e a r ma

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y hroou v
Ay h r o o u la
I d i v i d u a l  PA
E v Group pa When do I make students
e work TOGETHER and when do
I make them do t h e i r
How do I p r i o r i t i z e my ‘ALONE TIME’?
Flipped Learning

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• Va r i e y o f
E gageme
• affold f o r
Di f f er e ia io
a d feedbak

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• A e o f o ep
• o e
reaio /
• ura
o e io
d i f f er e ia io

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• Availabili
• Forma
• aio &
i voel l aabo r e
i  me r o p e

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• Flipping speaks the language of
today’s students.
• Flipping helps busy students.
Be of • Flipping helps struggling students.
ef i g l e a r i g • Flipping helps students of a l l a b il i t i e s
Flippi to excel.
• Flipping allows students to pause and
t hclass
SOURCE: ergmann, J., & Sams, A. (2012). Flip your classroom: Reach every student in every e ievery
r teacher.
day. Eugene, Or: I n t e r n a t i o n a l Society f o r Technology i n

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O ea h e r
• Flipping increases student-
teacher interaction.
• Flipping allows teachers to know
t h e i r students better. Be of
• Flipping increases student- ef i g lea r i g
student interaction. Flippi
• Flipping allows f o r real
• Flipping
SOURCE: changes
ergmann, J., & Sams, classroom
A. (2012). Flip your classroom: Reach every student in every class every day. Eugene, Or: I n t e r n a t i o n a l Society f o r Technology i n


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• Flipping changes the way we t a l k to
Be of • Flipping educate parents.
• Flipping makes your class transparent.
ef i g lear i g • Flipping is a great technique f o r
Flippi absent teachers.
• Flipping can lead to the flipped
mastery program.
SOURCE: ergmann, J., & Sams, A. (2012). Flip your classroom: Reach every student in every class every day. Eugene, Or: I n t e r n a t i o n a l Society f o r Technology i n

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• Flipping will not address 21st Century s k i l l s i f not
well planned.
• Pedagogy should always drive technology, never the
other way around.
WAR I G hough! • Flipping does not necessarily use the l a t e s t
• Teaching i s much more t ha n good content
• Flipping will not make your job any easier.
SOURCE: ergmann, J., & Sams, A. (2012). Flip your classroom: Reach every student in every class every day. Eugene, Or: I n t e r n a t i o n a l Society f o r Technology i n

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(VIDEO: Rapid Tr ansiti on to Online Learning, Flipped Learning Global I n i t i a t i v e s , 2019)
Module :
• Designing a Flipped
Learning course

D r. P e  e r E  p e r a a
Apple Distinguished Educator
Professor, arstow Communit College, Chapman
University California

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