Phrases and It's Types

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Phrases and it's


McGraw-Hill Technology Education Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Group Presentation
• Submitted by:
Shakila Anjum 18071517_002
Harram Ayesha _028
Noor Fatima _036
Amina Irshad _013
Irfan Imtiaaz _029
Submitted to :
1. What is phrase with examples
2. What is Noun phrase
3. Verb phrase
4. Adverb phrase
5. Adjective phrase
6. Prepositional phrase
7.Absolute phrase
8.Gerund phrase
9.Participle phrase
What is meant by "Phrase"
• A phrase is a group (or pairing) of
words in English. A phrase can be short
or long,
• A phrase will always be more than one
• More Examples:
• In the air (prepositional phrase)
• Beside the bed (prepositional phrase)
• Along the road (prepositional phrase)
• To live and breathe (infinitive phrase)
• Looking stunning (participle phrase)
Types of phrases

1.Noun phrase 2.Verb phrase

3.Adverb phrase 4.Adjective phrase
5.Prepositional phrase
6. Infinitive phrase
7.Absolute phrase 8.Gerund phrase
9.Participle phrase
What is a noun phrase
• Noun phrases consist of a noun and its
Examples: a soft, comfortable bed
Reading a book.
• The tall basketball playerA noun phrase
usually consist of :
• Noun +modifiers or determiners
Examples of noun phrase
• ..
Noun Phrase Examples
• Noun phrases are simply nouns with
modifiers. Just as nouns can act as subjects,
objects ,prepositional or object etc.
• Similarly, noun phrases can also work in a
sentence as adjectives, participles,
infinitives, and prepositional or absolute
Function of noun phrase
• Noun phrases can function in several
different ways in a sentence. Some of
the most common functions of noun
phrases are listed below.
• 1. subject:
• 2. direct object:
• 3. Object of a preposition:
• 4. indirect object:
Noun phrase as a subject
• Examples:
• a yellow house
• a skate board
• the glistening snow
• Each of these phrases contains a noun
(house, board, snow). The other words
modify the noun.
• Examples of noun phrase as subject: The
yellow house is for sale.
Subject complement & direct
• Subject complement
• Grace is my niece She seems a young girl.
• Direct object
• Examples of noun phrase as direct object: I
want a skate board.
• Should we buy the yellow house?
• He bought a new car
Object complement & Object of

• Object complement
• She called him an idiot
• Object of preposition
Examples of noun phrase as object of
• Jeff rode on a skate board.
• Karen lives in the yellow house.
Noun phrase as indirect
• Example of noun phrase as indirect object:
Lisa gave the little boy a candy.
She told her husband the truth.
Pre modifires
• Usually phrases are made of a HEAD and a
series of MODIFIERS, i.e. words that give
extra information about the HEAD. They can
precede (PREMODIFIERS) or follow
• The young girl who lives next door . They
occur before the noun and after any
• In a noun phrase the premodifier is
typically an adjective.
• Examples:
• Young girls, a young girl, some young
Pre-modifiers can co-occur (more than
one adj.):
• Lovely young girls; a mature young
girl. intelligent young girls.
• Post modifires Prepositional phrases
usually occur after a noun, generally
introduced by of:
• A box of chocolate, a piece of mind, a
biography of Hitler , The Tower of London.
• Other prepositions: The cottage on the
beach, the museum in New York,
the road to Calcutta, a room with a shower,
people without cell phone.
• • "The very tall education consultant with
the roving eye"
• Pre-modification ,The =determiner,
very=adverb (intensifying)
• tall = adjective
• education = pre-modifying noun
• Head noun= Consultant ,Postmodification
• with the roving eye = preposition phrase

Verb Phrase
What is verb ?
• Verb is used to demonstrate an action .like
singing,eating,laying etc
• Example :
• He is going to school .
• He is plucking the flower.
• He works in a shop .
What is verb phrase?
• Verb phrase is a portion of a sentence that
contain the both verb and either a direct or
indirect object.
• The verb phrase contain main verb and
helping verb .
• the information is usually descriptive .
• This is used to show activeness that can be
done. active verbs are used while linking
verbs describe condition.
Verb phrase

• Example :
• Computer network run smart houses .
• In this sentence we have a complete
predicate (run smart houses )
• Network is simple subject .
• Main verb is (run).
• Computer network may run smart houses .
verb phrase
In tis sentence we have one main verb and a
helping verb .but where lets find out :
Main verb ?
Helping verb ?
Main verb + helping verb =verb phrase
I will have been programmed for winter.
Main verb =programmed ,helping verb
will,have been .
Structure of verb phrase
• Verb phrase
• Main verb
• Forms of main verb
• Tenses
• Person
• Number
• Aspect
• Future time
• Auxiliary verbs

• Primary verbs
• Modal auxiliaries
• The sequence of auxiliaries
• Main verb :
• Forms of main verb :
• Base form : laugh ,give ,speak,mention,be
• Present form :laughs ,gives
• Past form:laughed ,
• Ed participle: laughed, mentioned,given ,
spoken, been.
• Ing participle: laughing, mentioning, giving,
• Tenses
• Present
• Past
• Tenses : I am dancer .
• Tense , present
• Person: first
• Number: singular
• Person
• First person
• Second person
• Third person
• Tense: they played foot ball
• Tense past
• Person: Third
• Number: plural
• Number :
• Singular
• Plural
• Aspect:
• Perfective (auxiliary have +Ed participle)
• Example :
• I have closed the shop for the day.
• The police had closed the shop .
• Progressive(auxiliariey be +ing participle)
• You are neglecting your work.
• I am resting .
• I was waiting for you in the lobby .
• Auxiliaries verbs :
• Primary verbs :be,do,have .
• Examples:
• I am listening the music.
• Do you always put the cat out at Night ?
• I have never travelled to China .
• Modal auxiliaries
• The sequence of auxiliaries
• Modal auxiliaries:
• You should be care full
• Perfect auxiliaries
• You should have been more careful
Progressive auxiliariey
• You should have been cutting the carrots.
• The room should be clean yesterday.
State verb
• We do normally use certain verbs with the
present,continuous or other continuous
tenses .
• These verbs describe a state ,or an activity.
• They are called state verbs they include.
• Mental thinking verbs :
• Agree , believe,disagree, doubt, expect.
• Attitude:
• Dislike ,hate ,like,love ,need ,prefer.
• Sense /perception:
• Hear ,sense ,taste, qualities.
• Existence:
• Being ,lack,own,exist,own.

Adverb phrase
What is adverb phrase ?
• An adverb phrase may consist of one or
more words .
• The adverb can be a head if the phrase or it
can be apperason alone . it can be modified
by other word .
• Adverb are one of the four major classes
along with the noun ,verbs ,and adjective.
Function of adverb phrase :
• Adverb phrase commenly use to modify
verbs :
• Children group up Really quickly .
• I exercise very regularly.
• I eat quite healthily.
• Adverb phrase with be:
• I am up stairs .I will only be a minute.
• They are right their on the table .
• Adverb phrase in adjective:
• To modify other adverb and adjective:
• I found it(adverb) extremely ,(adjective ) difficult
to talk to her .
• He drives (adverb) really (adverb) carefully.
• Adverb phrase is used to modify noun phrase and
prepositional phrase
• That’s (adverb) quite (Noun phrase) A big tree.
• It’s a (tree that is special in some way e.g.its
very big)
• There was (adverb) hardly (pronoun )any one at
the concert .
• We climbed (adverb)right (Prepositional Phrase )
over the top of the hill and down again .
• Adverb phrase is also used to modify determiner
especially especially word like some half many
• Only half of my friends. Could come to my party.
• Very few people have heard of my city .it’s very
sad .
• Adverb phrase of time :
• I get up in the morning.
• Inthis sentence the phrase in the morning
modifies the verb phrase get up and tell about the
time or the action get _when ?_in the
morning.that hence it is an adverb phrase of time
• Adverb phrase of manner :
• Mr Smith walks at an easy pace .
• In this sentence the the phrase at easy
pace,modifies the verb walks and talks about the
manner if action .(walks how ? At an easy
pace)and hence it is an adventure if time .
• Adverb phrase of purpose:
• Let’s look at the sentence:
• I failed in the exam due to my carelessness.
• In this sentence the phrase due to my carelessness
modifies the verb failed and tells about the reason
of action (failed why ?due to the carelessness.)
• And hance is an adverb phrase of reason .
• Adverb phrase of condition:
• unless proved otherwise his guilt is
conclusively established .
• In this sentence the phrase Unless prover
otherwise modifies the verb “is
established”and tells about the condition of
the hence it is an adverb phrase of
Types of adverb phrase:
• Adverb phrase of time
• Tells us when the action has happened.
• Adverb phrase of frequency :
• How often some thing happen .
• Adverb phrase of manner :
• Tells us how the action has happened.
• Adverb phrase of degree :
• Adverb phrase of place :

Prepositional phrase
What is preposition
• “A word that show a relationship between
a noun or pronoun and some other word in
the sentence”
• A preposition is a word that show location
• Show how two words or ideas are related
• For example:
• On , over , under , above etc…
• The telephone is above the table.
Prepositional Phrase:
• “A preposition phrase is a group of words
begin with a preposition and ends in a noun
or pronoun”
• For example:
• The girl ran around the track.
• In this sentence, (around the track) is
prepositional phrase.
Prepositional phrase:
• The noun or pronoun that ends the
prepositional phrase is called the of object
the preposition.
• For example: He sat in the desk.
• In is the preposition.
• Desk is the object of the preposition.
• 2.She stole money from him.
• From is the preposition.
• Him is the object of preposition.
Prepositional phrase:
• It can modify noun, verbs.
• Most prepositional phrases follow verbs not
noun to show the place or time of the
action. For example:
• He hid among the crowd.
• Preposition can combine to make
compound phrase.
• For example:
• The volley ball was on top of the house.
Function of prepositional
• Prepositional phrase function as an
adjective(which one) or adverb(how ?
when?) For example:
• Adjective prepositional phrase:
• modifies a noun or pronoun.
• Which one? What kind?
• Adverb prepositional phrase:
• Modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb
• Where? When?
Example of prepositional
• He was running away from bugs.
• He was talking with his moth full.
• The cat sit under the table.

Adjectival phrase
What is adjectival phrase?
• “Adjective phrases are defined as phrases
in which an adjective functions as the head
of the phrase”
• An adjectival phrase can give more detail
about a noun.
• An adjectival phrase can come before or
after a noun.
• For Example:
• She tasted the chocolate which was melting
Structure of adjective phrase
• Adverb modifier(pre_modifier)
• Modifying or qualifying constituent which
perecede the head.
• Head:
• Which is an adjective serving as the focus of
the phrase.
• Post modification:
• Constituent which follow the head and
completes the meaning implied by the
Example of adjectival phrase:
She had extremely blue eyes.
She wore very expensive dress.
Sarah was hostile towards me.
• Definition
• Any form of verb that function as a noun
adjective or adverb
.Three kinds
• Gerund , participle and infinitive
• Gerund definition : the form of verb which
ends as -ing and has the force of a noun
and verb is called gerund.

Gerund phrase
Kind of gerund
When -ing verb is used as noun .and it
performs all the functions which a standard
noun does
• Uses of present gerund
• As a subject
Laughing is a good habbit
Reading is my hobby
Playing is good for health.
• As a subject with its own object
Laughing at poor is not good hobbit
Abusing the student in not a good habit
As an object of verb
I like reading
We love hunting
He enjoying raining
• As an a object of preposition
• I am tired of waiting
• He is fond of swimming
• They are punished for telling a lie
• As a complement of a verb
• What she wants is passing marks
• His hobby is reading book
• Note ('The' use before 'of' use after.)
• The perfect gerund
• Having +3rd _v is called perfect gerund. It is
used to express the complete action of the
past and gives the meaning of the past and
past perfect tenses.
• Eg.
• He denies having killed ali
• Verb proceeding will perform as past
• Participle or verbal adjectives
• When a verb works like as verb, adjectives
or as an adverb is called participle. Eg: He
is playing cricket (v)
He is comming laughing( adverb)
Sleeping dog (adjective).
• Participle is verbal adjective
• • Like a verb it may govern as a pronoun
• Hearing the noise, the boy woke up.
• Noun noise governed as Participle.
• • May modified by adverb
• Loudly knocking at the door .
• He demand admission.
• Like adjective may qualify a noun or
• A rolling stone gathers no more
• May b compared education iS most pressing
need of our time.
kinds of participle
Present participle
• "ing" work as verb, adverb or adjective
• Usage: I. Main verb
Eg. He is working.
You will have been laughing.
• II. As an adjective
Eg .fishing boat , Handing dog
• III.As an adverb
She was comming smiling.
• The past participle
• 3rd form of verb .works as verb or as
• i. As a verb
• Eg.He has come
• He had gone
• ii. As an adjective
• Eg.The door is closed
• Broken glass
• The perfect participle
• (Having +III_v) at the begning.
• Shows that someone completed an action in
past and start another’s or on ready for
another action .
• Having gone to Karachi. I bought a
• Having won that match,
• they were laughing.
Infinitive phrase
• An infinitive look like a verb but it begins
with “TO”, and it functions as a noun
(subject ,direct object ), adjective or adverb.
• Infinitive as noun
• No one wants to stay .
• To stay …. Infinitive as the direct object.
• To leave the party would be rude.
• To leave …infinitive as the subject.
McGraw-Hill Technology Education Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
• An infinitive phrase will begin with an
infinitive{ to + simple form of verb}. It will
often include objects and/ or modifiers that
complete the thought.
• 1997-2014 by robin L. Simmons
• Infinitives+ object(s) and/or modifier(s)
• To slurp spaghetti.
• To leave the party would be rude.
• To send the document before deadline.
• To avoid another lecture from michelle on
the benefits of vegetarianism was Aaron’s
hope of their date at a nice restaurant.
(function as a noun because it is subject of
the sentence.
• The worst thing to happen during the
severe thunderstorm was a lightning strike
that fried clara’s computer.
• To happen during the severe thunderstorm
functions as adjectives because it modifies
• Rayan decided to mow the long grass on the
front lawn to keep his neighbors from
complaining to the homeowners
association.To keep his neighbors from
complaining to homeowners association

Absolute phrase
Absolute phrase
• An absolute phrase combines a noun and a
participle with any accompanying modifires
or objects. The pattern look like this;
• Legs quivering.
• Legs= noun , quivering= participle.
• Her arms folded accros her chest.
• Arms=noun, folded=participle, her,accros
her chest =modifiers
• Their fingers scraping the leftover frosting
off the plates.
• Absolute phrase as like this;
• Legs quivering, out old dog gizmo dreamed
of chasing squirrels.
(manner of his sleep.)
• Her arms folded accros her chest, professor
Hill warned the class about the penalties of
plagiarism. (severity of his warning.)
• The family devoured Anut Lenora’s carrot
cake, their fingers scraping the leftover
frosting from the plates. (degree of their
1. Syntax of Dutch (noun and noun phrase)
Volum 1
(Hans Broekhuis
Elvelien keizer)
Analysis of Noun Phrase in English and
• 3.Study of Noun Phrase in Urdu
• Aasim Ali ,Mohammad Kamran,Shahid
• National University of Computer &
Emerging Sciences - Lahore, Pakistan
• Sarmad Hussain

• Al-Khwarzmi Institute of Computer Science,

• 4.
• Oxford Guide to English Grammar
• By:John Eastwood
• www.grammer bytes/

Thank you

McGraw-Hill Technology Education Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

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