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• Wholesaling includes all the activities in selling

goods or services to those who buy for resale
or business use
n ka r
• It excludes manufacturers
th i Sa
and farmers
e e p
D engaged primarily in
Dr are
because they
production, and it excludes retailers.
Differences between wholesaler & retailer

• Wholesalers (also called distributors) differ

from retailers in a number of ways.
1) Wholesalers pay less attention to promotion,
n ka r
th i S a
atmosphere, and location because they are
D ee p
dealing with business customers rather than final
2) Wholesale transactions are usually larger than
retail transactions, and wholesalers usually cover
a larger trade area than retailers.
3) Wholesalers and retailers are subject to different
legal regulations and taxes.
Major wholesaler types
1. Merchant wholesalers: Independently owned
businesses that take title to the merchandise
they handle. r
a n k a
2. Full-service wholesalers:
t i S
Carry stock, maintain
ee p
D credit, make deliveries,
a sales force,r offer
provide management assistance.
3. Limited-service wholesalers: sell a limited line
of fast-moving goods to small retailers for cash.
4. Brokers and agents:
• Brokers bring buyers and sellers together and
n ka
assist in negotiation; they are paidrby the
party hiring them—food th i Sa
brokers, real estate
e e p
Dr D brokers.
brokers, insurance
• Agents represent buyers or sellers on a more
permanent basis.
5. Manufacturers’ and retailers’ branches
and offices: Separate branches and offices
dedicated to sales or purchasing.
n ka r
6. Specialized wholesalers:
th i SaAgricultural
assemblers (buy
D e e p
the agricultural output of
many farms), petroleum bulk plants and
terminals (consolidate the output of many
wells), and auction companies (auction
cars, equipment, etc., to dealers and other
Wholesaler functions

• Selling and promoting • Transportation

• Buying and • Financing
n ka r
assortment building • Risk
th i S a bearing
• Bulk breaking Dee • Market information
D r
• Warehousing • Management services
and counseling

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