Svnit, Surat: Communication Systems Ii-Co

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Communication Systems
Introduction to Basic
Communication Systems
1. Which of the following frequencies will be
suitable for beyond- the horizon
communication using sky waves?
(a) 10 kHz
(b) 10 MHz
(c) 1 GHz
(d) 1000GHz
(b) 10 MHz
For beyond-the-horizon communication, it is
necessary for the signal waves to travel a large
distance. 10 KHz signals cannot be radiated
efficiently because of the antenna size. The high
energy signal waves (1GHz − 1000 GHz) penetrate
the ionosphere. 10 MHz frequencies get reflected
easily from the ionosphere. Hence, signal waves
of such frequencies are suitable for beyond-the-
horizon communication.
2. Frequencies in the UHF (Ultra high frequency
band) range normally propagate by means of:
(a) Ground waves.
(b) Sky waves.
(c) Surface waves.
(d) Space waves.
(d) Space waves  
Owing to its high frequency, an ultra high
frequency (UHF) wave can neither travel along
the trajectory of the ground nor can it get
reflected by the ionosphere. The signals having
UHF are propagated through line-of-sight
communication, which is nothing but space
wave propagation.
3. Digital signals
(i) do not provide a continuous set of values,
(ii) represent values as discrete steps,
(iii) can utilize binary system, and
(iv) can utilize decimal as well as binary systems.
Which of the above statements are true?
(a) (i) and (ii) only
(b) (ii) and (iii) only
(c) (i), (ii) and (iii) but not (iv)
(d) All of (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
(c) A digital signal uses the binary (0 and 1)
system for transferring message signals.
Such a system cannot utilise the decimal system
(which corresponds to analogue signals). Digital
signals represent discontinuous values.
4. Is it necessary for a transmitting
antenna to be at the same height as
that of the receiving antenna for line-
of-sight communication? A TV
transmitting antenna is 81m tall. How
much service area can it cover if the
receiving antenna is at the ground
4. Line-of-sight communication means that there is no
physical obstruction between the transmitter and the
In such communications it is not necessary for the
transmitting and receiving antennas to be at the same
Height of the given antenna, h = 81 m
Radius of earth, R = 6.4 × 10 6 m
For range, d = (2Rh)^0.5,
The service area of the antenna is given by the
relation: A = πd 2 = π (2Rh)
= 3.14 × 2 × 6.4 × 10 6 × 81 = 3255.55 × 10 6 m 2 =
3255.55~3256 km 2
5. Why a sinusoidal signal is considered analog?
a) It moves in both positive and negative
b) It is positive for one half cycle
c) It is negative for one half cycle
d) It has infinite number of amplitudes in the
range of values of the independent variable
Explanation: A sinusoidal wave is an analog
signal. An analog electrical signal is a signal with
infinite number of amplitudes in the range of
values of independent variable. Analog signals
can take on any value in the continuous interval.
6. The minimum height of antenna required for
transmission in terms of ʎ is ________
a) 3ʎ⁄2
b) ʎ⁄4
c) 2ʎ
d) ʎ
Explanation: For effective transmission, height of
antenna should be one-forth of ʎ.
(H = ʎ⁄4 where ʎ = c⁄f). The reason for maintaining
antenna height to ʎ/4 is for matching
impedance. It means that the antenna is atleast
1/4th above ground level.
7. Data transmitted for a given amount of time is
called ________
a) Noise
b) Power
c) Frequency
d) Bandwidth
d) Bandwidth
Bandwidth is defined as a range within a band
of frequencies or wavelengths. Bandwidth is
also the amount of data that can be transmitted
in a fixed amount of time.
8. Medium which sends information from source
to receiver is called ________
a) Transmitter
b) Transducer
c) Loudspeaker
d) Channel
Explanation: Channel is the medium through
which information is transmitted. Transmitter is
used to process the electrical signal through
different aspects. The transducer is used to
convert a message signal to an electrical signal.
Loudspeaker is a type of Transducer.
9. Cell phones sent information in form of
a) microwaves
b) electrical signals
c) infrared Waves
d) radio waves
9. Answer: d
Explanation: Cell phones transmit information in
form of radio waves to communicate with each
other. Radio waves are transmitted in all
directions by the cell phone, and they travel at
the speed of light in air or vacuum.
10.  The theory of radio waves was originated
a. Marconi
b. Bell
c. Maxwell
d. Hertz
11. The transmission of radio waves was first
done by:
a. Marconi
b. Bell
c. Maxwell
d. Hertz
12. A complete communication system must
a. a transmitter and receiver
b. a transmitter, a receiver, and a channel
c. a transmitter, a receiver, and a spectrum
d. a multiplexer, a demultiplexer, and a channel
13. Radians per second is equal to:
a. 2π x f
b. f x 2π
c. the phase angle
d. none of the above
14. The wavelength of a radio signal is:
a. equal to f ÷ c
b. equal to c ÷ λ
c. the distance a wave travels in one period
d. how far the signal can travel without
15. Noise in a communication system originates
a. the sender
b. the receiver
c. the channel
d. all of the above
16. What is the role of channel in communication
a) acts as a medium to send message signals from
transmitter to receiver
b) converts one form of signal to other
c) allows mixing of signals
d) helps to extract original signal from incoming
16. Answer: a
Explanation: Channel acts as a medium to transmit message signal
from source transmitter to the destination receiver. Transducer
converts a signal from one form of energy to other. Mixer allows
mixing of signals while Demodulator helps to extract original
message signal from incoming signal.
17. A function f(x) is even, when?
a) f(x) = -f(x)
b) f(x) = f(-x)
c) f(x) = -f(x)f(-x)
d) f(x) = f(x)f(-x)

17. Answer: b
Explanation: Geometrically a function f(x) is even, if plot of the function is
symmetric over y-axis. Algebraically, for any function f(x) to be even, f(x)
= f(-x).
While for a function f(x) to be odd, f(x) = -f(-x).
18.  Sum of a periodic and aperiodic signal
always be an aperiodic signal.
a) True
b) False
Explanation: Periodic signal is a signal which repeats itself after a
regular interval. While Aperiodic Signal does not repeat itself at
regular interval of time.
For example: Let f(x) = sin(x), be a periodic function with period
2π and g(x) = −sin(x) + sin(√2x), be an aperiodic function. Now
the sum of both i.e. f(x) + g(x) = sin(√2x), which is a periodic
Therefore, the sum of a periodic and aperiodic signal can be
19. What is the role of transmitter in
(A) To decode a signal to be transmitted
(B) To convert one form of energy into another
(C) To detect and amplify information signal
from the carrier
(D) Produce radio wave to transmit data
20. As compared to sound waves frequency of
radio waves is
a. Lower
b. Higher
c. Equal
d. may be higher or lower
21. Decrease in strength of signal is known as
a. Tuning
b. Modulation
c. Attenuation
d. amplification
22. At end of communication system, signal is
converted from radio to
a. Sound
b. mechanical energy
c. kinetic energy
d. potential energy
23. Energy is lost in wires due to
a. Heating
b. Resistance
c. Conduction
d. both A and B
24. A telephone channel requires a bandwidth
of about
a. 1kHz
b. 3kHz
c. 10kHz
d. 50kHz
25. The direct rotation of CD is
a. Clockwise
b. Anticlockwise
c. Clockwise or anticlockwise depending on the
frequency of data stored
d. Mostly anticlockwise but sometime

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