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By Tierney Collier.
Rule of Thirds.
• Rule of thirds is a basic structure of
a photo. You can split it into 9
parts; 3 vertical and 3 horizontal. It
gives you 4 line that are helpful
when it comes to positioning your
photos and the objects in the photo.
• Usually the main focus of the
object, animal or person is to the
left or right, lining with the vertical
• Lines in photography help the viewers
eye go from one end to the other. It
also leads the eyes to the intended
subject of the photo.
• Different types of lines are horizontal,
vertical, diagonal, parallel, curved and
jagged or irregular.
• Symmetry in photography is when
one side of the photo is the same as
the other side.
• This photo is a good example of
symmetry because if you split it in
half it would be very almost the
same on each side.
• Patterns are repeated shapes,
lines, colours, and objects.
They can be quite pleasing to
the eye.
• I like this one because it is of a
natural object and its not a
hand made pattern.
Negative Space.
• Negative space in the area
around the object that is left
blank and there’s nothing there.
But it does define the
object/main focus of the image.
• For example, this image the guy
is wearing a red jumper and
then the negative space is also
red so matches with the guy in

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