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Steps, Functions, Components and

Criteria of BMIS Design

Dr. S. K. Majumdar

Thursday, May 14, 202 Dr. S. K. Majumdar 1

Mission of MIS

To enable fulfillment of the business

goals of the enterprise through
• managed information,
• managed process, and
• Using the Enabling Power of Modern ICT
(Information and Communication Technology)

Thursday, May 14, 202 Dr. S. K. Majumdar 2

Model of Business Management

• P = Predictability
• S = Sustainability
• P = Profitability
• D = De-Risking

Thursday, May 14, 202 Dr. S. K. Majumdar 3

7 Core Capabilities of IT
1. Doer - Automation
2. Record-keeper - Transaction Processing and Record Keeping
3. Communicator - Data Interchange
4. Facilitator - Analysis, Presentation, and Revelations of
Problems and opportunities

5. Monitor - Tracking and Controlling Events and Processes

6. Simulator - Creation of Virtual Reality and Scenario Building
7. Integrator - Integration of activities of value chain

Thursday, May 14, 202 Dr. S. K. Majumdar 5

7 P’s of MBIS
1. Plan = Paths to Target
2. Process = Actions of Accomplishments
3. People = Key Human Inputs
4. Peripherals = Infrastructure
5. Progress = Backward Visibility
6. Product = Things that are Fit to Use
7. Productivity = Capacity to Produce
Thursday, May 14, 202 Dr. S. K. Majumdar 6
3 Fundamental Roles of CBIS
CBIS Provides Support for:
1. Business Process & Operation.
2. Decision Making & Control
3. Gaining Competitive Advantage.

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Six Functions of CBIS
• I = Inputs
• P = Processes
• O = Outputs
• S = Storage
• C = Control
• C = Connectivity

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6 Components of CBIS
• P = People
• P = Procedures
• D = Data
• S = Software
• H = Hardware
• N = Network

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Artifacts of CBMIS
Hardware Network Business Purpose

Configuration Coverage Functions

Information Flow CBMIS

Application/ Bandwidth/ Ease-of-Use/
Purpose Connectivity Familiarity
Software Architecture Users & Operators

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5 Cs of BMIS
1. C = Coordination
2. C = Cost Avoidance
3. C = Connectivity
4. C = Convenience and
5. C = Control and

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Types of BMIS

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Source: Anthony, R.N. Planning and Control Systems: A Framework for Analysis, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press (1965).
9 Steps of BMIS Design
1. Value Proposition ( Value Creation Agenda)
2. Requirement Analysis (AS-IS + Would-Be)
3. Knowledge (Business, Processes & Technology)
4. People ( Doers, Monitors, Analysts & Managers)
5. Analysis of Information, State of Competition plus
Characteristics of Products & Services
6. Infrastructure (Physical, Communication + IT)
7. Strategy for IT-Enablement of BPs & MBPs
8. Re-Define the proposition, Re-Structure organization,
Reengineer the BPs plus Re-Orient the People
9. Continuous Review & Up-gradation
Thursday, May 14, 202 Dr. S. K. Majumdar 14
Exercise 3.1
• Suppose you have been asked to develop a
MIS for the Hotel. Please do the followings:
– Identify the Six Functions and components of Hotel
Management System (HMS)
– List the steps that you would follow to Design the HMS
– Identify the criteria that you would like to use to evaluate
the performance of HMS

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Seven Variables of IS Performance
1. Activity Rate and Output rate
2. Capacity & Scalability
3. Consistency & Flexibility
4. Productivity
5. Cycle Time
6. Down Time
7. Security

Dr. S. K. Majumdar 16
Questions You Must Answer
• Assume that you are working in a business
organization. You have been asked by your
superior to design a CBIS for the organization.
Now you answer the followings:
– How will you start and proceed?
– What important information you need to gather and
where from you can them?
– What are the important IT decisions you have to make
to design the proposed CBIS?
– How will you justify and convince your boss about the
rationality and business value of the proposed CBIS?

Thursday, May 14, 202 Dr. S. K. Majumdar 17


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