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Technical Viability of IPIL – IPIL

Methyl Ester as Diesel Additives
Engr. Mark Augusto V. Agus
Engr. Romeo D. Solitario Jr.
Engr. Maricel M. Matuto
Engr. Ramon P. Flores
PROJECT LEADER/GENDER: Engr. Mark Augusto V. Agus

CO-PROJECT LEADER/GENDER: Engr. Romeo D. Solitario Jr

Team Member 1 Engr. Ramon P. Flores

Team Member 2 Engr. Maricel M. Matuto

IMPLEMENTING UNIT: College of Engineering
CAMPUS: Santa Cruz Campus
CONTACT NO/S.:0917 – 526 - 2975
Bio-fuel act of the Philippines
(RA 9367)

 Mandates to develop and utilize

indigenous renewable and
sustainably-sourced clean energy
sources to reduce dependence on
imported oil; mitigate toxic and
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
Current Statuts

 Local biodiesel output has

consistently met the one percent
blend set in 2007 and the 2-
percent blend (B2) requirements
since 2009, but not the five
percent blend set in 2015.
 The planned 5-percent biodiesel blend (B5)
was due in 2015. This did not happen,
however, due to high CNO prices and
therefore the high cost of biodiesel compared
to fossil fuel. The B5 blend is not expected
anytime soon due to an economic policy
recommendation to postpone the higher
blend rate as a result of inadequate
coconut/copra supply and the price gap
between fossil diesel and biodiesel.
Ipil – ipil as Bio-Fuel Source
 Studies were carried out to characterize the oil
and seed meal of ipil-ipil ( Leucaena
leucocephala seed. The seed contains 6.7% oil
and 31.6% protein on dry weight basis. Physical
and chemical characteristics of crude oil were
studied and the results indicated that the oil
can be used for edible purposes after refining.
The GLC analysis revealed that the oil is
composed of palmitic acid ( 15.7% ), palmitoleic
acid (0.2%), stearic acid (3.6% ), oleic acid
(15.5% ), linoleic acid (63.2%) linolenic acid
(0.4%), arachidic acid (0.5%), and lignoceric acid
 Ipil-ipil (Leucaena leucocephala) seed oil will be esteridied. In
acid-catalyzed esterification, concentrated sulfuric acid at 5wt%
of oil and methanol at 40:1 molar ratio to oil will be use. The
mixture will be transfer to a separatory funnel which will left to
stand for a minimum of 12h to allow separation of the esterified
oil (bottom layer) and the alcohol-water-acid (top layer). The
esterified oil will be separated and washed with distilled water.
For each washing, 50vol% distilled water of the oil will be use
and washings were done about 5 to 7 times. The esterified oil
will be filtered using anhydrous sodium sulfate to remove water.
Ipil – ipil (LEUCAENA LEUCOCEPHALA) Methyl Ester will be
blended to petro-diesel by percent volume of 10% (B10), 20%
(B20), 50% (B50) and 100% (B100) to diesel engine test bed to
break engine, fuel-consumption and emission and will be test
the biodiesel blend in accordance to PNS 004:2009 Biodiesel
Standard at Department of Energy.

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