21st Century Fox and Bill O'Reilly: Maria Reyes, Daniela Posada

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21st Century Fox and

Bill O’Reilly

Maria Reyes, Daniela Posada

Background and Case

William James O'Reilly Case

● O'Reilly joined the Fox News Channel in 1996 and ● In April 2016: it was reported that star commentator
hosted The O'Reilly Factor until 2017. Bill O’Reilly:
● Highest-rated cable news show for 16 years,"the
paid five women millions to keep allegations of sexual
biggest star in the 20 year history at Fox News" .
harassment in the dark
● Agreements between O’Reilly and ex-producer
Andrea Mackris and Rebecca Gomez Diamond
● Required to turn over all evidence [of sexual
● (1996) : married to Maureen E. McPhilmy,
harassment], including audio recordings and diaries,
● (1998): Daughter. (2003): Son.
● (2011): Divorce.
to Mr. O’Reilly.
● (2015): Domestic violence. ● O’Reilly tapped private investigators to dig up dirt on
● Fox´s most famous host. the women.
● O’Reilly was fired.
● Ultimately reaching legal settlements with at least six
women totaling a reported $45 million.
Why does an individual commit an ethical
1. The desire for pleasure (or comfort): talk us into doing things we will regret
2. Lack of Integrity: Not making your beliefs and your actions line up.
3. Set his family aside.
4. Understanding that those who want most to keep their power at all costs are
most likely to compromise standard ethical behavior to keep it.
5. A person fails to appreciate the wrongfulness of an act or its impact on the
6. Test: personal values, moral beliefs, and commitment to doing the right
7. Fail to recognize that the problem they are confronting has an ethical
8. Place low value on people.
9. Ask Others to hold another person accountable for your Actions.

1. Defining your own principles will help you to guide you handling ethical issues. -
2. Separate the interest of an organization vs personal interests.
3. Find an alternate solution (the 3rd option)
4. Act with your own heart, do not let others influence you.
5. Personal achievement before wealth.


1. Problems are part of life, but solving them as soon as possible will bring better
consequences. ( Snowball)

2. The truth always comes out.

3. An unethical behaviour will marc your personal brand for the rest of your life.
● Steel, E. (2017) Bill O´Reilly Settled New Harrasment Claim, then Fox Renewed his Contract. Web site:
● Ruiz, M. (2018). Bill O’Reilly’s Sexual Harassment Settlements Are Even Uglier Than We Thought. Web site:
● CFA Institute. (2013) Confronting Ethical Dilemmas at Work: Why Do Good People Do Bad Things?. Web site:
● Maxwell, J. (2005) Ethics 101. Web site:

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