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Welcome to the T&D Course !

Dr. Sandhya Iya

Human Resource Management
Includes all activities used to attract & retain
employees and to ensure they perform at a
high level in meeting organizational goals.

1. Recruitment & selection.

2. Training and development.
3. Performance appraisal and feedback.
4. Pay and benefits.
5. Labor relations.
Human Resource Development
• Enhancing human capabilities by
allowing learning experiences
• Systematic/planned way to help
employees :
– Acquire/sharpen capabilities required of
present/future role
– Optimise potential for self/organisation
development purposes
– Develop culture of strong team work,
motivation, & pride
Basic Terms and Definitions
• Information : unit of awareness about
• Knowledge : organised information –
perspective, context, scope
• Skills : apply knowledge effectively &
efficiently to get a job done – inferred from
• Task : series of activities needed to produce a
specified result – a unit of work. Many tasks
combined make a function
Basic Terms and Definitions
• Job : collection of tasks & responsibilities
for which employee is responsible. Jobs
have titles.
• Role : set of responsibilities/expected results
associated with a job. A job typically has
several roles.
• Learning : a relatively permanent change in
behaviour due to past experience; enhancing
one’s knowledge, understanding, or skills. A
continuous process
Basic Terms and Definitions

• Education : an activity aimed at

enhancing knowledge (primarily)

• Training : any activity aimed at

helping acquire new skills for
enhanced performance
Basic Terms and Definitions
• Development : includes learning,
experiencing, practicing the KSA,
thereby improving overall personality;
the strategic investment, by an
organisation, in the training of its
• Competencies : a broad grouping of
KSA that enable success at a number
of similar tasks
T&D : Distinct but Related Aspects of
• Training : • Development :
– A set of activities – Desired outcome of
those activities
– Acquiring/sharpening
KSA – Explore potential
through awareness,
– Short term/narrow practice, modification
focus of skill
acquisition – Long term/broader
– Led by instructor
– Led by
Typical Reasons for Employee
Training and Development
• Need for performance improvement
seen in appraisal
• Mark progress in performance
improvement initiative
• Part of overall professional
development program
• Part of succession planning effort
Importance of T&D
• Optimum Utilization of Human Resources
• Development of Human Resources
• Development of skills of employees
• Productivity
• Team spirit
• Organization Culture
• Organization Climate
Importance of T&D
• Quality
• Healthy work environment
• Health and Safety
• Morale
• Image
• Profitability
• Organizational development
Benefits from Employee Training
and Development

• Increased process efficiencies, resulting

in financial gain
• Increased capacity to adopt new
technologies and methods
• Increased innovation in strategies and
• Increased employee motivation
• Increased job satisfaction and morale
General Open Systems Model



Systems External Environment

Training as a Subsystem within the
Organizational System


Mission Strategy Structure Policies Procedures
Finances Resources People Products Technology



Organizational Needs Analysis Knowledge
Employee Needs Design Skills
Budget Development Attitudes
Equipment Implementation Motivation
Staff Evaluation Job Performance
Training Processes Model

Needs Analysis Phase

Input Process Output

Design Phase
Input Process Output

Development Phase
Triggering Input Process Output

Implementation Phase
Input Process Output
Evaluation Data
Evaluation Evaluation Phase
Data Input Process Output
Classification of Learning Outcome

Skill-Based Learning


Cognitive Knowledge Attitudinal Learning

Declarative Knowledge Affect/Feelings
Procedural Knowledge
Strategic Knowledge

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