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Cater Cleaning

Group (5) Participants
Roll No (14) : Mg Ye Gaung
Roll No (17) : Ma San San Hlaing
Roll No (19) : Mg Aung Thu Hoke
Roll No (25) : Mg Kyaw Swar Tun
Roll No (27) : Mg Zaw Win Htut
Roll No (29) : Ma Nguwa Khing
Roll No (72) : Mg Aye Thein
Roll No (79) : Mg Kyaw Sann Win
Roll No (80) : Ma Swe Nwe Win
Roll No (87) : Mg Kyaw Thet Zaw
5-19. First how would you recommend we go
about reducing the turnover in our store?
 Select the right people in the first place through personnel
planning and recruiting
 Completely worded classified Job Description
 Hire more qualified employees (e.g. high school graduate)
 Career Development Plan (e.g. worker to supervisor in 3 years)
Pay attention to personal needs
 Offer more flexibility where you can
5-20. Provide a detailed list of recommendations concerning how we should go
about increasing our pool of acceptable job applicants so we no longer face the
need to hire almost anyone who walks in the door. (Recommendations regarding
the latter should include completely worded online and hard-copy
advertisements and recommendations regarding any other recruiting strategies
you would suggest we use.)

* Rehiring
If we know somebody who did a good job and want
to come back. It’s a win-win situation.
* Recruiting via the internet
Share the vacancy post on the Facebook.
5-20 (Contd)
* Attractive and Effective Ads
Posting ads on free social media sites
* Public and non-profit Agencies
Buying job applications
* Referral
Words of mouth from the existing workers.
Thank you!!!

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