Global, Local Variables, Arrays, Clusters

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Inserting Pictures

To insert a picture into your LabView front Panel, simply

cut and paste from another windows application.
• Good way to add personal logo to your Vis
• Good way to add pictures to illustrate your VI. Eg…
Front panel controls valves/ meters on industrial chemical
• Avoid placing controls and indicators on top of picture.
Need time and CPU time to redraw picture when control/
indicator updated.

Picture for
Lab 3
Last Updated 2/3/05 Week 3 - part b
Global and Local Variables
In all programming languages, the programmer has the ability to
define local variables (within a subroutine or subVI) or global
variables (accessible to VI and all subVI’s).

rate := 0.05
principle := 1000.
money := principle
For I:= 0 to 10
Next I

In the above example, the user might input the rate of

interest earned and the amount of principle in an
account to calculate the compounded
Last Updated 2/3/05 Week 3 - part b
Global and Local Variables
In the example, both rate and principal are local variables.

Typical global variables for VI’s might include

• a GPIB address of a instrument
• the current name of an output file
• default settings for an instrument, etc.

Setting up these variables in LabVIEW is similar to setting

up a subVI.

Last Updated 2/3/05 Week 3 - part b

Defining Variables
Start by using Functions>>All Functions>>Structures palette
and selecting the GLOBAL variable

• A node appears on the block diagram for the global variable

• Double click on it to open its front panel.
• Assign a name (label) to each control because you must refer to
the variable by that label.

You can define a Global Node to have more than 1 variable

You can define more than 1 Global Node

Last Updated 2/3/05 Week 3 - part b

Sample Global Node
G P IB A D D R E S S M a ximu m V o lta g e

0 0 .0 0

C u rre n t D a ta F ile M in imu m V o lta g e

0 .0 0



Last Updated 2/3/05 Week 3 - part b

Sharing Global Variables
Once you save the global node as a VI, you can insert it as a
Global node in an VI or subVI

CAUTION: Do not overuse global variables!!!

Due to dataflow architecture, it is difficult to know when a

block of code is writing/ reading global variable.
Since a global variable is BOTH an indicator and control,
you have flexibility, but also more opportunity for errors.

Last Updated 2/3/05 Week 3 - part b

Local Variables
• Only used in a single VI or subVI
• As with Global variable, you refer to Local variable by its label.
• Create a Local variable by Functions>>All Functions>>Structures
and select local variable or right click on control/ indicator and select
CREATE>>Local Variable.
• Remember, variables can act as Controls and Indicators
• Advantage of Local variables over Global variables is that Local
variables do not need a separate VI FRONT PANEL.
• Eg. for the traffic light lab, you can put everything in one VI using
local variables, or put traffic lights in separate front panel from time
Local Variable Example
Last Updated 2/3/05 Week 3 - part b
Arrays and Clusters
Otherwise known to programmers as Arrays and Structs (or Records)

Clearly, in data acquisition, there is a need to store arrays of data:

For I:= 0 to 10
For J:= 0 to 10
Surface(I, J):= I * J
Next J
Next I

As you would expect, LabVIEW has array structures and all

the accompanying functions which would act on an array.

Last Updated 2/3/05 Week 3 - part b

Arrays etc.
ALL arrays in LabVIEW are 0 indexed

Array elements MUST all be of the same data type eg.

Boolean, Real, Double, Integer, etc.
You can’t do anything whacky like make arrays of arrays.

• You create arrays using the Controls palette and selecting

Array and Cluster
• From the array shell you choose a valid element (Boolean,
String, etc.) M y L abel
Element Display

Index Display

Last Updated 2/3/05 Week 3 - part b

Arrays - Adding the Element
Once you have the element display, put your Element inside
(eg. A Boolean Indicator)
M y L abel M y L abel

12 15

To define length of the array,

Grey Out
• increment index control to desired value
• Right mouse click on the element display and choose Data
Operations>>set to default.
• Undefined elements in the array (ie. 15th element of a 10
Last Updated array)
2/3/05 are greyed out.
Week 3 - part b
Arrays - Adding Dimensions
Pop-up on the index control to add a dimension
M y L abel
0 Value at Row
18 and
Column Column

Last Updated 2/3/05 Week 3 - part b

Displayed Arrays - Tabular
Resizing the Element Display Allows you to see more
than one element at at time
Element [0,18]
M y L abel


Last Updated 2/3/05 Week 3 - part b

Array Sizes, Functions, etc.
The size of an array is limited by the Default values of an array
control. - Do not make the default size larger than required.
LOTS of functions to manipulate arrays:
Array Size Sort Array
Index Array Search Array
Replace Element Array Min, Max
Etc. etc.
Get Array Subset

Array Example

Last Updated 2/3/05 Week 3 - part b

G cluster - an ordered collection of one or more elements
• Analogous to structures in C
• Clusters can contain any combination of G data types
(unlike Arrays)
• Fixed size (unlike arrays)

Use Clusters to group related data together and reduce wire

clutter. Use Clusters to Bundle data together to pass to SubVI


Last Updated 2/3/05 Week 3 - part b

Cluster Example
Use Clusters Function on Control Palette to create a Cluster
c lu s te r a

E rro r c o n d itio n

L e n g th o f A rra y

Functions for assembling or building Clusters:

Bundle Array to Cluster

Bundle by Name

Last Updated 2/3/05 Week 3 - part b

Bundle / By Name

Bundle by Name - Reference by Name, not position


0 .0 0
H our
N e w V a lu e B u n d le B y N a me
M in u ite 0 .0 0

H our 0

Last Updated 2/3/05 Week 3 - part b

Changing Values/ Debundle
There are equivalent Functions to Debundle

VI example of how to Change value in a Bundle

Last Updated 2/3/05 Week 3 - part b

add stuff on x-y charts.

Last Updated 2/3/05 Week 3 - part b

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