Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia: Mechanical Engineering Dynamics DAM 10903/ 20903 Kinetics of Particle

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Universiti Tun

Hussein Onn
Mechanical Engineering
Dynamics DAM 10903/ 20903

Kinetics of Particle
• Understanding of the concepts of displacement, velocity and
acceleration as vectors and how to determine them.

• Ability to understand concepts of kinetic, potential and

mechanical energies and the concepts of a conservative

• Understanding of the concepts of power and mechanical

Newton Laws of Motion 3.1
a. First Law
Law of inertia – a body in motion will stay in motion and a body at
rest will stay at rest until an external force is acted on it.

b.Second Law
A particle acted upon by an external force F experience an acceleration
that has the same direction as the force and a magnitude that is
directly proportional to the force.

c.Third Law
Law of action – reaction. For every action, there is an equal an
opposite reaction.
Dependent Motion 3.2
a. Absolute Dependent Motion Analysis of Two Particles
- The motion of one particle will depend on the corresponding motion
of another particle ( e.g. Inextensible cord connection )
Position :
Establish a total cord length equation

Velocity S lA CD
S lB T
Velocity is the time derivative of the position

S l
Acceleration A  CD  S lB
 T ds A   dsB
Acceleration is the time derivative of the velocity dt dt
S  S  l l
 const
v A   vB

dv A   dvB
dt dt
a A
  aB
Position :

2S  h  S  l

2 S S l h
 const

Acceleration B
  vA

2a B
  aA
Activity 1
A m1 3 kg mass and a m2 5 kg mass are connected over a pulley by
a light inextensible string. When the masses are released from rest,
what is :
i) The acceleration of each of the mass
ii)The tension in the string
( Take g = 9.81 ms-2 )
For mass m1, using F = ma

T – m1g = m1a
For mass m2, using F = ma
T – 3g = 3a (i)

(i)+ (ii)
m2g – T = m2a
5g – T = 5a ( ii )
Substitute a = 2.45 ms into (i)

2g = 8a
a = 2.45 ms-2

T – 3(9.81) = 3(2.45)
T = 36.75 N
Activity 2
2 kg mass on a smooth 30º plane is connected to a 5 kg mass by a
light inextensible string passing over a pulley at the top of the
plane. When the particle are released from rest, the 2 kg mass
moves up the plane.
i)What is the acceleration of the 2 kg and 5 kg mass ?
ii)What is the tension in the string ?
T tension in the string
m1 mass being pulled up incline
m2 mass falling under gravity
a acceleration of both masses
( m1 = 2 kg, m2 = 5 kg, g = 9.81 ms-2 )

Consider forces on the 2 kg mass, using F = ma

T – m1g sin 30º = m1a

T – 2(9.81)(0.5) = 2a
T – 9.81 = 2a (i)
Consider forces on the 5 kg mass, using F = ma

m2g – T = m2a
(5)(9.81) – T = 5a
49.05 – T = 5a (ii)
(i) + (ii)

49.05 – 9.81 = 7a
a = 5.61 (iii)
Insert (iii) in (i)

T – 9.81 = 2(5.61)
T = 21.03 N
Mass Ascending or Decending in a lift 3.3
Forces on the body in the lift :
a)the weight down
b)the reaction of the floor up
Activity 3
The total mass of lift is 300 kg while a person of mass 60 kg stand in the lift. The drum pulling lift is
5000N. What is the force exerted by the lift floor on the person when the lift ( reaction force acting to
the man )

T – mtotal g= mtotal a
5000 – (300+60)(9.81) = (300+60)a
a = 0.48 ms-2

R – mhuman g = mhuman a
R – (60)(9.81) = (60)(0.48)
R = 617. 4 N
Spring Force
Spring force

F = ks

 k = spring stiffness
 s = stretched or compression length
Normal and Friction Force
∑ Fy = 0
N = mg cos θ
= (40)(9.81) cos 20º
= 369 N

∑ Fx = max
– μk N – mg sin θ = max
– (0.25)(369) – (40)(9.81) sin 20º = 40ax
ax = – 5.66 ms-2

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