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ML and Its Algorithms

Machine learning is the scientific study of

algorithms and statistical models that
computer systems use to perform a specific
task without using explicit instructions,
relying on patterns and inference instead.

The basic premise of machine learning is to

build algorithms that can receive input data
and use statistical analysis to predict an
output while updating outputs as new data
becomes available.
Types of Machine Learning

Supervised Learning Unsupervised Reinforcement

Learning Learning
• Human acts as the teacher where we feed the
computer with training data containing the
Supervised input/predictors and we show it the correct
answers (output) and from the data the
Learning computer should be able to learn the patterns.
• In Supervised learning, an AI system is
Algorithm presented with data which is labeled, which
means that each data tagged with the correct
• Classification: A classification problem is when
Types of the output variable is a category, such as “red”
or “blue” or “disease” and “no disease”.
Supervised • Regression: A regression problem is when the
learning output variable is a real value, such as “dollars”
or “weight”.
Nearest Neighbor
Naive Bayes
List of
Common Decision Trees
Algorithm Linear Regression
Support Vector Machines (SVM)
Neural Networks
• In unsupervised learning, an AI system is
Unsupervis presented with unlabeled, uncategorized data
and the system’s algorithms act on the data
ed Learning without prior training. The output is dependent

upon the coded algorithms.
• E.g. - k-means clustering
Clustering: A clustering problem is where you
want to discover the inherent groupings in the
data, such as grouping customers by

Types of purchasing behavior.

ed learning Association: An association rule learning
problem is where you want to discover rules
that describe large portions of your data, such
as people that buy Pizza also tend to buy
• Allow machine or software agent to learn its
behavior based on feedback from the
Reinforcem • The agent receives rewards by performing
ent correctly and penalties for performing
incorrectly. The agent learns without
Learning intervention from a human by maximizing its
reward and minimizing its penalty. It is a type of
dynamic programming that trains algorithms
using a system of reward and punishment.

List of
Common Temporal Difference (TD)
Deep Adversarial
Steps in

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