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Supporting Classroom Teachers

with Behaviour concerns

using the
Intervention Process Map
Resource 101, August 2017
Helen Johnston, Education Support Services Coordinator, SSEC
3 Tools
1.InterventionProcess Map
(Academic and Behavior)
2.RTI for Behaviour_PBIS
Resource Guide and Appendices
Behaviour Plans –create plans using these forms from
RTI for Behaviour_PBIS
Resource Guide and Appendices :
 Proactive Strategies Checklist (Tier One)
 Short Term Targeted Intervention Tracking Form (Tier Two)
 Short Term Tier II Interventions Inventory (Tier Two)
 Personalized Learning Plan – Individual Behaviour Support Plan (PLP-IBSP) -
(Tier Three)
 PLP-IBSP Implementation Checklist – to teachers and EAs – (Tier Three)
Tool # 1
Intervention Process Map
 Follow the handout to get to the Intervention Process Map on ESS Documents
First - Teaching Process Map
Then - Intervention Process Map
 First …..  Then ….
Tool # 2
RTI for Behaviour_PBIS
Resource Guide and Appendices
 Follow the Handout to get to the PBIS Resource Guide
Tool # 3

Resource 101- August 25, 2017
Intervention Process Map
EST -Resource – Behaviour
Let’s complete the Behaviour Task Sheet
together ….
Resource 101- August 25, 2017
Intervention Process Map

Starting with number 2, please fill in an action for each step:

1. Concern regarding a student’s academic or social

Case study – ESST request for services was made for a (fictional)
student we shall call Bobby in grade 2. Bobby has a lot of difficulty
during instructional time, keeping his hands to himself. He often
hurts other students by kicking pushing and shoving. Other students
do not feel safe around Bobby and there have been calls from
parents complaining about their children getting hit. Bobby was
diagnosed on May 20th 2016 by Dr. XYZ with PTSD during his
grade 1 year.
Intervention Process Map –
Starts with ….
Whose job is
it to ensure
Tier One

Do we need
to go back to
the Teaching
Process Map?
2. Ensure quality classroom instruction and school-wide Positive Behavioural
Interventions and Supports (PBIS) are in place and functioning effectively…….

 Talk with the teacher and or your Administration about PBIS

 RTI for Behaviour_PBIS Resource Guide and Appendices Read the

Last one in the Appendix list
“RTI for Behaviour-
August 2016”

 Appendix A-K = PBIS

some short
term, Tier

How about a
30 minute
3. Determine Student Needs and
explore possible solutions.
Diamonds =
Decision Points =

assessment to
develop a
and try some
tier one
4. Conduct assessments to develop a
hypothesis and determine possible solutions.

 Observation of classroom
 Appendix O – Event Frequency Record
 Conversations with teachers, parents, Bobby - what has worked for
Bobby and what has not.
 30 Minute Problem Solving

 Hypothesis? Task avoidance due to Anxiety

5. Plan and provide classroom

Choose strategies from PBIS

World, or other evidence
based interventions.
Tier One Interventions

For about six weeks, then look at the data

6. Monitor Progress and impact of

Choose a simple data collection

record from
 RTI for Behaviour_PBIS
Resource Guide and Appendices
 other
7. (Tier 2) Plan and Provide Targeted
Short Term intervention

Choose evidence based

interventions from
 other
Tier Two Interventions

For about six weeks, then look at the data

8. Monitor Progress
Targeted Short Term Interventions
Tier Three Interventions = ESS Requests
School First; Then District (ESS or C & Y)
11 Make a request to school ESS Team.

With classroom teacher

Be prepared with evidence such as…
PBIS – Current Practices checklist
Tier One – Daily behavior log
Tier Two – Intervention Tracking Forms
& Inventory Summary
12. (TIER 3) Plan and provide targeted and sustained
intervention using recommended strategies.

Choose evidence based

interventions from
 RTI for Behaviour_PBIS
Resource Guide and Appendices
 other
Plan and provide targeted and sustained
intervention …. IBSP
Plan and provide targeted and sustained
intervention …. IBSP
Give a copy of the PLP-IBSP
Implementation checklist to:
 Teachers
 Educational Assistants
 Other staff working on the target behaviours with the student

 Ask them to document daily implementation

 Hint: You cannot say if a plan is effective, or not, if you do not really know if
it is being implemented with fidelity.
13. Monitor progress and impact of intervention.
Tier Three Interventions = ESS Requests
School First; Then District (ESS or C & Y)
16. If needed, request services of District ESS Access
Team, Child and Youth Team, etc.

After School ESS Initiated Interventions tried for about six

weeks and reviewed with data, complete a file review and
request services from:

1. District ESS (Access Team)

2. Child and Youth Team
3. Education Partners (e.g. Occupational Therapists, Stan
Cassidy Centre)
4. Other
Case Conferences, Common Case
Planning, VTRA Meetings etc …..
Bring everyone together at regular
intervals to problem solve as a team:
look at data,
choose evidence based interventions
Work together to reduce interventions,
and step down the Pyramid.
Think, Pair, Share

Talk with the people around

you about:
what you learned
what you would like to learn
next about Behaviour Planning

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