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Jerome Abubakar

Armando Dones

Ramon Joseph Maglaqui


The narratives about the patriarchs are carefully

arranged in blocks of material developing story of individual
patriarch. These are called Abraham cycle(Gen 12, 1-25,
18), the Jacob cycle(12, 19-37, 1) and the Joseph cycle(37,
2-50, 26) although these highlighted the exploits of the
individual patriarch.

The story begins w hen his father Terah who left Ur

and settled in Haran then Abram received his call and
promised great blessings. Abram embarked on his long
journey which brought him to the land of Canaan, into
Egypt and back into the Land of Promise- a route to be
taken by his progeny 600 years after him.
Abraham’s journey was his expression of faith and
he entrusted himself to Yahweh that who never let him
down. Back in Canaan Yahweh cut a covenant with Abram.
Then changing his name to Abraham and he is destined to be
father of all nations.
- He was the king of Salem

- He is not only a king but a priest of Yahweh.

- Abraham acknowledges Melchizedek’s priesthood and offers

him tithes.
- He becomes a worthy archetype of Jesus, King and Priest.

Jacob who is preferred by the lord to his elder twin

Esau and Isaac was chosen over Ishmael before him or
Solomon over his elder brothers in the future. Jacob’s
supernatural ewncounters assure him of God’s protection
and of the continuance of the promises to Abraham to him
and his children.

The portrayal of the women in Genesis conforms to

the expectation of those time in a male dominated and
oriented society. In the ancient world women are inferior to
males. In those days the main duty of a woman was
considered to be to beget children which is in fact, what
Eve, Sarah and others are remembered for.
This belittling was not always, before the fall
woman alone is found worthy as a partner of man. The
restoration of women’s rights and dignity is in the plan of
salvation, as is attested by Jesus and his early community.

The saying “God writes straight with crooked

lines” cannot be more applicable than to the story of Joseph.
Being the object of his brother’s jealousy, he was sold to
merchants travelling into Egypt. There he grew in the favor
of God and men. Blessed by Yahweh in all his undertakings
he proved himself upright despite temptation.
The attitude “sapagkat ako’y tao lamang” had no
hold on him. Though thrown into prison, his uprightness was
rewarded by gift of interpretation of dreams , which led to
become Governor of whole Egypt. Then he encountered his
scoundrel brother whom he forgave magnanimously, was
reunited with his father Jacob and established his entire family
in the land of Pharaohs.

The creation accounts do not intend to give a blow-

by-blow account of the first days of creation. What they do
give is a “Theology of creation” or what creation means,
how God is involved and what role human is play. Unlike
other ancient narratives of the beginning, the accounts of
Israel had no other preexistent being other than God alone.
The two accounts of creation present Israel’s
experience of God who is both all-powerful and
transcendent, as well as down-to-earth and provident. In
both instances God is none other but the good creator. He
entrusts human as stewards, not as answer or rules of his
handwork of which they are to be responsible.
The three accounts of original sin. Mankind’s
tendency to live independent of the Almighty expressed in the
classic tale of Adam and Eve. But this is repeated in the stories
of the peoples in Noah’s time and of those in the city of Bebel.
In all three cases, the Lord punishes their insolence. And the
gravity in the spread of mankind’s sinfulness takes a toll in
human life expectation as well.
And so God once again intervened as he called
Abraham. As he had served mankind then, so Israel in exile
had hoped that God’s intervention would be a present
experience as well and the are not left disappointed.

•Penta (five) – Pentateuch is the collection of 5 scrolls. It is

the law that which man is to respond to the Lord.
•The 5 books is called Torah

enesis (how God brought this world into being and chose Abraham.)

xodus (how God rescue the people of Egypt)

eviticus (Laws and Commands)

umbers (Laws and Commands with history)


(it is all in the


he creator/author of the pentateuch is MOSES.

oses’ purpose in creating the pentateuch is that to let the people
know how to live their lives or how to worship God. In the 5
scrolls, which they call “LAW” is the set of instructions on how to
get closer to GOD. On how should they live, treat their neighbors,
deal with slaves and something that will not violate their rules.

srael called these first five books the Torah or the Law. The
Israelites accepted them for what they truly are --- teachings or
guides for a fulfilling life.

his is where God tries to let us know how to be close to him by

following his instructions/law that is written in this 5 books.

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