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Presented by
Aliya zehra BM-26517
Sajjad Ali BM-26520
The Ultimate Guide To Team Synergy

In modern organizational theory, 'synergy' means

much more than “working together.”

The combination of common interests, common

values & complementary talents defines the
potential for team synergy.
The modern concept of synergy was proposed by chemists. They
discovered that every time they separated atoms or molecules
from a complex compound, the behavior of the separate parts
could never explain the behavior of all of them interconnected.
For example, the chemical behaviors of isolated hydrogen (H 2)
and isolated oxygen (O2) do not offer any kind of information
about the chemical behavior of water (H2O). Chemist called this
principles synergy, a form of collective transmutation that
allowed for endless research and innovation in chemistry.
By the same token,
in modern organizational theory, synergy means much more than
“working together.”
Synergy is actually a systemic principle that explains how a
team's collective performance is unpredictable based solely on its
member’s individual performances. Therefore, a team’s collective
performance can be either better or worse than the sum of its
members’ individual performances. This introduces a level of risk
that is widely overlooked by most authors and that holds the key
to understanding organizational success versus organizational
failure. This is why we must talk about positive synergy versus
negative synergy and how to pursue the former while avoiding
the latter.
Positive synergy vs. negative synergy
Going back to chemistry for just a moment, we
know that if we add sulfur (S8) to a controlled
environment already containing water (H2O), given
the right temperature and pressure conditions we
can turn said water into sulfuric acid (H2SO4). In
other words, we can transform a life-giving
substance, water, into a destructive one, sulfuric
acid. This is a metaphor to show how positive
synergy can be turned into negative synergy by
adding the “wrong” element. In teamwork, the
same can happen.
In this regard, introducing the “wrong” person into
a team can have devastating effects on
performance. Achieving and sustaining positive
synergy is a very complex task, and it starts with
hiring the right people. Of course, positive synergy
depends also on good leadership and other
ongoing people-management processes. However,
anyone who has ever had real team leadership
responsibilities knows that hiring the wrong person
is far worse than not hiring the right person.
Figuratively speaking, it is a lot more difficult to
turn a piece of carbon into a diamond than to
The chemistry of
I have found that, just as the numbers of protons,
neutrons, and electrons define the potential for
chemical synergy, 
the combination of common interests, common val
ues, and complementary talents defines the potent
ial for team synergy.
Let us explore each of these factors further.
Common interests. When people share common
interests, they align their individual efforts toward
the same goal. More specifically, they find personal
affinities that help them work together, seek
opportunities to leverage each other’s talents, and
measure the results of their collective efforts with
respect to their common goal.
•Common values. When people share common values, they can forge strong, long-lasting
alliances. More specifically, I have found that people who share the values of humility, honesty, trust, and
discipline achieve the highest synergies.
1.Humility is the capacity to acknowledge one’s own truth. This allows every team member to have a
clear image of the self and address all personal growth and professional development needs in a timely
2.Honesty is the capacity to share one’s own truth with others. This allows team members to know each
other more closely, develop trust, help each other, and carry out team improvement initiatives with further
3.Trust is the ability to focus on one’s task while letting others focus on theirs, thus optimizing efforts.
Equally, trust also allows for team members to check up on each other to make sure all tasks remain
aligned with the common goal. Likewise, trust leads naturally to loyalty and solidarity.
4.Discipline is the ability to continue to work toward a goal regardless of the circumstances. Discipline
requires commitment, courage, resilience, and drive.
Thank You 

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