Management Control System

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Presented to, Presented by

Dr. J. N. Giri Kanika Mittal

Jaspal Singh
Pankaj kumar
Deepika Kaintura
Anand Pal Yadav

Management Control System

A MCS is a set of inter-related communication structures

that facilitates the processing of information for the
purpose of assisting managers in co-ordinating the parts
and attaining the purpose of an organization on a
continuous basis.

Control Alternatives
Controls can mainly focus on:
Action Controls
-the action taken
Result Controls
-the result produced
People Controls
-the types of people employed and their shared values
and norms.

Action Controls
 Ensure that employees perform (or do not perform)
certain actions known to be beneficial (or harmful) to
the organization.
 Most action controls are aimed at preventing
undesirable behaviors.
 Four basic forms of action controls:
i. Behavioural Constraints
ii. Pre-action Reviews
iii. Action Accountability
iv. Redundancy

Results control
Rewarding employees
Create meritocracies
Employees are given liberty to take actions
Commonly used as a means of controlling the
behaviour of professional employees
Often implemented under the framework of a MBO
(management by objectives).

 People controls ensure that employees must control their own behavior as well as
others’ behaviors
Personnel Control and cultural control

Personnel controls
 Personnel controls build on employees’ natural tendencies to control
themselves, because most people …
 have a conscience that leads them to do what is right;
 find self-satisfaction when they do a good job and see their
organization succeed.
 labels ...
 Self-control
 Intrinsic motivation
 Ethics and morality
 Trust and atmosphere
 Loyalty

Cultural controls are effective because members
of a group have emotional ties to one another.
Cultures are built on shared ...
 traditions;
 norms;
 beliefs;
 ideologies;
 attitudes;
 ways of behaving, etc.

Control Tightness & Looseness
“Good control” is said to take place when there is …
• a “high” probability that the firm’s objectives will be
• a “low” probability that major unpleasant surprises will
• In this respect, tight control is “good” because it
provides a high degree of certainty that people will act
as the organization wishes.
Tight action control
1)Behavioral constraints
 Physical constraints
▪ Extra protection usually costs more.
 Administrative constraints
▪ Restricting decision making to higher organizational
levels provides tighter controls if:
▪ Higher-level personnel can be expected to make
more reliable decisions;
▪ Those who do not have authority cannot violate
the constraints.

2)Preaction reviews
 Become tighter if the reviews are frequent, detailed,
and performed by diligent, knowledgeable persons.
3) Action Accountability
The tightness of control depends on:
 The definition of (un)desirable actions
 Definitions must be specific, yet complete;

 Definitions must be understood and accepted.

 The effectiveness of the action-tracking system

 Employees should feel that their actions are noticed,

and noticed relatively quickly.

 The reinforcement provided
 i.e., the significance of the rewards or punishments
Tight Results controls
1)The definitions of the desired results areas:
 Congruent with organisational skills.
 Specific
 Effectively communicated

2)The performance measures

 Congruent
 Precise
 Objective
 Timely
 understandable

3)The reinforcements provided

 Significance to person involved.
 Direct and definite link to results and actions.
Tight people controls
The tightness of personnel controls depends a great deal on
the overlap between individual and organizational objectives:
the larger the overlap, the lesser the perceived tightness.

Selection, training and job design are methods to implement

personnel controls

Cultural controls are often more powerful + stable

 Strong company cultures.

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