Lecture Twelve66

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lecture twelve
lecturer Ahmed Radhe
University of Basra
Petroleum Department
1. introduction
History Matching
What it is?
Process of modifying the existing model data until a reasonable
comparison is made with the observed data is called history

 To make any sensible predictions with the simulator because the
same mechanisms operative in the history period of the
reservoir still be operative in the future prediction period.
 Simulator must adequately describe the geometrical
configuration, rock properties, fluid properties and flow
 Data used in the simulator must be modified until simulator
History Matching
Determine reservoir description which will
minimize the difference between the observed
parameters and predicted parameters.
• “History matching is the process of modifying the model
input data until a reasonable comparison is made with
historical data.”
• History matching is the process of making reasonable
changes to model input parameters to better match historical
data and to improve the predictive capability of the model.”
• History matching : is one of the most
important activities during the development
and management of petroleum reservoirs.
Matched models are fundamental to ensure
reliable future forecasts, and give an idea of
the level of understanding of the geological
and reservoir models.
History Matching

Feedback Control Logic for
History Matching

Process of history matching is characterized by a feed back loop

Mechanics of history
There are several parameters which can be varied either singly or collectively to
minimize the differences between observed data and calculated data by the

Modifications are made on the parameters given in the following table

Two fundamental Controllable
Processes in History Matching

• Quantity of fluid in the system at any

time and its distribution within the
• Movement of fluid within the system
under existing potential gradient.

Parameters adjusted in history

• Reservoir and aquifer transport

capacities, (kh)res and (kh)aq
• Reservoir and aquifer storage (fhA)
• Relative permeability function
• Capillary pressure function
• Original saturation function
Modification of these parameters enables
to change the matching parameters e.g.
production data, GOR, pressure, flow
Modifications using rock data
rvation: Predicted production rate is much higher than
If gradient between the low pressure area and
high pressure area is too high compared to
the actual one, predicted production rate will
be much high compared to the field data. This
could be adjusted by
– Move the fluid from high pressure to low pressure
zone by a change in rock permeability (increase
the value)
– Decrease the oil in place in high pressure area
either by (i) decreasing porosity (ii) decreasing
thickness (iii) decreasing oil saturation (iv) all of
the above
– Increase oil in place in the low pressure area
either by (i) increasing porosity (ii) increasing
thickness (iii) increasing oil saturation (iv) all of
the above
Most likely change is the modification of rock
Modifications using Fluid
• Usual error involved in fluid data are caused by faulty input.
Misplaced decimal or incorrect exponent can cause an order
of magnitude error in the input, and hence the out put.

Example (1) : No noticeable draw down in the pressure in the

model even after considerable withdrawal of fluid.
Reason: Rock compressibility is too high by an order of
magnitude; causing the effects of very low or negligible
saturation change.
Action: use correct compressible data.

Example (2): Water saturation appears to increase in model

without any injection or influx of water.
Reason: Input rock compressibility is too low, causing free
volume to develop in the free space. This free volume is filled
with immobile fluid, i.e. (usually) water.
Action: Correct the rock compressibility.
• The ultimate goal of any modeling effort is
forecasting. The modeling involved in
reservoir simulation is no exception.
• It is therefore imperative to ensure that a
model has the necessary predictive
capability before using it as a forecasting
• As we have learned, we ensure predictive
capability by formulating an accurate
representation of the reservoir,
properly solving the resulting
equations, and proving the validity of
the model through history matching.
• Once we have taken these steps, the
Prediction Study
History Matching

History Matching





Advantages of history matching is a side from giving
a good match and providing a model for future
predictions history matching process provides some
other benefits .the other benefits of history
matching includes :-
1-model calibration ,which helps to improve and
validate reservoir description .
2- prediction of future performances with higher
degree of confidence
3-enhancing the understanding of the reservoir .
4-detecting operational issues during the process of
reservoir management .
For history match we need the production data , the mathematical
model required for the estimation of unknown parameters in history
matching consists of two components namely ;
-A reservoir simulator to model the flow through porous media .
- A rock physics model to enable computation of seismic responses .
Eclipse 100 we use office and floviz can be used for history matching
process .
Increasing the permeability , Net values , and drainage radius can
increases the production rate and make it more matched data, and vice
versa, Relative permeability and Pc curves are important too in
matching process.
pressure match mainly depends on the : 1- WOC 2-GOC 3- skin factor
and PI. which by increasing WOC and GOC the pressure will increase
and by decreasing the skin facture it will stimulate the well and the
pressure will increase to.
PI increase the pressure will increases too.
if we don’t have a good matching this may be because the
permeability od the relative permeability curves data. what
Production matching depends on is
1. Capillary pressure (Pc).
2. WOC.
3. Perforation interval.
what pressure matching depends on is:
1. Aquifer properties.
2. Permeability (K).
3. Compressibility (C).
4. Production.
Reservoir simulation:
It is an area of reservoir engineering in which
computer models are used to predict the flow
of fluids (typically, oil, water, and gas) through
porous media.
Reservoir simulation is used extensively to
identify opportunities to increase oil
production and oil recovery.
It is the report that discusses rock properties, like
porosity(H,V), permeability(H,V), and lithology.
It gives relations between water saturation and relative
permeability of oil and water.
This can best define interstitial water saturation(Swi) and
wettability type.
These are Pressure Volume Temperature tests. They are
tests carried out on a bottomhole samples to define
relations between fluid properties and pressure.
Types of conventional PVT measurements are: constant
composition experiment, differential liberation expansion,
and constant volume test.
Fig ( ) Pres. Vs Bo, M
Fig ( ) Relative permeability curves
Fig ( ) Pc curves
Below bubble point, as pressure decreases:
a. OFVF/ decrease
b. Oil density/ increase
c. Oil viscosity/ increase
d. Compressibility/ decrease
e. Solution-gas oil ratio/ decrease
f. Liberated-gas oil ratio/ increase
Above bubble point, as pressure
g. OFVF/increase
h. Oil density/ decrease
i. Oil viscosity/ decrease
j. Compressibility/ increase
k. Solution-gas oil ratio/ constant
l. Liberated-gas oil ratio/ constant
Applications of relative permeability data:
1- to model a particular process, for example,
fractional flow,
2- fluid distributions, recovery and predictions
3- Determination of the free water surface; i.e.,
the level of zero capillary pressure or the level
below which fluid production is100% water.
4- Determination of residual fluid saturations or
cut off water saturation.
Words meaning letters:
1- OOIP(IOIP): original oil inplace
2-OFVF: oil formation volume factor
3-CPI: computer processed interpretations
4-PVT: pressure volume temperature
5-CCE: constant composition experiments
6-DLE: differential liberation expansion
7-SCAL: special core analysis laboratory measurements
8-RTKB: rotary table Kelly pushing
9-GL: ground level
10-MSL: meter sea level
11- GOR: gas oil ratio
12-IMEX: implicit and explicit simulation
13-FWR: Final well report
14-QC: quality check.
Tabel () dynamic model
Fig ( ) perforation Bu-15
Eclipse reservoir simulator
• Commercial reservoir simulator for over 25 years

• Black-oil
• Compositional
• Thermal
• Streamline

Eclipse reservoir simulator
 Local Grid Refinement Pseudo-Compositional
 Gas Lift Optimization EOR Foam
 Gas Field Operations EOR Polymer
 Gas Calorific Value-Based EOR Solvent
Control EOR Surfactant
 Geomechanics Wellbore Friction
 Coalbed Methane Multisegmented Wells
 Networks
Unencoded Gradients
 Reservoir Coupling
Parallel ECLIPSE
 Flux Boundary
 Environmental Traces
 Open-ECLIPSE Developer's Kit


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