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Composite Screen
 A Composite screen is a collection of screens in T24 placed in one
browser window, but in different frames. The individual frames can be
set to accept requests for certain enquiries or transactions enabling
multiple contract screens and enquiry screens to be utilised without
obscuring one another.
 Individual screens within a composite screen can also be set to contain
T24 menus, Tabbed Screens URLs or other content created through
utility routines as well as creating a whole new set of composite
 Composite screens are defined in the T24 application
EB.COMPOSITE.SCREEN and can be invoked using the command COS
<name of composite screen> which can be run through menus,
toolbars and on the T24 command line.
EB Composite Screen
 The Composite screen application EB.COMPOSITE.SCREEN is used to define
composite screens.
 This application comprises of a title for the composite screen and a large linked
multi value set for defining the contents of each frame and makeup of the frames
of the composite screen. The multi value is made up of the following fields:
 Composite screen can be executed in the following way
where screen name refers to screen created using the application EB Composite
EB Composite Screen
 CONTENT.TYPE: This field states what the item you are trying to define is. it can be
one of the following values:
 OPEN.FRAME: Create a frame set. Tells you are splitting this frame into
further frames.
 CLOSE.FRAME : Closes the frameset.
 ENQ : This item is an Enquiry.
 TXN : This item is a contract screen.
 UTILITY: This allows you to call a browser routine. Not sure on the entire
scope of this.
 TAB : This item is a tabbed screen.
 COS : This item is a composite screen.
 MENU : This item is a menu.
 URL : This item is a URL.
 BLANK : This item starts blank.
The value of this field then defines what the rest of the item will require:
 BORDER.SIZE: This field defines what the border of the frame set will be. Only used
for Open frame
EB Composite Screen
 COLS: This defines the number and width of the columns. It is done in the same
format as the frameset tag in html. For reference and instructions on this see For a given OPEN.FRAME item
you must have either the ROWS or the COLS field set. You cannot however have both.
 ROWS: As Cols, but used to specify rows.
 NAME: Gives a name for the Frame. All content defining items (i.e. telling you what is
in a frame)must have a name.
 SCROLLING: This defines whether the frame is going to allow scrolling. Can only be
entered with content defining items.
 CONTENT: This is a multi purpose field that defines the content of the frame. Either a
URL, the name of an Application and version, an enquiry etc. Also used to define the
name of the utility to be called.
 CONTENT.ARGS: If a UTILITY type is set then this will define the args for the called
utility will be defined here.
 ITEMS: This sub-valued field is used to define what requests should be sent to this
frame. It can be specific requests of application and version or enquiry, or it can be set
to take all unassigned enquiries by setting it to ENQ or all unassigned requests by
setting it as ALL. Furthermore it can be set to take everything except enquiries by
setting it to NOENQ. The request is assigned to a window by running through each
item until a valid match is found for the request. If none are found a new window is
Composite Screen
 By default when using Composite Screens, enquiry drilldowns will be opened in a new
  To send an enquiry drilldown to a specific Composite Screen frame, set the ITEMS
field to be the drilldown option number (e.g. “1” for the first drilldown, “2” for the
second drilldown, etc.).
 The structure of a composite screen would be to create a frame set using the
 Then the next items would be the frame contents from left to right or top to bottom.
The contents of a frame can be another OPENFRAME item which will create a new
frameset within that frame.
 The next items would then relate to the frames in that frame set. Once all the items in
that frame have been defined then the CLOSE.FRAME item is added. This will cause
the current frameset to close.
  If the current frameset was embedded within a frame then the next item definition
will return to the previous frameset, unless it is at the top level at which point the
composite screen definition is closed.
  The content type and defined content of a content item is only defines the starting
content of the item.
 If the frame has any values defined in its ITEMS field then the content will be
overwritten by any requests that match those items.
EB Composite screen Output
Sample EB Composite
EB Composite Screen output

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