Topical Agents-1

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The Skin

• The largest organ

• Several functions
– Protective barrier—microbials and trauma
– Senses temperature changes
– Secretes wastes through sweat glands
– Stores fat
– Synthesizes vitamin D
– Provides a site for drug absorption
Drug Classification of Dermatological Agents

• Emollients
• Keratolytics
• Local anesthetic agents
• Local antipruritic agents
• Antibacterial agents
• Antiviral agents
• Antifungal agents
• Anti-inflammatory agents
• Antiparasiticidal agents

 Available in a variety of forms

– Ointment – Paste
– Gel or jelly – Aerosol foam
– Oil – Aerosol spray
– Cream – Lotion
• Vaginal cream – Powder
• Are substances that are usually applied to the areas of the skin that are subject to
constant irritation or areas that have already become irritated or inflamed due to
• Any agents that stimulates the exposed surface from harmful.
• A substance that protect by mechanical or other physical means are considered to
be protective.
• Forms a coat or a film on the site of application (like ulcer, wound an burned skin)
and prevent contact of harmful causes (like bacteria, moisture and dust).

Desirable characteristics or ideal properties

– Agents are insoluble in water
– Chemically inert as well as biologically inert
– Efficient adsorbents or appearance is as fine particle form.

• Protective may classify as a:

- Dusting powder
- Suspensions
- Ointments or creams
Protective products

 Talc(Mg3Si4O10(OH)2
Synonyms: Talcum, French chalk , purified talc

• Properties:
- Native hydrous magnesium silicate
- It is usually green, gray, white, brown or colorless.
- Translucent mineral with a pearly luster.

• Test for purity:

- acidity or alkalinity
- water soluble substances
- carbonates
-organic compound
• Uses:
- Protective dusting powder
- Lubricant
- Prevent irritation from friction
- Not use in broken skin

• Storage:
- is an inert substance not affected by acids or bases , so store in a well close
Protective products

 Zinc oxide

• Properties:
- Extremely versatile industrial chemical
- White or fait yellow color powder
- Insoluble in water

• Test for purity:

- alkalinity
-loss or ignition
-carbonate and substances insoluble in acis
• Uses:
– Dusting powder protective
– Astringent
– Mild antiseptic
– For acne preparation, eczema, psoriasis.
– Whitening
– It is also used in the manufacture of plasters.

• Storage:

- Since it absorbs carbon dioxide from the air , store in a well closed container.
Protective products

 Calamine USP
- Very popular
- It has the capacity to absorb or soak up liquid.
- It also reduces the clear appearance of cosmetics and personal care product.

• Primary ingredient of Calamine USP are:

- Zinc oxide and Ferric oxide

• Test for purity:

- acid insoluble substances
-alkaline substances
- loss on ignition
• Uses:
- Dusting ponder
- For Smoothing agent, sunburn, eczema and urticaria
– Use in wounds with exudate
1. Calamine Lotion USP
2. Phenolated Calamine Lotion – anesthetic and antipruritic

• Storage:
- store in a well closed container.
Protective products

 Zinc Stearate
• Mixtur of zinc salt obtained from comercial stearic acid which itself prepared from
the hydrolysis of fats. Its consist mainly of variable proportion of Zinc Stearate
and zinc palmitate.

• Test for purity:

- alkali and alkaline earth
-heavy metals
-acidity or alkalinity
• Uses:
– Mild astringent
– Antimicrobial
– Lubricant in tablets

Not use in children or infant - can cause pulmonary inflammation

• Storage:
- store in a well closed container.
Protective products

 Titanium dioxide
- Most commonly found in many products such as paints, candies, sweets, and
chewing gums.
- Occurs in nature in the mineral rutile, brookite, magnetic iron ores usually contains

• Properties:
- White, amorphous, odorless, tasteless, infusible powder.
- Insoluble in Water, Hcl, nitric acid but soluble in hydrofluoric acid.

• Test for purity:

-acidity or alkalinity
- water soluble substaces
• Uses:
– Topical protective agents as cream
– Sun screen
– Use as white pigment in cosmetics and paints

• Storage:
- store in a well closed container made of glass or any metal other than aluminum.
Protective products

 Silicon polymers
- Known as polysiloxanes
• Composed of dimethylsilicone ethers

• Uses:
– Gastro protective
– Antiflatulent
– Prevent irritations

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