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Internship Defense on Python


TU Symbol: 3197

Prepared By: Bhushan Pokhrel


What is an internship?
A temporary work experience wherein a student performs pre-
professional work in support of an organization’s goals.

Internship Mission
Inspire and guide the next generation of builders to use technology

Prepared By: Bhushan Pokhrel

Company’s Profile
Easy Tech Innovation Pvt.Ltd. is a custom IT Service company in Nepal. It
started as a start-up IT Service company in 2016 and it became a Private
limited company in 2017 and have been growing every year.

It is one of the fast growing IT firms operating in the country. In just the
second year of inception, Easy Tech Innovation Pvt.Ltd. has established
itself as a premium hub for php laravel , Hosted Service, SEO, Python
Django and Software Development consulting among startups and mid-
sized businesses around the world and Nation.

Which coupled with other cutting edge technology caters the Information
Technology requirement of businesses and provides a secure, functional
and flawless digital experience

Prepared By: Bhushan Pokhrel

Internship Position
Position: Intern
Duties & Responsibilities in practice of work:
•During the internship period knowledge of various platforms and
programming languages are gained.
•The target was to deliver a fully-fledged web based system by using
different tools and frameworks such as Python Django, Fast Track to jQuery,
Products Component, Templeting , Serch Component, Products & Async
•  Including lesson plans, document booklets, registration, Custom User
Model, Go Live, Getting Site Ready for Traffic, Driving Traffic to Site etc.
 def my_login_only_view(request):
 return render(request, "myapp/my_view.html")

Prepared By: Bhushan Pokhrel

Internship Position Cont…
Essential Skills & Abilities Required:
•Highly organized with strong attention to detail
•Excellent written and oral communications skills
• Quick thinker with demonstrated problem-solving skills
•Strong interpersonal skills
•Basic Knowledge on Html,Css,Bootstrap,Templeting,Database,Python.

Time Requirement:
•Location is open from 10:00 am to 5:00 PM Sunnday through  Friday.
•Student must  be able to work a minimum of 3 days a week from 4:00PM to
•Additional days and hours are available if the students schedule permits.

Internship Location: Near Vimsengola , Kathmandu-9

Prepared By: Bhushan Pokhrel

Internship Objectives
• Shadow in Different Areas of Practice
“Discover” other departments in the corporation, including other Human
Resource areas and Technological Field
Adobe Connect on problem-solving
Research Best Practices to practice of dead line
Tips and Techniques
Take the Team through the Module

Customer Obsession
Learning and Development Enhancements
Creating Login, register, cart Etc

Prepared By: Bhushan Pokhrel

from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login
user = authenticate(
login(request, user)
Defining a costume filter
# In myapp/templatetags/
from django import template
from django.utils.html import format_html register = template.Library()
def my_filter(value):
return format_html("...")

Prepared By: Bhushan Pokhrel

System Analysis/Design

Prepared By: Bhushan Pokhrel

System Analysis/Design cont…
Development view: The development view illustrates a system from a
programmer's perspective and is concerned with software management

Logical view: The logical view is concerned with the functionality that the
system provides to end-users. UML diagrams used to represent the logical
view include class diagram and state diagram.

Physical view: The physical view depicts the system from a system
engineer's point of view. It is concerned with the topology of software
components on the physical layer as well as the physical connections
between these components. 

Process view: The process view deals with the dynamic aspects of the
system, explains the system processes and how they communicate, and
focuses on the runtime behavior of the system. 
Prepared By: Bhushan Pokhrel
System Analysis/Design cont…
Scenarios: The description of an architecture is illustrated using a small set
of use case , or scenarios, which become a fifth view. The scenarios
describe sequences of interactions between objects and between
processes. They are used to identify architectural elements and to illustrate
and validate the architecture design. They also serve as a starting point for
tests of an architecture prototype. This view is also known as the use case

This Extends
•Observe and participate in business operations and decision-making
•Expand network of professional relationships and contacts
•Apply business concepts and theories to real-world decision-making
•Develop and improve business skills in communication, technology,
quantitative reasoning, and teamwork

Prepared By: Bhushan Pokhrel

•The internship in Easy Tech Innovation Pvt. Ltd. has provided a great
opportunity to enhance knowledge and skills. It helped Intrens to gain the
experience of working in real and practical field and most importantly
working in team.
•The importance of communication to coordinate the tasks. How important it
is to work in team and the way to work in team.
•How to bring ideas into the implementation. How to work within the time
•The process of gathering the information that is required to develop a

Prepared By: Bhushan Pokhrel

This documentation is created under the
Supervision : Nabin Timsina

Prepared By: Bhushan Pokhrel

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