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Digital Field Trip

: American
Museum of
Natural History
Akya Andrews
Hello Students!
Today, we will be
taking a trip to…. THE
This month’s science unit, focused on Dinosaurs! Previously, we
learning about the basic history of Dinosaurs such as when they first
appeared on our Earth and also when they became extinct. We viewed
some pictures but today during our trip, we will be looking at FOSSILS.
Fossils are any preserved remains, impressions or traces of any once
living thing from a past geological age. People who study fossils are
called archaeologist.
Let’s start our trip
First we will view the fossil of the...

FUN FACT: One unique feature of this dinosaur
was their horns.
Next stop

FUN FACT: This dino is described as an active
agile predator
Next stop

Henry Osbon and Barnum Brown are pictured
here with an diplodocus’ bones. FUN FACT: This
photograph dates back to 1897, over 120 years
Next stop

FUN FACT: This dinosaur lived over 65 million
years ago, the artifact above is the skull of the
Pachycephalosaurus who was a plant eater.
Next stop

Titanosaur forelimb
This image shows the forelimb bone of a
titanosaur. FUN FACT: Based of the length of
their bones, this animal could have peeked in
the windows of 5 story buildings.
Last stop,

We are going to read a short pamphlet about

one of the most famous dinosaurs to walk to
the Earth… Tyrannosaurus Rex aka T-Rex
This is the end of
our trip! I hope
you guys enjoyed
and plan to join

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