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Introduction to


Working With Forms

Superglobal Variable: $GLOBALS
Description: Superglobals are built-in variables that are global in scope.
These variables are available throughout the entire script.

$GLOBALS: Hash containing references to all variables defined in global


function initialize( $key, $value )
// define global variable
$GLOBALS[$key] = $value;

initialize( "foo", "It's every where!" );

echo( $GLOBALS["foo"] );
Superglobal Variable: $_ENV
Description: The PHP mechanism for extracting operating system variables is
performed via $_ENV:

$_ENV: Hash containing system environment variables.

Example via “set” (Windows) or “printenv” (Unix):

“php.ini” directive concerning $_ENV
Note: If the array $_ENV is undefined, you may need
change the following setting in your “php.ini” file and
restart the web server. For xampp on windows, this
file is found in “C:\xampp\php\php.ini”
Check phpinfo() to verify the exact location of this file.

Change this line:

variables_order = "GPCS"

To this instead:
variables_order = "GPCSE"
Student Exercise 11.1
Summary: Write a program that displays the key/value
pairs contained in the superglobal associative array

1. Bold face the variable name and the key.
2. Place a paragraph between each key/value pair.

Output should be similar to the following format:

$_ENV[key1]: value1
$_ENV[key2]: value2
Student Solution 11.1 (option 1)
Here is one way to do it (see file “_ENV.1.php”):

$env = $_ENV; // copy original
ksort( $env ); // sort keys

foreach ( $env as $key => $val )

printf( "<b>\$_ENV[%s]:</b>
%s <p />\n",
$key, $val );
Student Solution 11.1 (option 2)
Here is another way to do it (see file “_ENV.2.php”):

$env = $_ENV ; // copy original
ksort( $env ); // sort keys

foreach ( $env as $key => $val )

<b>$_ENV[<?= $key ?>]:</b>
<?= $val ?> <p />
“php.ini” directive concerning <?= ?>
Note: If “<?= ?>” is not working, you may need
change the following setting in your “php.ini” file and
restart the web server. For xampp on windows, this
file is found in “C:\xampp\php\php.ini”
Check the phpinfo() call for the exact location of this

Change this line:

short_open_tag = Off

To this instead:
short_open_tag = On
Superglobal Variable $_SERVER
Description: The PHP mechanism for extracting
information from the web server is performed via the
superglobal variable $_SERVER

The following are some of the more significant keys

contained in this variable:

DOCUMENT_ROOT: Full pathname of the document

root on the server (example: /opt/lampp/htdocs)

HTTP_HOST: Server hostname (example: localhost)

SERVER_NAME: Server domain name (example:
More Superglobal $_SERVER
HTTP_REFERER: Page previous to current page. Note:
Can not always be trusted.

HTTP_USER_AGENT: OS and browser of client (ex:

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:
Gecko/20091109 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Firefox/3.5.5)

PHP_SELF: Filename of current script. (ex:


QUERY_STRING: String containing the form variables

and values (ex: ?q=ubuntu)
Superglobal Variables for Forms
Description: The PHP mechanism for extracting
information from a form is performed via the
following predefined superglobal variables.

$_GET: Hash that is populated upon submitting a

form via the GET method.

$_POST: Hash that is populated upon submitting

a form via the POST method.

$_REQUEST: Hash that is populated with the

contents of $_GET and $_POST (and some
other variables).
Student Exercise 11.2 (extra credit)
Summary: Write a program that displays the key/value pairs contained in
the super global associative array “$_SERVER”.

1. Bold face the variable name and the key and place on a separate line.
2. The value should be indented and placed on a separate line.
3. Place a paragraph between each key/value pair.

Output should be in the following format:


Student Solution 11.2
Here is one way to do it (see file “_SERVER.php”):

$server = $_SERVER; // copy original
ksort( $server ); // sort keys

foreach ( $server as
$key => $val )
printf( "
<dd> %s <p />\n",
$key, $val );
HTML Search Form Example
Description: HTML forms provide a way to obtain input from
the user. That information can then be used in a calculation
or stored in a database.

<form action="search.html"

<input type="text"
value="" />

<input type="submit"
value="Find!" />
Making a “Sticky” Form
Description: It is often convenient for a form
to “remember” the text from a previous
submission and set it as the default value
for the next submission. In this way, the
user does not have to re-enter the same
information again.

Solution: Any form element can become

“sticky” by using the results of the
previous submission via the $_GET,
$_POST, or $_REQUEST hash.
PHP Search Form Example
Description: Only a few changes may be necessary to convert a form
from HTML to PHP. The following code makes the form self processing
and “sticky” (see file “search.php”):

<form action="<?= $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>"


<input type="text"
value="<?= $_GET['find'] ?>" />

<input type="submit"
value="Find!" />
Student Exercise 11.3
Summary: Write a program that prints on
the bottom of the form, the same text
string that is contained in the text
widget. The string should be displayed
upon form submission.

Hint: The solution can be obtained by

adding less than a dozen lines to the file
Student Solution 11.3
The following lines should be added after the form in the file
“search.php” (see file “searchEcho.php”):


if ( isset( $_REQUEST['find'] ) )
printf( "You submitted: \"%s\"",
$_REQUEST['find'] );

Problem with Multiple Values (pg 1)
Problem: Checkboxes and section lists can have more than one value selected. A variable can
only store one value at a time. (see file “multiWrong.php”)

<form action="<?= $PHP_SELF ?>" method="GET">

<input type="checkbox" name="food"
value="Hamburger" />
Hamburger <br />

<input type="checkbox" name="food" value="Fries" />

Fries <br />

<input type="checkbox" name="food" value="Drink" />

Drink <br />

<input type="submit" value="Order" />

Problem with Multiple Values (pg 2)
Problem: Checkboxes and section lists can have more than one value selected.
A variable can only store one value at a time. (see file “multiWrong.php”)

if ( $_GET )
printf( "<p /> <hr />" );
printf( "Your order is:<br />" );

foreach ( $_GET as $name => $value )

printf( "\$_GET[%s]: %s <br />",
$name, $value );
Solution with Multiple Values (pg 1)
Solution: An array is used to store multiple values. (see file “multiRight.php”)

<form action="<?= $PHP_SELF ?>" method="GET">

<input type="checkbox" name="food[]"
value="Hamburger" />
Hamburger <br />

<input type="checkbox" name="food[]"

value="Fries" />
Fries <br />

<input type="checkbox" name="food[]"

value="Drink" />
Drink <br />

<input type="submit" value="Order" />

Solution with Multiple Values (pg 2)
Solution: An array is used to store multiple values. (see file “multiRight.php”)
if ( $_GET['food'] )
printf( "<p /> <hr />" );
printf( "Your order:<br />" );

for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $_GET['food'] ); $i++)

$value = $_GET['food'][$i];

printf( "\$_GET['food'][%d]: %s <br />",

$i, $value );
Student Exercise 11.4 (pg 1)
Step 1: Create a form that contains a multiple
selection list box and one checkbox similar to
the following:
Student Exercise 11.4 (pg 2)
Step 2: Write a program that will display all the key/value
pairs contained in the super global associative array
“$_REQUEST” upon pressing the submit button.

Hint: The syntax for a selection box is as follows:

<select name="widgetName"
<option value="listItemValue">
List Item Label Here
Student Solution 11.4 (pg 1)
Here is one way to do it (see file “multiSelect.php”):

<form action="<?= $PHP_SELF ?>" method="GET">

<input type="checkbox" name="used" value="1"> Used?

<br />

<select name="media[]" multiple="multiple">

<option value="Hardback"> Hard Cover </option>
<option value="Paperback"> Soft Cover </option>
<option value="CD"> Audio Book </option>
<option value="DVD"> Video </option>

<p />

<input type="submit" name="order" value="Order" />

Student Solution 11.4 (pg 2)
Here is one way to do it (for a complete file listing, see file “multiSelect.php”):
if ( isset( $_REQUEST['order'] ) ) {
printf( "<p /> <hr /> You selected:<br />\n" );
foreach ( $_REQUEST as $key => $outie ) {
if ( is_array( $_REQUEST[$key] ) ) {
$i = 0; // reset counter
foreach ( $_REQUEST[$key] as $innie ) {
printf( "<dd> \$_REQUEST[%s][%d]: %s<br />\n",
$key, $i, $innie);
} // end foreach
} // end if
else {
printf( "\$_REQUEST[%s]: %s<br />\n", $key, $outie);
} // end else
} // end foreach
} // end if
Student Exercise 11.4
Summary: Select one formula below. Create a form that allows a user to type
the text value of a temperature and output its equivalent value in another
unit upon form submission. Extra credit: Select between multiple
conversions using a radio button.

The conversion formulas are as follows:

Fahrenheit To Centigrade:
5/9 * (Fahrenheit - 32)
Centigrade To Fahrenheit:
(9/5 * Centigrade) + 32
Centigrade To Kelvin:
Centigrade + 273
Kelvin To Centigrade:
Kelvin – 273
Fahrenheit To Kelvin:
5/9 * (Fahrenheit - 32) + 273
Kelvin To Fahrenheit:
((Kelvin - 273) * 9/5 ) + 32
Student Solution 11.4 (option 1, pg 1)
Here is one way to do it (see file “tempConvert.php”):

<form action="<?= $PHP_SELF ?>"

<input type="text" name="degrees"
value="<?= $_GET['degrees'] ?
>" />
<br />
<input type="submit" name="doit"
value="Convert" />
Student Solution 11.4 (option 1, pg 2)
Here is one way to do it (see file “tempConvert.php”):
if ( isset( $_GET['doit'] ) )
printf( "<p /> <hr />\n" );
$input = $_GET['degrees'];
/* Fahrenheit To Centigrade */
$output = 5/9 * ($input - 32);
$inputUnits = "Fahrenheit";
$outputUnits = "Centigrade";
printf( "%f&deg; %s = %f&deg; %s",
$input, $inputUnits,
$output, $outputUnits );

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