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Transmission Line

Prof. M M Sharma

Transmission Line Models
 Previous lectures have covered how to calculate
the distributed series inductance, shunt
capacitance, and series resistance of
transmission lines:
– That is, we have calculated the inductance L,
capacitance C, and resistance r per unit length,
– We can also think of the shunt conductance g per
unit length,
– Each infinitesimal length dx of transmission line
consists of a series impedance rdx + jωLdx and a
shunt admittance gdx + jωCdx,
 In this section we will use these distributed
parameters to develop the transmission line
models used in power system analysis.
Transmission Line Equivalent Circuit
•Our model of an infinitesimal length of
transmission line is shown below:

dx Ldx
Units on
z and y are
per unit

For operation at frequency , let z  r  j L

and y  g  jC (with g usually equal to 0)
Derivation of V, I Relationships
dx Ldx


We can then derive the following relationships:

dV  I ( x ) z dx
dI  (V ( x )  dV ) y dx  V ( x ) y dx,
on neglecting the dVdx term,
dV dI
( x)  z I ( x) ( x )  yV ( x )
dx dx 4
Setting up a Second Order Equation
dV dI
( x)  z I ( x) ( x )  yV ( x )
dx dx
We can rewrite these two, first order differential
equations as a single second order equation
d 2V dI
( x )  z ( x )  zyV ( x )
dx dx
d 2V
( x )  zyV ( x )  0

V, I Relationships, cont’d

Define the propagation constant  as

  yz    j 
  the attenuation constant
  the phase constant

Equation for Voltage
The general equation for V is
V ( x )  k1e x  k2 e  x ,
which can be rewritten as
e x  e  x e x  e   x
V ( x )  ( k1  k2 )( )  ( k1  k 2 )( )
2 2
Let K1  k1  k2 and K 2  k1  k2 . Then
e x  e  x e x  e  x
V ( x )  K1 ( )  K2 ( )
2 2
 K1 cosh( x )  K 2 sinh( x )
Real Hyperbolic Functions
For real  x, the cosh and sinh functions have
the following form:
cosh( x ) sinh( x )

d cosh( x) dsinh( x)
  sinh( x)   cosh( x)
dx dx
Complex Hyperbolic Functions
For complex  x  ˆ  j ˆ
cosh( x )  cosh ˆ cos ˆ  j sinh ˆ sin ˆ
sinh( x )  sinh ˆ cos ˆ  j cosh ˆ sin ˆ
Make sure your calculator handles sinh and
cosh of complex numbers.
You will need this for homework and for the

Determining Line Voltage
The voltage along the line is determined based upon
the current/voltage relationships at the terminals.
Assuming we know V and I at one end (say the
"receiving end" with VR and I R where x = 0) we can
determine the constants K1 and K 2 , and hence the
voltage at any point on the line.
We will mostly be interested in the voltage and
current at the other, "sending end," of the line.

Determining Line Voltage, cont’d
V ( x )  K1 cosh( x )  K 2 sinh( x )
V (0)  VR  K1 cosh(0)  K 2 sinh(0)
Since cosh(0)  1 & sinh(0)  0  K1  VR
dV ( x )
 zI ( x )  K1 sinh( x )  K 2 cosh( x )
zI R IR z z
 K2    IR
 yz y
V ( x )  VR cosh( x )  I R Z c sinh( x )
where Z c   characteristic impedance
y 11
Determining Line Current
By similar reasoning we can determine I ( x )
I ( x )  I R cosh( x )  sinh( x )
where x is the distance along the line from the
receiving end.
Define transmission efficiency as   ;
that is, efficiency means the real power out (delivered)
divided by the real power in.
Transmission Line Example
Assume we have a 765 kV transmission line with
a receiving end voltage of 765 kV (line to line),
a receiving end power S R  2000  j1000 MVA and
z = 0.0201 + j 0.535 = 0.53587.8 
y = j 7.75  106 = 7.75  106 90.0 S
  zy  2.036  10 88.9 / mile
Zc   262.7 -1.1 
y 13
Transmission Line Example, cont’d
Do per phase analysis, using single phase power
and line to neutral voltages. Then
VR  765  441.70 kV
 (2000  j1000)  10 6 *
IR   3 
 1688  26.6 A
 3  441.70 10 
V ( x)  VR cosh( x)  I R Z c sinh( x)
 441,7000 cosh( x  2.036  103 88.9) 
443,440  27.7  sinh( x  2.036  103 88.9)
Transmission Line Example, cont’d
Squares and crosses show real and reactive power flow, where
a positive value of flow means flow to the left.

Receiving end Sending end

Lossless Transmission Lines
For a lossless line the characteristic impedance, Z c ,
is known as the surge impedance.
j L L
Zc    (a real value)
jC C
If a lossless line is terminated in impedance Z c then:
Zc 
Then I R Z c  VR so we get...

Lossless Transmission Lines
V ( x)  VR cosh( x)  I R Z c sinh( x),
 VR cosh  x  VR sinh  x,
 VR (cosh  x  sinh  x).
I ( x)  I R cosh( x)  sinh( x)
 cosh  x  sinh  x,
Zc Zc
 (cosh  x  sinh  x)
V ( x)
That is, for every location x,  Zc .
I ( x) 17
Lossless Transmission Lines
Since the line is lossless this implies that for every location x,
the real power flow is constant. Therefore:
Real power flow  (V ( x ) I ( x )*)  ( Z c I ( x ) I ( x )*) 
( Z c | I ( x ) |2 )  Z c | I ( x ) |2 is constant and equals Z c | I (0) |2 .
Therefore, at each x, I ( x )  I (0)  I R .
V ( x)
So, since  Zc , V ( x )  V (0)  VR and
I ( x)
V ( x)
Define to be the "surge impedance loading" (SIL).
If load power P > SIL then line consumes VArs;
otherwise, the line generates VArs. 18
Transmission Matrix Model
•Often we are only interested in the terminal
characteristics of the transmission line.
Therefore we can model it as a “black box:”
VS Line
- -

VS   A B  VR 
With        ,
 I S  C D   I R 
where A, B, C , D are determined from general equation
noting that VS and I S correspond to x equaling length of line.
Assume length of line is l. 19
Transmission Matrix Model, cont’d
VS   A B  VR 
With      I 
 S  C D  R
Use voltage/current relationships to solve for A, B, C , D
VS  V (l )  VR cosh  l  Z c I R sinh  l
I S  I (l )  I R cosh  l  sinh  l
 cosh  l Z c sinh  l 
A B 1 
T    
 C D   sinh  l cosh  l 
 Zc 
Equivalent Circuit Model
A circuit model is another "black box" model.
We will try to represent as a  equivalent circuit.

To do this, we’ll use the T matrix values to derive the

parameters Z' and Y' that match the behavior of the
equivalent circuit to that of the T matrix.
We do this by first finding the relationship between
sending and receiving end for the equivalent circuit. 21
Equivalent Circuit Parameters
VS  VR Y'
 VR  I R
Z' 2
 Z 'Y ' 
VS  1   VR  Z ' I R
 2 
Y' Y'
I S  VS  VR  I R
2 2
 Z 'Y '   Z 'Y ' 
I S  Y ' 1   VR  1   IR
 4   2 
 1  Z 'Y ' Z ' 
VS   2  VR 
 I     Z 'Y '   Z 'Y '    I 
 S Y '  1    1   R
  4   2   22
Equivalent circuit parameters
We now need to solve for Z ' and Y '.
Solve for Z ' using B element:
B  Z C sinh  l  Z '
Then using A we can solve for Y '
Z 'Y '
A = cosh l  1 
Y' cosh  l  1 1 l
  tanh
2 Z c sinh  l Z c 2

Simplified Parameters
These values can be simplified as follows:
z l zl
Z '  ZC sinh  l  sinh  l
y l zl
sinh  l
Z with Z  zl (recalling   zy )
Y' 1 l y l yl l
 tanh  tanh
2 Zc 2 z l yl 2

tanh l
Y 2
 with Y  yl
2 l
2 24
Simplified Parameters
For medium lines make the following approximations:
sinh  l
Z'  Z (assumes  1)
Y' Y tanh( l / 2)
 (assumes  1)
2 2 l/2
sinhγl tanh(γl/2)
γl γl/2
50 miles 0.9980.02 1.001  0.01
100 miles 0.9930.09 1.004  0.04
200 miles 0.9720.35 1.014  0.18
Three Line Models
Long Line Model (longer than 200 miles)
tanh l
sinh  l Y ' Y 2
use Z '  Z , 
l 2 2 l
Medium Line Model (between 50 and 200 miles)
use Z and
Short Line Model (less than 50 miles)
use Z (i.e., assume Y is zero)
The long line model is always correct.
The other models are usually good approximations
for the conditions described. 26
Power Transfer in Short Lines
•Often we'd like to know the maximum power that
could be transferred through a short transmission line

I1 Transmission I2 +
Line with
V1 S12 Impedance Z S21 V2
- -
 V1  V2 
S12  V1I1*
 V1  
 Z 
with V1  V1 1, V2  V2  2 , Z  Z  Z
V1 V1 V2
S12   Z  ( Z  12 )
Z Z 27
Power Transfer in Lossless Lines
If we assume a line is lossless with impedance jX and
are just interested in real power transfer then:
V1 V1 V2
P12  jQ12  90  (90  12 )
Since - cos(90  12 )  sin 12 , we get
V1 V2
P12  sin 12
Hence the maximum power transfer is
V1 V2
P12Max  ,
This power transfer limit is called
the steady-state stability limit. 28

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