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Soft Skill –I(Presentation)

TOPIC-Time Management
Name-shubham Chaurasiya
What Is Time Management
• Time Management refers to managing time effectively so that the right
time is allocated to the right activity.
• Time management allows you to accomplish more in a shorter period
of time, which leads to more free time, which lets you take advantage of
learning opportunities, lowers your stress, and helps you focus, which
leads to more career success.


You can make money; you can’t make time.

• To utilise the available time in optimum manner to achieve
one’s personal and professional goals.
• Time management allows you to accomplish more in a
shorter period of time, which leads to more free time, which
lets you take advantage of learning opportunities, lowers your
stress, and helps you focus, which leads to more career
• Take time to work,it is the price of success
• Take time to think,it is the source of power
• Take time to play,it is the source of youth
• Take time to read,it is the source of wisdom
• Take time to love, it is the privilege of Gods
• Take time to serve,it is the purpose of life
• Take time to laugh,it is the music of soul
How to use time effectively
• Effective Planning
• Setting goals and objectives
• Setting deadlines
• Delegation of responsibilities
• Prioritizing activities as per their importance
• Spending the right time on the right activity
The process of TM starts with

• Cost your time

• Making activity logs
• Goal setting
• Planning
• Prioritizing
• Scheduling
Benefits of Time Management

• Less Stress – Managing your time can directly reduce your stress level.
• Get More Done – When you are aware of what you need to do, you are
able to better manage your workload. You will be able to get more (of the
right tasks) done in less time.
• Less Rework – Being organized results in less rework and mistakes.
Forgotten items, details, and instructions lead to extra work.
• Less Life Friction and Problems –Whether it is a forgotten appointment
or missed deadline, not managing your time results in increased life
friction. Avoid creating your own problems by planning and preparing for
your day.

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