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B Presentation on Data

R Processing

Santosh J K
Learning Objectives
• Meaning of Data Processing

• Meaning of Editing, Coding and Tabulation

• Uses of Coding

Data processing is a crucial stage in research. After collecting the data from
the field the researcher has to process & analysis them order to arrive at
certain conclusions.

Data processing consists of editing, coding & tabulation. It is an intermediate

stage between the collection of data & their analysis & interpretation.

There are three important stages in the processing of field data. They are
1. Checking the field questionnaire
2. Reducing the mass of data into manageable proportion.
3. Summarizing the data.
Editing is the first & foremost stage in the data processing. It means
to look for & remove any error, incompleteness & inconsistency in
the data.
• Field editing
• Office editing
While editing the data the following must be scrutinized.
1. Whether the data is reliable & accurate.
2. Whether the schedules are complete & all questions have been
3. Whether all the schedules are uniform.
4. Whether the entries have been made in accordance with the
5. Whether there are any inconsistencies in the answers.
CODING: coding is considered as the classification process. The information
from a schedule is a transferred into a card in the form of code.

Code is an abbreviation, a number of alphabet which is assigned by the research

to every schedule item & response category.

The purpose of coding is to classify the answer in a question into meaningful

categories which is necessary for tabulation.

Coding involves two important operations:

1. Deciding the categories to be used .

2. Allocating individual answers to them

Coding is depends on the following factors :

1. The number of respondents.

2. Number of questions asked.

3. The type of statistical operations planned.

1. The difficult task of processing & the qualitative information is made easy by
means of coding.
2. Coding is useful in structurising the questions after preparing the
3. It is used to built link between un ordered observations & the hypothesis laid

Tabulation is the summarization of results in the form of statistical tables for
proper interpretation of the research data.
Tabulation is a procedure which involves arranging of assembled data in a logical
Concise & systematic manner on the basis certain classification .
The classification is made on the basis of
1. Geographical 3. Qualitative
2. Chronological 4. Quantitative
Tabulation may done by manual or by mechanical methods.
Example for tabulation : In the collected data, for the usage of face cream out of
50 respondents 38 respondents are using face cream , the remaining are not
TABLE: Shows the response on face cream usage


1. YES 38 76

2. NO 12 24

3. TOTAL 5O 100
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