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Tools – Iometer and CDM


Iometer consists of two programs, Iometer and

• Iometer is the controlling program. You use it to
set the testing configuration for the system, set
operating parameters, and start and stop tests.
• Iometer tells Dynamo what to do, collects the
resulting data, and summarizes the results in
output files.
• Dynamo is the workload generator.
• At Iometer’s command, Dynamo performs I/O
operations and records performance
information, and then returns the data to

So, the Iometer is essentially a Testing, Benchmarking

Disk – Targets Tab

• Left Panel (Under Topology): Manager

- Worker Area (Basically your system)
• There are one or more workers listed
under a manager and depends on the
no. of CPU cores.
• If its dual, you would typically see 2
• If there are 4 cores, then you'd see 4
• On the right side, you'd see under the
Disk Targets Tab, a no. of yellow/blue
icons. These are the disks of your
Disk – Targets Tab
Select the ‘C’ Drive for example.
Maximum Disk Size:
The Maximum Disk Size control specifies how
many disk sectors are used by the selected
worker. The default is 0, meaning the entire disk
or \iobw.tst file (beginning with the Starting
Disk Sector).
If you specify a value other than zero, Iometer
uses the specified number of 512-byte disk
sectors, beginning with the Starting Disk Sector.
Starting Disk Sector:
The Starting Disk Sector control specifies the
lowest-numbered disk sector used by the
selected worker during the test. The default is
0, meaning the first 512-byte sector in the disk
or \iobw.tst file Icon color for Drive under Targets Window:
• Blue icon – Physical Drive, with no partitions
# of Outstanding I/Os: • Yellow Icon – Logical Drive, with partitions and ready to be
tested (Contains the iobw.tst file in the root directory of the
The # of Outstanding I/Os control specifies the
maximum number of outstanding asynchronous • Yellow icon with a red slash – Logical Drive, without the
I/O operations per disk the selected worker(s)
iobw.tst file in the root directory of the drive, cannot be
will have active at a time.
Access In the Access Specifications tab, you define the workload
configuration used by selecting from the Global Access
Specifications Specification Window.

Tab You can also customize the test setting by clicking on ‘Default’
and changing the parameter values inside the Edit Window.
Access Specifications

The Transfer Request Size control group

specifies the number of bytes read or written in
each I/O request
The Percent of Access Specification slider
specifies the percentage of the current access
specification specified by this line, shown in the
% Access field (default 100%).
The Percent Read/Write Distribution slider
specifies the percentage of read operations,
shown in the % Read field (default 100%).
The Percent Random/Sequential Distribution
slider specifies the percentage of random
accesses, shown in the % Random field (default
•The "Results Since" group box :
• Start of Test: Displays the average or sum of the data gathered since the beginning of the
Results Display test.
•Last Update: Displays the statistics collected since the previous update. For example, if the
Tab Update Frequency is set at 5 seconds, the values displayed will be the average or sum of the
data collected during the last 5 seconds.
A results.csv file is created when the test is stopped, that contains the performance statistics

Operations per Second submenu:

• Total I/Os per Second: Average number of I/O operations per second, averaged over the length of the
test so far.
• Read I/Os per Second: Average number of read operations per second.
• Write I/Os per Second: Average number of write operations per second.
• Transactions per Second: Average number of transactions (request + reply) per second. If there are no
replies in the access specification, this is the same as Total I/Os per Second.
• Connections per Second: Average number of connections (open target,
• perform I/O, close target) per second. If Test Connection Rate is not selected for any targets, this value is
Megabytes per Second submenu:
• Total MBs per Second: Average number of Megabytes read and written per second, averaged over the length of the test so far. A Megabyte is 1,048,576 bytes (1024
* 1024).

• Read MBs per Second: Average number of Megabytes written per second.

• Write MBs per Second: Average number of Megabytes read per second.

Average Latency submenu:

• Average I/O Response Time (ms): Average time between initiation and completion of an I/O operation, averaged over the length of the test so far, in milliseconds.

• Avg. Read Response Time (ms): Average time between initiation and completion of a read operation.

• Avg. Write Response Time (ms): Average time between initiation and completion of a write operation.

• Avg. Transaction Time (ms): Average time between initiation of a request and completion of the corresponding reply. If there are no replies in the access
specification, this is the same as Average I/O Response Time.

• Avg. Connection Time (ms): Average time between initiation of a connection (opening the target) and completion of the connection (closing the target after all I/O
for the connection has been performed). If Test Connection Rate is not selected for any targets, this value is zero.
CPU submenu:
• % CPU Utilization (total): Percentage of processor time spent executing threads other than the Idle thread (in other words, time spent doing useful work). Also
known as % Processor Time.

• % User Time: Percentage of processor time spent in User Mode (including application and subsystem code, the graphics engine, graphics device drivers, printer
device drivers, and the window manager). Under Linux we count the time spend in user space as well as user space with low priority (nice).

• % Privileged Time: Percentage of processor time spent in Privileged Mode (including the Windows NT service layer, the Executive routines, the Windows NT Kernel,
and device drivers for most devices other than graphics adapters and printers). Under Linux, this is the time spend in system mode (kernel).

• % DPC Time: Percentage of processor time spent in Deferred Procedure Calls. Not supported under Linux – reports 0.0% all the time.

• % Interrupt Time: Percentage of processor time spent handling hardware interrupts. Not supported under Linux – reports 0.0% all the time.

• Interrupts per Second: Average number of interrupts per second, averaged over the length of the test so far. If there are multiple processors, this is the total
number of interrupts for all processors.

• CPU Effectiveness: Total I/Os per Second divided by % CPU Utilization, giving a measure in I/Os per second per percent CPU. Indicates how efficient the I/O
subsystem is in CPU utilization.
CDM – Crystal
Disk Mark
CrystalDiskMark is a simple disk benchmark
software, more simplified tool than Iometer
to test.

SEQ1M (Q8T1) – Sequential access (1MB)

with I/O queue size = 8, and threads = 1
SEQ1M (Q1T1) – Sequential access (1MB)
with I/O queue size = 1, and threads = 1
RND4K (Q32T16) – Random access (4KB) with
I/O queue size = 32, and threads = 16
RND4K (Q1T1) – Random access (4KB) with
I/O queue size = 1, and threads = 1

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