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holidays and
3rd Of March
(The day of Bulgaria's
The 3rd of march is a
national holiday since
the year 1990.
On 3rd of march 1878 y.
is signed the Sanstefan
contract, which puts an
end to the Russian-
Тurkish war from 1877-
1878 y. The war which
is the tenth in the
series of Russian-
Turkish wars, is called
Liberating, since it
leads to the release of
part of the bulgarians
First November
(Day of the national
Day of the
buditels is an
official Bulgarian
holiday, which is
every year on
November 1st.
It honors the
memory of
Buditel- An activist from the Bulgarianenlightenment
Revival era who worked for
enlightenment and national self-awareness and
of the Bulgarian
Kuker Day
One of the most
interesting winter
holidays, preserved from
the antiquity, is the
carnival, Kukeri. This
holiday, such as many
others, bears remnants of
pagan time, which
christianity, despite it’s
many attempts, failed to
erase. The origin of the
carnival is from the old
celebration in honor of
By tradition, the kukers
the Thracian god
always wear a mask with
fur coat.
The games aim to scare
away the evil spirits.
Name Day

The ,,name day’’ is a personal holiday. It is not

celebrated only
in Bulgaria, but is a tradition here, since the
name days come
from important individuals’ names from bulgаrian
According to the tradition, guests are supposed
to come uninvited and the person who has the
celebrated name is supposed
to be prepared to treat everyone. Today people
prefer to invite
their guests at home or at a bar or restaurant.
The celebrations are similar to those of
birthdays, but usually
the food, music and feel is somewhat more
and sometimes religious.
January: Februar July: August:
Vasiliov day- y:
Trifonov day- Saint Vrach-1/7 Big
1/1 1/2 Vladimir day- Bogoroditsa-
Iordanov day- Plamena, 15/7 15/8
2/1 Ognian- 5/2 Ilinday-20/7 Adrian day-
Ivanov day-7/1 Saint Valentin- Marin, Marina 26/8
Antonov day- 14/2 day-17/7 Alexander
21/1 day-
March: April: Septemb October:
Grandma Lazarov day-
Simeonov day- Saint Toma-6/10
Marta-1/3 11/4 1/9 Avram day-9/10
Todorov day- Flower day- Kristov day- Zlatin day-18/10
7/3 12/4 14/9 Dimitrov day-
Galiov day- Tomina Faith, Hope, 26/10
10/3 Sunday-26/4 Love day-17/9 Luchezar day-
Iakov day-21/3 28/10
May: June: November December:
Boris day-2/5 Valery day-7/6 :
Archangelov Savin day- 2/12
Irin, Irena day- Emanuil day- day- 8/11 Nickul day- 6/12
5/5 17/6 Saint Mina- Danail day-
George day-6/5 Eniov day- 11/11 17/12
Saints Kiril and 24/6 Fillip day- David, Iosif-
Metodii-11/5 Petrov day- 14/11 26/12
Spasov day- 29/6 Andreev day- Stefanov day-
30/11 27/12
Baba Marta Day
Baba Marta Day is a holiday
celebrated in Bulgaria, on the
1st of March. Martenitsas,
usually in the form of a wrist band,
small yarn dolls, or tassels, are
created by combining red and
white colored threads and are
worn on that day and
throughout March.

They are worn until a stork or a

swallow is seen,
symbolizing the coming of spring,
warmer weather, and well
being. Once the stork or a
swallow appears the Martenitsa
Lazarus Day
Lazarus Day is a Christian holiday named after St. Lazar. The
name Lazar is a symbol of health and longevity. Lazarus Day is
celebrated on the eighth day before Easter. Because Easter is
determined by the lunar calendar, not the solar calendar, Lazarus
Day falls on a different date each year,but always on a Saturday.
The young women, called "lazars", pick flowers for the
wreaths that they will weave for Palm Sunday (the next day).
They go around the houses of the village, sing ritual Lazarus
songs and bless for health, happiness and prosperity.
The Unification of Bulgaria

Оn September 6th , all of Bulgaria traditionally

celebrates the
unification of the Principality of Bulgaria and
Eastern Rumelia.
It took place in the autumn of 1885 and was
coordinated by
the Bulgarian Secret Central Revolutionary
The unification took place after riots in various
of Eastern Rumelia, followed by a military coup on
September 6,
1885, supported by the Bulgarian Prince Alexander
Independent Bulgaria
Bulgaria's independence was proclaimed on
September 22, 1908 in Tarnovo. With this act
the Bulgarian state rejected its political and
financial dependence on the Ottoman Empire,
imposed on it by the great European states with
the Berlin Treaty, and the
Bulgarian prince accepted the title "king".

The Independent
Kingdom of Bulgaria
was recognized by the
King Great Powers in the
Saint Nicholas Day

St. Nicholas Day is

celebrated on
December 6th . Each
year hundreds of
Sofians visit this
small chapel to be
blessed by the
saints. It is dedicated
to St. Nicholas
Mirlikiiski, who
is revered as a
deliverer of captives
and patron saint of
sailors, travelers,
merchants and
May 24th Day
May 24th Day of
education and culture
and of
the Slavic script. St.
baptized the Cyrillic
of his late brother Kiril.

Epiphany is one of
the most
ancient Christian
The celebration is
January 6 dedicated
to the
birth of Jesus Christ.
The Feast of the
is a day when
wants to be healthy
Flower day

On this day, the Christian church appeared to Jesus Christ

in Jerusalem in the days before the Jewish Passover.
Make sure that the New Testament Gospels Christ arrives
in the city riding a donkey, and at the top meet him
by spreading your clothes and olive branches in front
of him.
On this day, prayer is
heard in the church and
willow twigs are
blessed. They are
handed out on top and
all the gigs to your
home for health.
Decorate the gates with
willow twigs and weave
a wreath of the willow
lit in the church. The
willow branches
Saint George's Day

Saint George's Day, also

know as the Feast of Saint
George, is the feast day
of Saint George as
celebrated by various
Christian Churches and by
the several nations,
kingdoms, countries and
cities of which Saint
George is the patron
saint including Bulgaria.
It has been declared an
official holiday in Bulgaria.
Its celebrated on
the 6th of May. And
its also known as The
Day of Courage and
the Bulgarian Army.
Bulgarian tradition

In the morning of Saint George's Day, people pick lots of

fresh green plants and herbs and they place them in the childrens
rooms, make wreaths and put them on the
animals. The women also make wreaths out of herbs
and wear them for the rest of the day. The most typical
dish for St. George's Day is lamb meat.
,,Zimna Bogorodica ‘’

It’s a Slavic holiday,

celebratated om the
of February. Its
in a cycle of three
consecutive days,
Trifunci. On the 1st of
February they
Trifon Zarezan, on 2nd

Zimna Bogorodica
Bulgarian tradition

Its belived, that on this

people must not go to
work, for the children
stay healthy. And
of that, the mother
touch anything sharp,
knifes, needles or cut
trees with an axe.
In Southern Bulgaria

Survakane is a Bulgarian custom used to wish a

prosperous new year.
Survakane is a tradition performed with a
decorated stick,
known as survachka, on New Year's Day, as a
measure for
health during the year. It features a poem, which
kids say while
lightly hitting the adults and elders in the house
for health.
The survaknitsa or survachka is a curled branch of
a cornel tree,
usually decorated with coins, popcorn, dried fruits,
small bagels,
ribbons, and threads, although different
decorations are used
International Workers' Day

International Workers' Day,

is a celebration of labourers
and the working classes that
promoted by the
labour movement and occurs
every year on the 1st of May.
The first attempt
to celebrate it was in 1890
the Bulgarian Typographical
In 1939, Labour Day
was declared an official
the attention!
Made from:
IX ,,J’’ class

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