Health and Wellness & Sports

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Health and Wellness
Health is about the whole state of a person,
it includes the mental, physical, and social
aspects of a healthy wellbeing. Health is
what we depend ourselves as we
continually to develop and grow whether
physical or our social wellbeing.
Sports help people to achieve their physically fit
body because playing sports also burns fats
easily because they tend to move frequently in
playing games. At the same, the muscles
around the body move around and stretch,
that’s why it contributes to having a big and
healthy physical built. Playing sports are a good
way of maintaining the weight of the body, but
at the same time, playing sports or games are
really enjoyable.
Relation to
Health and
We live in an age in which the power of science
becomes evident every day. A better quality of life,
the advancements in medicine and public health
have doubtlessly contributed to an increase in the
life expectancy. As we all can take note, science
has really played a big part in every people since it
provides greater advancement that can be used
through our lives. It makes our lives easier, that’s
why we have longer life than ever.
Relation to
One thing that we have discovered is that by
moving and exercising, we can improve our health
since the physical state of a person moves
continually and as people do exercises, the
internal state wellbeing of a person develops
because of the blood circulation that happens
whenever people move around.
in Health:
Robot Surgery
Is used in minimally invasive procedures and helps
to aid in precision, control and flexibility. During
robotic surgery, surgeons can perform very
complex procedures that are otherwise either
highly difficult or impossible.
Telehealth Tools
Bi-directional video feed, cameras, TVs and
wireless infrastructure are some of the elements
hospitals are adopting to remain competitive in the
telehealth realm. The biggest advantage hospitals
will gain from telehealth technologies.
Ultrasound imaging
uses high-frequency sound waves to view inside
the body. Because ultrasound images are captured
in real-time, they can also show movement of the
body's internal organs as well as blood flowing
through the blood vessels.
Health wearables
People today use their phone to track everything
from their steps, physical fitness and heartbeat, to
their sleeping patterns. The advacement of these
wearable technologies is in conjunction with rising
chronic diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular
disease, and aim to combat these by helping
patients to monitor and improve their fitness.
Artificial Organs
Scientist have been able to create blood vessels,
synthetic ovaries and even a pancreas. These
artificial organs then grow within the patient’s body
to replace original faulty one. The ability to supply
artificial organs that are not rejected by the body’s
immune system could be revolutionary, saving
millions of patients that depend on life-saving
transplants every year.
in Sports:
Wearable Athletic Devices
a wearable computer, also known as a wearable or
body-borne computer, is a small computing device
worn on the body. Wearable sports technologies
are being used to monitor athletic training, in-game
performance, and recovery after an injury.
Instant Replay
is an example of the remarkable technology being
used in sports today. With this technology, officials
are able to see exactly what happened, providing a
second perspective on sports events. Instant
replay is used in games like cricket, American
football, rugby, soccer, and even in combat sports.
• Radio-frequency identification
Chips (RFID)
are often used to time individual contestants in an
event. The devices use antennas that relay
wireless signals. RFID chips are often used in long
distance races to help broadcasters and viewers
track the exact locations of contestants during a
Hawk-eye Technology
Hawk-eye is the name of a computer and camera
system which traces a ball's trajectory. It is being
used in international cricket and tennis, and many
other sports are also looking at making use of this
Ingestible Thermometer Pills
It will help to minimize death from heat exhaustion
which is the second most common reason for
athlete fatalities. When you swallow a pill, it moves
around the gastrointestinal tract and transmits vital
information of the body to medical personnel. So if
there is any problem in your body, it can be solved
before any accident.
Health & wellness
and Sports
Through the help of science and technology,
people were able to discover new medicines that
can treat certain diseases. As the society becomes
knowledgeable of new discoveries, we can easily
prevent sickness and diseases, and science also
gives advices the society some things that are not
good for health.
Being healthy and fit can affect the lives of those
who live in the same community since being
healthy means you belong in a healthy community
where there are no threats of becoming unhealthy.
When the people are healthy and physically fit, the
economy rises up since they are physically fit
which means they can work effectively and
productively. They can easily do work and finish
the requirements and deadlines they have. Work
may vary from physical work or they have to deal
with works that require more mental capacity.
Hospitals are more advanced and can easily
accommodate patients by the help of new
technologies. Sports venues are more technical
and technologies are helpful to game.

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