Concept Sketching and Package Sketching 1

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Concept sketching and package sketching

.It is ideas are being looked for, not refined design. The
sketches produce will be loose and fairly
.Accuracy at this early stage is not a prime requirement,
a basic concept is.
.Mackim explains that when sketching the designer will
sketch only what is of interest and will leave out what
which is already understood or irrelevant.
.The business of getting mental images down on paper is
referred to as “IDEATION” and quite a great deal has
been written about this, and involves a cycle of seeing,
imagining and drawing.
Full size tape drawing

The sketch or sketches of the chosen design are place

on a display board, a length of the tape will be place
along the grown line as shown on the package. This
will give a visual base to the rest of drawing.
Only line is visible at this stage there is no
representation of form or section.
Shadows and mock perspective via blacking out, a
portion of the side window area given an impression of
solidity and being a true side elevation. Tyres may be
blocked in using wide tape paper or card and could be
illustrate or photograph of actual weels.
Clay modelling

. The clay modelling is the most time consuming part of the

studio operation is the physical creation of the models.
.The clay that is used is almost exclusively confined to the car
styling business. And was first used by harly earl.
.The clay consists of sulphur, red-earth, various other filler
powders, lanolin oil, antiseptic and buffering agents protect
the skin of the users. And is a reddish mid-brown in colour,
though newer grey varieties are becoming more popular.
.When warm it has the consistency of soft ‘plasticene’, but
soon cools and hardens to a consistency where it can be
carved with a variety of sculpting tools.
Claying up armature to hardpoints
They will begin to cover the armature with clay just
about the time when the stylists are finalizing the tape
Wooden pegs will be driven in at all of the critical
clearance points to ensure that these points are not
infringed. The screen and side glass planes will also be
put in according to the package information.
Alternatively, an electronic mill can convert the tape
drawing coordinates directly into a 3D shape via the
‘ten lines’ these coordinates can also be used by the
engineering team.
Clay model being dinoe 'd
2D systems
. Art limited in composition to the dimensions of depth
and height is called 2D art. This includes paintings,
drawings and photographs and excludes three-
dimensional forms such as sculpture and architecture.
Media used to create 2D art may include anything
that can make a mark on a flat surface.
3d system
It uses proprietary processes to fabricate physical
objects using input from computer-aided design and
manufacturing software, or 3D scanning
and 3Dsculpting devices.
3D Systems brought the innovation of 3D printing to
the manufacturing industry. ... Today, as the leading
additive manufacturing solutions company, it
empowers manufacturers to create products and
business models never before possible through

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