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Artificial Intelligence

and Agent Technology

Lecture 9
Breadth-First Search

1. Create a variable called NODE-LIST and set

it to the initial state
2. Until a goal state is found or NODE-LIST is
a. Remove the first element from NODE-LIST and
call it E. If NODE-LIST was empty, quit
b. For each way that each rule can match the state
described in E do:
i. Apply the rule to generate a new state
ii. If the new state is a goal state, quit and return this
iii. Otherwise, add the new state to the end of NODE-LIST
Depth-First Search
 Algorithm:
1. If the initial state is a goal state, quit and
return success
2. Otherwise, do the following until success
or failure is signaled:
a. Generate a successor, E, of the initial state.
If there are no more successors, signal failure
b. Call Depth-First Search with E as the initial
c. If success is returned, signal success.
Otherwise continue in this loop
Advantages of Depth-First Search
◦ It requires less memory since only the
nodes on the current path are stored
◦ It may find a solution without examining
much of the search space at all
Advantages of Breadth-First Search
◦ It will not get trapped exploring a blind alley
◦ If there is a solution, then it is guaranteed to
find it
◦ If multiple solutions exist, then a minimal
solution will be found
The Traveling Salesman
Combinatorial Explosion
We need a new control strategy
Branch-and bound technique
Give up exploring any path as
soon as its partial length
becomes greater than the
shortest path found so far
Heuristic Search
Heuristic comes from the Greek
word heuriskein, meaning “to
A heuristic is a technique that
improves the efficiency of a
search process, possibly by
sacrificing claims of
Heuristics are like tour guides
Two major ways in which domain-
specific heuristic knowledge can
be incorporated into a rule-based
search procedure:
In the rules themselves
As a heuristic function that
evaluates individual problem
states and determines how
desirable they are
Heuristic Function
A heuristic function is a function
that maps from problem state
descriptions to measures of
desirability, usually represented
as numbers
Well-designed heuristic functions
can play an important part in
efficiently guiding a search
process towards a solution
Some Heuristic Functions
◦ The material advantage of our side
over the opponent
Traveling Salesman
◦ The sum of the distances so far
◦ Score 1 for each row in which we could
win and in which we already have one
marking plus 2 for each such row in
which we have two markings
Problem Characteristics
Heuristic search is a very general
method applicable to a large
class of problems
How to choose the most
appropriate method for a
particular problem?
Analyze the problem along several
key dimensions:
1. Is the problem decomposable into
a set of independent smaller or
easier sub problems?
2. Can solution steps be ignored or at
least undone if they prove unwise?
3. It the problem’s universe
4. Is a good solution to the
problem obvious without
comparison to all other possible
5. Is the desired solution a state of
the world or a path to a state?
6. Is the large amount of
knowledge absolutely required
to solve the problem, or is
knowledge important only to
constrain the search?
7. Can a computer that is simply
given the problem return the
solution, or will the solution of
the problem require interaction
between the computer and the
Is the Problem
Can Solution Steps be Ignored or
3 important classes of problems:
Ignorable – in which solution steps
can be ignored
◦ Ex. Theorem Proving
Recoverable – in which solution steps
can be undone
◦ Ex. 8-Puzzle
Irrecoverable– in which solution
steps cannot be undone
◦ Ex. Chess
Is the Universe
Planning process possible or not?
Ex. 8-Puzzle – possible (certain
Bridge (a cards game) – not
possible (uncertain outcome)
Is a Good Solution Absolute or
Any-path or best-path problem?
Is the Solution a State or a
Natural language understanding
Water jug problem
What is the Role of
Newspaper Story
Does the Task Require
Interaction with Person?
Solitary or Conversational?
Production System
Production systems are a good
way to describe the operations
that can be performed in a search
for a solution to a problem
1. Can production systems, like
problems, be described by a set
of characteristics that shed
some light on how they can
easily be implemented?
2. If so, what relationships are
there between problem types
and the types of production
systems best suited to solving
the problems?
Classes of Production
Monotonic production system
Nonmonotonic production system
Partially commutative production
Commutative production system
Monotonic Production System
Itis a production system in which
the application of a rule never
prevents the later application of
another rule that could also have
been applied at the time the first
rule was selected
Nonmonotonic Production
Itis a production system in which
the application of a rule prevents
the later application of another
rule that could also have been
applied at the time the first rule
was selected
Partially Commutative
Production System
Itis a production system with the
property that if the application of
a particular sequence of rules
transforms state x into state y,
then any permutation of those
rules that is allowable also
transforms state x into state y
Commutative Production System
Itis a production system that is
both monotonic and partially
Relationship between Classes of
Production Systems and Classes of
For any solvable problems, there
exist infinite number of
production systems and classes
of problems
Some will be more natural or
efficient than others
Four Categories
of Production System

Monotonic Nonmonotonic
Partially Theorem Proving Robot navigation
Not partially Chemical synthesis Bridge
Issues in the Design of Search
The direction in which to conduct
the search
◦ Forward
◦ Backward
How to select applicable rules
How to represent each node of
the search process?
Search trees versus search
Check Duplicate Nodes
Additional Problems
The Missionaries and Cannibals
◦ Start (2M, 2C, Right Bank)
◦ Goal (2M, 2C, Left Bank)
1. Move 2 cannibals to the
2. Move 1 cannibal back to the
3. Move 2 cannibals to the
4. Move 1 cannibal back to the
5. Move 2 missionaries to the
6. Move 1 missionary and 1
cannibal back to the right:
7. Move 2 missionaries to the
8. Move 1 cannibal back to the
9. Move 2 cannibals to the
10. Move 1 cannibal back to the
11. Move 2 cannibals to
the left:
The Tower of Hanoi
The Monkey and Bananas

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