Capstone Presentation

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Scale model
• Our group consists of three highly achieving male
students who have worked to create a product that
solves a unique problem with an idea that is outside
of the box.
Idea Generation

 Problem Statement – Not

having a supply of clean water
for drinking and showering
while participating in different
outdoor activities.

 All three of us have participated

in outdoor activities where we
have wanted a supply of water
for drinking or showering. We
saw this as a solvable problem
that related to us.
Research and
 To prove that we found a problem  worth
solving, we conducted a Worcester County
survey consisting of 261 people
 59% of respondents claimed they
experienced a shortage of
drinking/bathing water while
participating in outdoor activities
 Of this 59%, most people claimed they
would pay for a product like this
 The only other product on the market is
expensive, costing over $400
 Our product will cost $150, making it
way more affordable for consumers
 To come up with this price, we
researched material costs, which were
fairly cheap. We also took labor costs
and the profit we wanted to make into
Planning, construction, and testing
Our original plan was to create
our product, the design to the
right, out of PVC pipe but after
Coronavirus we created a scale
Our scale model has the same
design as our original design
except it is created out of
household materials. 

Our model was very easy to assemble with household materials and we
didn't have to change anything after the original build. 
If we were to test our actual product, we would have tested the shower
time as well as the water temperature after being out in the sun. 
Market Pitch 

 Product Description
 Our product is better than
other products for many
 Target consumers are
people who participate in
outdoor activities. 
 Our product will be priced
at $150, hundreds less
than any similar products.

From completing this project, we

learned there is a lot more to Our mentor, Earl Gwin, is a civil
developing a product than we engineer as well as a participant in
originally thought. There is much many outdoor activities. He goes to
more planning that goes into it than different music festivals as well as
we expected, and it is more difficult driving on the beach and camping. He
than just putting it together. We were has heard of this idea before and
also unaware of the research we had helped answer any questions we had
to do on the existing patents, the as well as solve any problems that we
engineering principles, and testing of had creating our product. 
our project. 

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