Department of Social Welfare, Seoul National University

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Department of Social Welfare, Seoul National University.

A Paper submitted ISCI International Conference, November 4-5, 2009 1


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È e rate of low birt weigt increased about
60% from 2.56% in 1993 to 4.13% in 2004
in Korea
È ere as been little empirical researc
on causes for suc a trend in Korea
È Previous literatures in Korea, wit exceptions
of Son(2004) and Lee & Hong(2003), ave
focused on medical factors in understanding
te causes of low birt weigt
È Son(2004) and Lee & Hong (2003) sowed low birt
weigt is not only a medical concern but also a social
problem related to socioeconomic factors in Korea.
È ut, tose study relied on cross-sectional, aggregate-
level data.
È Suc a strategy is limited in teir ability to identify te
independent effects of various demograpic and
socioeconomic factors on low birt weigt.
È Aggregate-level analyses often fail to disentangle te
data into its components, and cross-sectional data are
also limited in identifying time order of events of
È e primary purpose of our study is to:
± examine te effects of family poverty on low birt
weigt using individual-level data
± from a longitudinal survey
± based on nationally representative sample in Korea

È we also aim to examine wat factors mediate

te effects of poverty on low birt weigt.

ÄÄ   |   
È WHO uses low birt weigt rate as a primary
indicator of public ealt

È WHO specifies low birt weigt as weigt at

birt less tan 2.5 kg.
± e definition is based on a study result tat
sowed te risk of infant deat is 20 times greater
for babies born wit weigt less tan 2.5 kg
compared to tose wit birt weigt 2.5 kg or iger

Consequences of LW

È Low birt weigt is known to be associated

wit infant deat, retarded growt,
cognitive development, and scool
acievement of a cild. It is also
associated wit risk of cronic disease at
later life
È ese consequences ave a lasting impact
on individual¶s outcomes, net of
socioeconomic conditions
|isk Factors of LW

È ost studies sow tat low socioeconomic

status is associated wit increased risk of
low birt weigt
È is association persists across various
measures of socioeconomic status,
including occupation of te moter and/or
fater, income, and education

Patway of te Poverty Effects

È Low income can result in economic deprivation

suc as inadequate nutrition, ousing, and
access to ealt services.
È ental ealt problem suc as depression
associated wit low socioeconomic status can be
a patway.
È Unealty beaviors found more in te low
income population can increase te risk of low
birt weigt birts among low income moters.


1. Data
È Korea Welfare Panel Data from 2006 to 2008
È We pulled 3 years wort of data on new born
cildren of 2006 and 2007 and teir moter¶s
caracteristics during te pregnancy period
from 2005 and 2006.

2. Variables
È Low birt weigt: weigt at birt less tan 2.5 kg
È Family poverty: below 60 percents of median income
È Control Variables: moter¶s age, birt order,
education, employment status, moter¶s self-
reported cildood poverty status
È e mediating factors of poverty
ë e economic deprivation
ë oter¶s depression
ë Smoking
ë Drinking
3. Analysis etod

È to examine te effects of poverty on low birt

weigt wile controlling for oter socioeconomic
factors and moter¶s beavioral caracteristics
Logit analysis

È to examine te mediating factors

Ci-Square metod: to examine weter

te distribution of experiences of economic
deprivation, depression, smoking, and drinking
are different across poverty status
aron & Kenny (1986) metod: to test if
tey are mediating factors

1. Caracteristics of te Study Population
å able 1 e Socio-demograpic Caracteristics of te Subjects: 2006-07 newborns


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2. ivariate Analysis |esults

< able 2> e rate of low birt weigt by ouseold income

Houseold Income
Poverty 16.66%
Non Poverty 4.27% <0.05
otal 5.91%

È Source: Korea Welfare Panel Data from 2006 to 2008

È ð " 
< able 3> Economic deprivation, oter¶s depression, oters¶
smoking and oter¶s drinking by Houseold income


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Source: Korea Welfare Panel Data from 2006 to 2008

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3. ultivariate analysis results o oo ooo 


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<Figure 1>ediation effect of depression
between poverty and low birt weigt
R  =.043 RK =.301
Poverty P<.05 Depression P<..05 Low irt Weigt

R =.131

R =.117

R is lower tan R ã and still significant.

So Depression as a partial mediation effect
1) Controlling for oter sociodemograpic variables
family poverty is a strong predictor of a low birt
weigt birt

2) oter¶s depression partially mediates te

effect of poverty on low birt weigt

È We did not find maternal age at birt being a
significant risk factor for low birt weigt in our
È irt order is a significant risk factor for low birt
È No effects of moter¶s education, employment
status, moter¶s cildood poverty, smoking, and
drinking on te likeliood of low birt weigt
birts in our multivariate models


1)ore prevention-based prenatal services are

needed for low income pregnant women in Korea

2)Various support services to prevent depression by

increasing moter¶s self esteem and social support
migt be effective program tool to reduce low birt
weigt birts in Korea

3)y not including all related variables, tere is always

a possibility of model misspecification

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