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Ancient Greek

The main Greek playwrights.

   Aeschylus.
 Sophocles
 Euripides
 Aristophanes
Which came first?

 Aeschylus was the first playwright to appear in ancient

Greece, he was born in 525 BC , he was a strong fighter
against the Persians, he started writing his plays in 498,
but his first successful play was in 458 BC, and he wrote
around 89 plays that added plenty of things like rich
customs, foot wear called decorated corotheni, solemn
dances and the starting of machinery in theatre was on his
hand, some of his plays are The Persians, The suppliants.

 Sophocles was born in 496 BC, he was a successful plawright that made his first
play in 468 BC which was a strong entry for him in drama, he won his first prize
and overcome Aeschylus, some consider him the greatest playwright, and he
wrote 123 plays in total, which added things to drama like a third actor, and
focusing on the plot not on the chorus and the musical part, some of his plays are
Ajax, Antigone.

 Euripides is the youngest of all three he was born in 480s BC, his first play was in
455 BC, 4 out of 21 plays won, the majority of his plays was comedy, he did not
have a successful life, he had an unsuccessful marriage, what he added to drama is
the changing of myths and elements, and some of his plays are: medea, electra.

 He is the most famous one of all 4 playwrights, he was born in

440s BC, plenty of his pays was written in the Peloponnesian war,
his first play was in  427 BC and he has written 44 comedies in
total, that added rhythmic poetry to drama and he made fun of
politicians, some of his plays are: The clouds, the frogs.

 “Aeschylus.” Gale Contextual Encyclopedia of World Literature,, 24 Apr. 2020,
 “Ancient Greece.” Ducksters Educational Site,
 Cartwright, Mark. “Aristophanes.” Ancient History Encyclopedia,
Ancient History Encyclopedia, 21 Apr. 2020,
 Taplin, Oliver, and Thomas M. Woodard. “Sophocles.” Encyclopædia
Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 6 Feb. 2020,
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