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Introduction to technology for

teaching and learning

Janelle Mae Agustin

Rhea Mae Alvior
Jay Mark Anselmo
Intended learning outcomes.
At the end of this report, the students would be able to:

 Identify the competency standards of ICT for teaching-learning in pre-service

teacher education.
 Unpack the basic concepts of ICT to provide the common understanding for
teachers and learners.
 Value the use of ICT in the teaching and learning processes.
Refers to a mix of process and product
used in the application of knowledge. It
includes tools from pencil and paper to the
latest electronic gadgets and tools for
practical tasks.
Information and communication

the use of digital technology ,

communication tools and/or networks to
access, manage, integrate, evaluate, create,
and communicate information in order to
function in a knowledge society.
Educational Technology
refers to the use of technology in teaching
and learning. Educational technology
includes both the non digital and digital.
Technology, media and learning

Is any type of learning that is accompanied by

technology or by instructional practice that
makes effective use of technology. It
encompasses the application of a wide spectrum
of practices which included blended or virtual
learning . It can come as online or offline which
utilizes digital technology.
Instructional system and
instructional technology

Is the theory and practice of design ,

development, utilization, management and
evaluation of the processes and resources for
Technology tool

Is an instrument used for doing

work. It can be anything that help
you to accomplish your goal with the
use of technology.
These technology tools can be classified as:

A. Data or calculation tools.

B. Design Tools.
C. Discussion Tools. D. Email tools.

E. Handheld devices.
Importance of technology

To create a new and innovative practical syllabus, improve the

security of students, student’s data management and analysis and
performance reporting and teacher training programs.

Classroom technologies help students and teachers in the process

of receiving and giving education systematically. Technology helps in
facilitating the syllabus, acquisition of knowledge and skills.
Educators and Learners around the world can connect with each other
on various internet platforms. For such benefits, its important to use
technology in education.
ICT Competency standards for
Philippine pre-service teacher education

The ICT Competency Standards is made up of seven

domains. Each domain has a set of competencies. The
competencies are expressed in desired learning outcomes.
Becoming proficient in the different competencies will
enable you to handle learners of the 21’st century in your
future classroom.
Domain 1: Understanding ICT ion Education
1.1 Demonstrating awareness of policies affecting ICT in education
1.2 Comply with ICT policies as they affect teaching-learning
1.3 Contextualize ICT Policies to the learning environment
Domain 2 : Curriculum and Assessment
2.1 Demonstrate Understanding of concepts, principles and theories of ICT system as they apply to
2.2 Evaluate digital and non digital learning resources in response to student’s diverse needs.
2.3 Develop digital learning resources to enhance teaching-learning
2.4 Use ICT tools to develop 21st century skills.
Domain 3 : Pedagogy
3.1 Apply relevant technology tools for classroom activities
3.2 Use ICT knowledge to solve complex problems and support student collaborative activities.
3.3 Model collaborative knowledge construction in face to face and virtual environments
Domain 4: Technology Tools

4.1 Demonstrate competence in the technical operations of technology tools and systems as they apply to teaching
and learning
4.2 use technology tools to create new learning opportunities to support community of learners
4.3 Demonstrate proficiency in the use of technology tools to support teaching and learning
Domain 5: Organization and Administration
5.1 Manage technology assisted instruction in an inclusive classroom environment
5.2 Exhibit leadership in shared decision-making using technology tools
Domain 6: Teacher Professional Learning
6.1 Explore existing and emerging technology to acquire additional content and pedagogical knowledge.

6.2 Utilize technology tools in creating communities of practice

6.3 Collaborate with peers, colleagues and stakeholders to access information in support of professional learning

Domain 7: Teacher Disposition

7.1 Demonstrate social, ethical, and legal responsibility in the use of technology tools and resources

7.2 Show positive attitude towards the use of technology tools

ISTE National educational technology
standards for teachers (NETS*t)

An international organization for education technology

called International Society for Technology in Education
(ISTE), established standards for both teachers and
students. These standards were also referred to in the
development of the Philippine ICT Competency standards
which include the following:
Standard 1: Technology Operations and Concepts
This means that teachers demonstrate a sound
understanding of technology operations and concepts.
Standard 2: Planning and Designing Learning Environment
and Experiences
This standard implies that teachers utilize the use of
technology to plan and design effective learning environments
and experiences.
Standard 3: Teaching, Learning and Curriculum
Teachers should be mindful that in the implementation of
curriculum plan,they have to include strategies for applying
technology to maximize student learning.
Standard4: Assessment and Evaluation
Teachers apply technology to facilitate a variety of effective
assessment and evaluation strategies to collect and analyze data,
interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional
practice and maximize student learning.
Standard 5: Productivity and Professional Practice
Teachers use technology to engage in on-going Professional
development and lifelong learning in support of student learning,
increase productivity and to build community of learners.
Standard 6: Social, Ethical, Legal and Human Issues
Teachers understand the social, ethical, legal and human
issues surrounding the use of technology in support of student
learning who come from diverse background, affirm diversity,
promote safe and healthy use of technology resources and
facilitate access to technology resources for all students.
ISTE National Educational Technology
Standards For Students (NETS*S)

From how technology teachers facilitate learners,

outcomes of student’s learning,
should indicate that the following standards have been
complied with.
Standard I: Creativity and Innovation
This standard will produce students who demonstrate creative
thinking construct knowledge, develop innovative products and
processes using technology from existing knowledge.

Standard 2: Communication and Collaboration

This standard requires students to use digital media and
environments to communicate and work collaboratively to support
individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. This
includes the use of variety of media and formats for global awareness
with learners from other cultures.
Standard 3: Research and Information Fluency
Students are expected to apply digital tools to gather, evaluate and
use information and plan strategies for inquiry. This standard expects
student to locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize and ethically
use information from a variety of sources and media.

Standard 4: Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving and Decision

This standard expects the students to use critical thinking skils to
plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems and
make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools.
Standard 5: Digital Citizenship
Is required by this standard that every technology student
becomes a digital citizen who demonstrates ethical and legal
behavior, exemplified by the practice of safe, legal and responsible
use of information. Further the student exhibits positive attitude
towards the support of technology for collaboration, learning and
productivity as a digital citizen.
Standard 6: Technology Operations and Concepts
Sound understanding of technology concepts, systems and
operation is a standard that students should comply with. They too,
are expected to further transfer current knowledge to learning of new

Together with the teacher, technology can support the

teacher to teach another person or technology when
programmed bythe teacher can be a tutor on its own. The
teacher will simply switch on or switch off radio
programs, television programs or play DVDs, or CDs that
contain educational programs. There are on-line tutorial
educational programs, too.

Like a tutor, technology is a teaching tool,

but can never replace a teacher. This is like the handyman,
which is just there to be reached. Like any othier tool, it is
being used to facilitate and
lighten the work of the teacher. It will be good if the
teacher can also create or develop technology tools that
are needed in the classroom.

While the teacher utilizes technology as the

tool for teaching, likewise it is an effective tool for
leaning. As a learning tool, it makes learning easy and
effective. It can produce learning outcomes
that call for technology-assisted teaching. Even the
teachers who are teaching can utilize similar tools for
learning. As a learning tool, it is very interesting that even
the elderly use these tools for learning for life.

1.Technology provides enormous support to the teacher as the facilitator of

2.Technology has modernized the teaching-learning environment.
3.Technology improves teaching-learning process and ways of teaching.
4.Technology opens new fields in educational researches.
5.Technology adds to the competence of teachers and inculcates scientific
6. Technology supports teacher professional development.

1.Support learners to learn how to learn on their own.

a. Declarative Knowledge
b. Structural Knowledge
c. Procedural Knowledge
2. Technology enhances learner’s communication skills
through social interactions.
Three Basic Communication Patterns

a. Point to point two-way or one-to-one like Internet chat,

phone conversation or even face-to-face conversation.
b. One-to-many outbound like a lecture or television. There
is no social interaction.
c. Many-to many like group discussion, buzz session,
heads together. This kind of interaction provides
opportunities for social interaction.
Benefits Derived from Technology-
Supported Communication

a. Enables any teacher to guide the learners virtually and

making learning unlimited because communication and
social interaction go beyond a school day or a school
b. Enhances students’ freedom to express and exchange
ideas freely without the snooping eyes of the teacher
face to face.
c. Enables learners to construct meaning from joint
experiences between the two or more participants
in communication.

d. Help learners solve problems from multiple

sources since there is limitless sources of
information that the teacher can direct or refer to
the learners.
e. Teaches learners to communicate with politeness,
taking turns in sending information and giving
appropriate feedback.

f. Enhances collaboration by using communication

strategies with wider community and individuals in
a borderless learning environment.

g. Develops critical thinking, problem solving and

creativity throughout the communication.
3. Technology upgrades learners’ higher-order-thinking
skills: critical thinking, problem solving and creativity

Critical thinking

Ways to develop critical thinking:

1. Ask the right questions.
2. Use critical thinking tasks with appropriate level
of challenge.

7 creative strategies:
1. Substitute
2. combine
4. modify/magnify/minify
5. put
7. reverse

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