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 Firstly, Bullying is where one person acts like they have more power than another, and does
whatever they can to hurt that person.
 Bullying is intentional, not an accident, where a bully hurts someone on purpose.
 Bullying is repetitive.


 Cyber Bullying is the harassment or bullying executed through digital devices like computers,
laptops, smartphones, and tablets.
 The platforms where cyber bullying can occur include social media, chat rooms, and gaming
platforms where people can view and participate in the sharing of content.
Types of Cyber Bullying
A cognizance of the different types of Cyber Bullying is necessary. This enables parents and young
adults to report cyber bullying and adopt measures to prevent cyber bullying. Following are some of
the common types of cyber bullying.

 Posting hurtful, nasty or humiliating rumors or comments about an individual online.

 Publishing an embarrassing or nasty photo or video.
 Creating a fake or nasty webpage about another individual.
 Issuing online threats provoking an individual to kill themselves or hurt someone else.
 Triggering religious, racial, ethnic or political vitriol online by posting hate comment or content.
 Faking an identity online to ask for or post personal or fake information about someone.
Cyber Bullying in India
With increasing availability of affordable data services and social
media presence, cyber bullying in India has witnessed an alarming
 According to research conducted by Symantec, nearly 8 out of 10
individuals are subject to the different types of cyber bullying in India.
Out of these around 63% faced online abuses and insults, and 59% were
subject to false rumors and gossips for degrading their image.

 The same study ranks India as the country facing the highest cyber
bullying in the Asia Pacific region, more than Australia and Japan.

 In Fact, 50% of women residing in prime Indian cities are victim of

online abuse, according to a survey by Feminism.
Some Horrifying Incidents of Cyber Bullying in India
In November 2017, an MBBS student in Kerala jumped to her death from the highest floor of her
college building. An examination of her Facebook profile showed her displeasure over the nasty
comments made by one of her peers. Police suspect that cyber bullying provoked her to take this
extreme step.
How to Prevent Cyber Bullying?
Tip 1 : Be Wary of your Child’s Online Activities
Tip 2 : Watch out for These Signs
• Considerable increase or decrease in your child’s usage of a mobile, laptop or tablet.
• Display of emotional responses such as sadness, anger or happiness to the activities on
their device.
• The Tendency to avoid discussion on their online activities.
• Hiding of the device screen when others are close by
• Indifference to social activities and gatherings, and outdoor activities.
• Sudden deactivation of their Social media accounts or opening of new ones.
• Becoming depressed and withdrawn.
Tip 3 : Steps to Prevent Cyber Bullying
o Observe – Notice if there is any abnormal change in the behavior or mood.
o Conversation – Gently engage in a conversation
o Record – Try to maintain a record of the online activities. Eg: Screenshots.
o Report – Immediately register a complaint with the police in case of receiving sexual or
physical threats, or an illegitimate activity or crime underway.
o Support – Victims need support and guidance from parents, peers and family members.
Anti – Cyber Bullying Laws in India
There are no special Anti-Cyber Bullying Laws in India yet. Following are some Cyber laws
though that cover some acts classified as cyber bullying in India.
 Sec. 66A IT Act, 2008 – Sending Offensive messages through communication service, etc.
 Sec. 66C IT Act, 2008 – Identity Theft
 Sec. 66D IT Act, 2008 – Cheating by personation by using the computer resource
 Sec. 66E IT Act, 2008 – Violation of privacy
 Sec. 67B IT Act, 2008 – Punishment for publishing or transmitting of material depicting
children in any sexually explicit act, etc. in electronic form
 Sec. 72 IT Act, 2008 – Breach of confidentiality and privacy
 Sec. 499 IPC – Sending defamatory messages through email.
 Sec. 500 IPC – Email abuse
 Sec. 503 IPC – Sending Threatening messages through email.
 Sec 509 IPC – Word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman.
Where to Report and Whom to Consult?
An Act of cyber bullying can be reported at the cyber crime cell of any city, regardless of the
place where the act was committed. To report cyber bullying in India, you can send your
complaint to (Helpline launched by The Ministry of Women and
Child Development)

Incognito Forensic Foundation (IFF Lab), Cyber B.A.A.P., MYADVO are some anti-cyber
bullying organizations that offers consultation and digital forensic services for cyber bullying.
Thank You.

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