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The role of the family
Tips on how to
support families with
special needs
Emotional Support
While working through the
emotions of a child is an
obvious part of education,
special needs families often
need their own emotional
Emotional Support
Dr. Willis compares the cycle of
emotions many families go through
to the Cycle of Grief and Loss: there
is shock, denial, anger, despair and
acceptance, though not always in
Emotional Support
In her words, “the birth of a child
with challenges often represents a
death of parental dreams associated
with having a baby.”
Emotional Support
The grief-cycling associated with
such loss can be difficult to
understand, especially for someone
who has never had that kind of
experience. That’s why it is
important that educators:
Emotional Support
OUnderstand their own position.
ORealize that emotions may be
OProvide a supportive environment
for parents as well as children.

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